
The Silent Stars

An Alien soldier made cyborg after a heroic sacrifice. Witnessing the destruction of his empire, home and race, now friend of the Human Race on a neighboring planet. Will this alien come to find the peace a soldier longs to have, or will he be haunted by remnants of his past?

Ghost_of_Ottawa · SF
3 Chs

We Are What We Are

Titanius moved around, the, ship was in rough shape. They'd likely been unconscious for a few days. There was no signs of Brescott nor Jetscott. Prescott however, had been impaled by a steel rod, likely from when the solar glass shattered. Titanius scanned him. He had a pulse, but he was weak, very weak. Titanius carried him out of the ship, sliding down the ships bridge landing in the sand.

Now in the light, the injury Prescott had wasn't horrible, but it could still kill him if untreated. Night was soon to follow, and what light he had he managed to give first aid to his friend. He managed to gather some supplies and carried Prescott into the desert, seeking help.

After hours of walking he found a cave, there he holed up, awaiting first light.

As he took watch, more memories plagued him.


"Titanius, things aren't looking great for us."


"The other Scotts, myself, our portion of the Fractured Coalition."

"How do you mean?"

"The Panel is convinced we have too much power over them. They want us to either leave or relinquish our power."

"Both decisions are foolhardy, they don't have an ounce of competence amongst them, not to mention, leaving here, would mean giving up the colony, your home that you built."


Hours had passed and the Scotts and their groups had been exiled from their home. That decision was even worse for the Scotts, they ended up fighting, Brescott, Jetscott, and Prescott were the only Scotts to stick together. The others went to war with each other, and in the end, they shot down the FCSS Democracy in the wake of their war.

-*End Flashback*-

Titanius looks back outside to see figure moving towards the cave. The are lava creatures, creating glass as they walked on the sand. He sprung into action, firing off his particle cannon, killing him. Then another one showed up, except, he was familiar.

"Don't shoot!"


"Yep, needed a disguise."

Titanius sits down as Jet examines Prescott.

"Injured by one of them?"

"The crash, we just woke up."

"Brescott wasn't far behind me. He'll be here soon."

Prescott slowly stirred and sat up.

"Easy big guy, you're hurt."

"No shit."

Jet laughs as Prescott leaned against the cave wall.

"Where are we?"

"Uncharted planet, we haven't got a clue, navigation on the Democracy is non-functional, comms are down, and we're stranded."

"Great, anymore good news?"

"Lava creature, and death storms to the east." said Brescott walking in.

"We need to get off this rock."

"Yea, in order to do that, we'd need new solar glass for the Democracy, not to mention a wiring job on the bridge controls."

Everyone sighed, they were marooned on a unknown planet, with very little in the way of luck.