

The snow continued to pour but slowly, the intensity of cold reduced. The air no longer had any presence of ice shards or bone-chilling wind. With the disappearance of Iceblood Flower, the land of ice and snow was slowly reverting to its original state. In a month or so, the land would turn into emerald green just like the surrounding area.

Kiba and others stood near a tree covered by a blanket of snow. Ashlyn was aloof as Baird expressed his gratitude to Kiba.

Anya didn't know how to react. When she was making out with Kiba, a part of her was worried about Baird's reaction if he ever discovered she cheated on him. She was sure he would turn insane. After all, earlier when Jane suggested Kiba should share his warmth with Anya, he was furious.

The suggestion was just for being in each other's arms without any sexual intimacy, and yet, his expression was like someone has slapped him.