
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · アニメ·コミックス
282 Chs

40. Plans

The Strawhats had find out the truth about Upper Yard and Jaya. Jon and Robin still discussing some possibilities and what happen in these 4 century that make the war still happen until now. Only these 2 that have enough interest in this kind of things. Robin like history, she's an archeolog afterall. Jon just like to discover truth, and history is one part of it.

The other keep eating but then Luffy seem bored by their discussion about history. Well, to be precise, he didn't understand at all and become dizzy hearing them.

"Well, who cares about that, we need to explore this island again, there's so many places we haven't find"-Luffy

"Wait Luffy, we need to fight that Enel and his priests. We have come here and defeat two of his priests, he will not let us go"-Zoro

"Then we will beat his ass"-Luffy

"We also need to get those golds"-Nami

"Yes, Nami-san, i will get those gold for you"-Sanji

"You never get any, it's always me that find treasures"-Jon

"Huh? Want to go freak eyes?"-Sanji

"That's right, then Jon, get those golds"-Nami

"No way, Nami-san i will get more than this freak eyes"-Sanji

"Alright alright, good luck"-Nami

"Well, i think we also need those golds to prove Norland's word about gold city. Alright guys, hear me, i have some information i got from Shura"-Jon

The other hear him and he start to tell what he got before. First, he tell them about the guerilla. They're called Shandians, from Shandora. Now with Robin explanation, it's clear that they're Jaya's native people, not Sky Island. The reason for war is the same as what spread in citizens, for Upper Yard ownership.

Enel have four priests that guard four ordeals. It's ordeal of Swamp, Iron, Ball, and String. Satori is from ordeal of ball and Shura from string. They both had been defeated and now only 2 priests remain. They're Gedatsu from ordeal of swamp and Ohm from Iron.

Ohm use iron cloud dials and make traps in his ordeal using it, his ordeal survival rate is 0%. Gedatsu cover his ordeal with swamp clouds and make his enemy sink in it and they will fall to the sea below. His ordeal survival rate is 50%, it's because he's idiot and careless, make his enemy can go passed him.

Enel is a lightning logia, all his priests know this. His power amplified his mantra to cover the whole sky island. No one has ever beat him before.

"Oh no, he's a logia? Then how can we win against him? Let's go back to the sea"-Usopp

"Calm down, every power has a weakness. That's what Itachi said"-Jon

"Who's Itachi?"-Luffy

"Ah, *cough*, he's a book author don't worry about it. Anyway, lightning also have weakness, i have think about it and we can win."-Jon

"So what's his weakness?"-Zoro



"You're Enel's weakness"-Jon

"How can tha-, wait. Is it because Luffy is rubber?"-Nami

"You're right, rubber is an insulator, and lightning can't passed through. So Luffy can just fight him like normal."-Jon

"Tsk, i can also cut him"-Zoro

"No, your swords will only help his lightning to reach you."-Jon

"So what's the plan?"-Sanji

"Can't we just get the gold and go away?"-Usopp

"That's the problem, Enel has all the golds here."-Jon


"When i interogate Shura, Enel is collecting every gold in this place. I don't know if he got everything, but they had raid the Shandian's village for their golds. I don't know where they're placed because before i got more information, Enel attack us. Most likely he know that i collecting information from Shura."-Jon

"Then we just need to attack Enel and leave the priests"-Nami

"That's also good, but the problem is to go there we need to passed the ordeals. The ordeals are gates to Enel's place."-Jon

They think of strategies and the best way is moving together, but Jon remember something and tell them.

"We can't move together, Enel is targetting our ship too. Shura is ordered to destroy our ship, so we can't get out. We need someone to take out Merry from here. Also i forgot to tell you guys that i had used the flute from that old knight today."-Jon

"What? Why'd you call him? You're strong enough to fight that priest right?"-Nami

"Because they target Conis and his dad. Enel know someone must have help us in Skypiea so we know about Upper Yard and the golds. He will target Conis and his dad because they have helped us. So i call that old man and ask him to save them both."-Jon

"That's good Jon"-Luffy

"Then now we need to separate into two teams. One to attack Enel and got the gold, one to take Merry out from here."-Nami

When they discuss this, suddenly they heard a bird cry from above. They look up and Jon see with his sharingan that it's Gan Fall. Gan Fall and his bird, Pierre got down and meet the crew.

"Why're you here old man?"-Luffy

"I want to say that i have saved those two and brought them to my house. It is out from Enel's power range. Also i want to warn you that the Shandians have planned to attack Enel after hearing two priests got defeated."-Gan Fall

"Then it will be easier for us to attack Enel"-Nami

"No, the shandians will attack you too. Everybody that's not from their tribe are enemy for them. People that come to Upper Yard is enemy for them, because this is their original home."-Gan Fall

"Mr. Knight, what's the real reason of this war. It is said that you're the God before God Enel"-Robin

"It's for the ownership of Upper Yard. On the Sky Island, plants are hard to be farmed. When the Upper Yard come up from below, it brings the Fairy Vearth. We can plant our food better on vearth rather than clouds. That's why it is called holy lands. Of course the Shandians, which is the original tribe from Upper Yard will not let us have it. So it sparks war between us."-Gan Fall

Gan Fall then tell them all details about the war, Shandians, Skypieans, and everything they ask. It's more detailed than what Jon got from citizen and Shura as Gan Fall is more knowledgeable than all of them.

