
too much to accept

after celebrating with his wife, he made a visit to the orphanage and share the good news with them, then ask for permission to take John out, he feels the good luck came from him, after all this happen not too long after he started helping the boy.

everyone was happy for him, they congratulate him and accept his permission to take the boy out.

he took the boy home and explain everything to his wife, Esther felt the same thought as him and hug the boy tight, after then they took him out and have nice times together,

John does not really understand why this is connected to him but was happy with how the couple treat him.

atfer nine month Esther gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, her brown pupil was inherit from her father along with her deep dark hair from her mother's.

They named her Lillian, they dotted on her and feel the happiest watching their daughter grow up, and Austin did not forget to keep supporting John as usual, he has the means, so he took care of John as his own in the orphanage and spoil his daughter with care in his home as well.

Lilly grew up as a beautiful and strong will girl, she's use to having anything she wants by whatever means necessary, which include crying, locking herself up in her room and many other threatening ways,

being their only child, they have no choice but give her what she wants, with this she grew up stubborn and shameless thanks to her mom teaching her to always go for what she wants shamelessly.

well no one can blame her, since she grew up the same way, her stature made people look down on her, and she was able to get to where she was today with a husband that love her like there is no tomorrow all thanks to being shameless with thing she want, and going for it no matter what, she ask for thing that are ridiculous to the ear in a serious manner with a serious face.

They tried having more kids but fail, then they decide to just focus on Lillian.

Lillian was fifteen years old, she was a secondary school student, while John was twenty-two, he just finish with his college education, being a brilliant student and with the help of Austin he had everything easy for him, he had already save enough from working part time after school and moved out of the orphanage to a rented apartment, he did this because he feels Austin might make the offer if he his not quick with it.

he was always grateful to Austin for everything but still feel like he shouldn't rely on a fellow human being like him for his whole life, this thought made him work harder at his studies to get a good job and support himself without others help.

and now finally, part of his dream is achieved, he has finish with his college education, the next thing now is to look for a good job.

Austin on his own end also felt the same, what the boy need now is a good job that pays well, with this thought he sent a message to him to come to his company for work, promising to him the best treatment and good salary.

when John receive this message he was again feeling thankful to the man but decide to reject the offer, he's feeling incompetent with just taking and taking and taking from the man, now he was offered a job at one of the best company in the town without even Having to bother with interview, or other related stress,

he feels this is too much for him to accept, he wants to hunt for a job on his own and be proud about it.

so he decides to make a visit to the man house to politely reject the offer instead of telling him on phone.

it was weekend. John made his way to Austin house, after infoming him that his coming, the man was supprised cause ever since he brought him to his house about sixteen years ago to celebrate his wife pregnancy, he has never brought him again and the boy was never curious either, so he send him the address awaiting his visit.

getting there he knocked at the gate and the security man let him in on his boss order,

immediately he stepped in the building , Lillian who was studying at their balcony look up and saw the handsome young man, she swallowed her saliva while looking at him from head to toe, from his brown curly hair to his masculinity telling herself this is a perfect match she was looking at, she couldn't see his other features clearly since his far from where she is, she started arranging her books back together, telling herself this is not the time for studying book.