"Why're you telling this to us? Yo won't ask payment right?"-Nami

"No, it's my thanks for defeating two of Enel's priests."-Gan Fall

"Then old man, tell us about that Mantra you guys have"-Jon

"Well, i don't know much about it because i can't use it. But from what i know, the user can 'hear' the voices of enemy. What i mean is everyone's body make some kind of noise that could be heard with mantra. It's a technique from Shandians, so Skypieans didn't know about it."-Gan Fall

"Then why Enel and his priests can use it?"-Jon

"They most likely got it from the Shandians ruins."-Gan Fall

"Alright, thanks old man. Now let's continue our discussion."-Jo

"We can do that later, now let's party!"-Luffy

They all can't do anything and just partying like what their captain want. Jon just let go of thinking strategies and enjoy the party. Gan Fall and Pierre surprised at first seeing them partying but they got carried away too. Even some wolf smell meats and want to attack them, but they follow the crew partying instead.

After the party end, some people are sleeping already. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper got asleep while the other awake. They discuss their strategies tomorrow.

"Luffy will go to fight, that's for sure"-Nami

"He will not accept guarding ship job"-Jon

"It's better to choose the ones that will guard the ship rather than the one exploring."-Sanji

"Nami obviously must go with ship, you're navigator afterall."-Jon

"Then i will go and protect Nami-san"-Sanji

"Sure, just go away and don't come with me"-Zoro

"What'd you say mosshead? Who want to come with you?"-Sanji

They dustbrawl like usual.

"They must get separated"-Nami

"Yeah, so maybe Usopp go with you on ship. Chopper and i have guard Merry this day, so we will explore. Robin need to discover the history here so we can tell old man Cricket about it. The only one left is Usopp, and he will gladly get away from fights"-Jon

"That's good, then we will use that tomorrow."-Nami

"What about the priests and Shandians?"-Zoro

"I don't get much beside the info i give you before. So we can only be carefull and not underestimate them. The dials are still too mysterious for us. We don't know what dials they have or even if someone have devil fruit."-Jon

"You're right boy, there are some ancient dials that they may have and even i don't know their power"-Gan Fall

"So we just need to be prepared for anything. It's the usual when we fight right?"-Sanji

"Yeah, information was from the past. It will help us, but we never know what the future holds."-Jon

They all nods, if they can gather information, their enemies can do it too.

"I have placed space seal on Merry, but i don't know if it can hold Enel's full power, so bring her to a safe place."-Jon

"Of course, we need our ship afterall"-Nami

"Then i will go and patch some wood on Merry. It's damaged when we got up here and we haven't patch it up."-Jon

Jon left and go to fix some damage on Merry, while the others sleep. Zoro will guard the night and switch with Sanji later. The only ones that guard at night are Zoro, Sanji, and Jon. Jon will fix the ship, so only Zoro and that Sanji will guard tonight.

When Jon arrived, he saw Merry on top of Altar and he heard someone knocking hammer on Merry. He saw a silhouette of someone nailing a wood block on ship mast.

'Usopp? No, everyone is in camp. Who is it?'-Jon

Jon flickered on the ship and he found no one there. There are hammer, nails and woods near the mast. Jon hasn't fix Merry today, so someone has took the tools out. He had activated his sharingan since earlier and always look at that silhouette, but it just disalpeared.

"Is it ghost? I wonder how this world's ghost look like. Maybe i can record video with denden mushi and check it later if it catch a supranatural thing. It can be like paranormal activity, hehe. Ooh, i'm thrilled."-Jon

Jon then put some denden mushi around him to record videos and start his work to fix Merry. He just fix it the best that he can. He's not a shipwright, so he don't know the proper way to fix a ship.

He just use wood chips and glue to fill small holes. For big holes or broken woods, he will cut it to make it have good sides then put a match wood that shaped like the hole and nailed it. For a hole in big wood block like mast, Jon mix glue with sawdust and filled the hole before closing it with wood block outside.

He don't know if it's the right procedure, but all his work at fixing Merry so far is good. Usopp tends to fix by nailing wood blocks above the original but the inside is empty, so it's not strong enough. That's why Jon use glue mixed with sawdust to fill that empty space. It become like those synthetic wood for cheap furniture on earth and it works like putty for wood.

But if it can be replaced, Jon will replaces the wood. With Jon's work, altough Merry didn't look like new or that good, but at least his works are neat and Merry didn't look that bad. Before he join, Merry look like an injured person witb bandage everywhere. But he make it look like a scarred person now. At least she don't use bandage again now.

"There you go Merry, we really need a shipwright for you. My works, altough better than Usopp but still look like an elementary student cleaning their room, still messy."-Jon

Jon put the tool in ship storage and take his denden mushi that unknowingly had sleep, so he didn't get any video.

"Damn lazy snail, sigh. Good night Merry"-Jon