
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · アニメ·コミックス
282 Chs

179. Good Ol' Friend

Jon has kill Jack, and it's not as hard as he thought. Well, he surprised Jack and didn't give Jack a chance to fight back. Jack's durability make it harder to kill him, but that will just make he suffer longer.

"The new technique is very strong that it can pummel Jack in his mammoth form. Ancient Zoan is 2nd only to Mythical in term of physical strength & toughness. Even so, the attack can damage him badly, it give damage from inside & outside, make it very lethal."-Jon

[First kill of Billion bounty pirates.

Unlocking Achievement, you received a reward]

"Oh, long time no see. What's up, you suddenly decide to greet me?"-Jon

[Host didn't really need system assistance to grow anymore. So system will only show up if you make a remarkable feat.]

"You can always talk to me y'know. I don't know if you're alive or not, but if i am you, i'll be bored to death for not talking at all. You just gave me notification when i defeat my opponents lately."-Jon

[Host don't need to worry, system is a program that can't get bored.]

"Well, if you say so. Hmm, will i get an achievement if i kill an emperor?"-Jon


Now Jon is excited, the reward of defeating an emperor must be very good. They're one of the strongest people in this world, so the reward won't be small. Jon decide to check his reward for killing a billion bounty pirate, and he got surprised.

[You receive devil fruit extraction seal.]

"What the heck?"-Jon

[Devil fruit extraction can be used on a dead devil fruit user. The extraction must be done less than 10 minutes after the target die, or the devil fruit will get reincernated.]


Jon read the seal composition & manual as fast as he could. He understand it easily with his seal mastery, and this seal is not that complicated. The seal is like the variant of chakra absorption seal.

Jon immediately use the seal on Jack, before the 10 minutes time end. The seal absorb the devil fruit user's remaining chakra. Then it gather in a place, but he need something to store it, which is a fruit. Luckily he can use any fruit, not specific fruit like how devil fruit usually got reincarnated.

"Hahaha, this is great, now i can strengthen my ninjas."

Jon is excited with the prospect of this seal. He can get devil fruit by killing devil fruit users. This is just like Teach, but Jon know that Teach have different method. There's no way he use a seal like Jon, he is not a ninja.

Jon store the fruit & he incinerate Jack's body to ashes. Then he make a clone and make it transform into Jack. The clone will impose as Jack until their raid day. An All Star's death is a big thing, and Kaido can move all his force to hunt Jon if he know Jack is dead.

Jon then go to Okobore Town's people hiding place. The town's people are hiding in an underground room that Jon's clone made. Jon enter the room, and tell them that everything has ended.

"What happen with the town?"-Old man

"It's destroyed completely because of our fight. Luckily you guys are not there, and it will create a good cover."-Jon

"What do you mean?"-Man

"The Beasts Pirates won't realize that you guys are fine, so they won't hunt you down again. Well, they won't really care about you and will go for me. Now i need you guys to stay in this place for some days. I'll make some houses for you to stay, but don't roam around & alert the enemies!"-Jon

Jon then make some wooden houses for them to live. The town's people are mesmerized to see some sturdy houses. They've lived in a shack or broken house for a long time after all.

They start to cry when Jon give them some soft mattresses. It's thin & cheap, but they never sleep in something soft like this for years. Jon smile at their reaction, but he feel bad for buying cheap matresses.

Jon also give them supplies for some days, before he leave. Jon go back to Amigasa and pick up Tama to tame those pirates he caught. Jon & Tama go back to Okobore & start to use Tama's kibi dango.

"Hmm, it only work on the succeed SMILE users as they're half animal. It didn't even work on the real zoan devil fruit users and pleasures."-Jon

"Big Brother, what happen to this town?"-Tama

"Hmm? I burn it."-Jon


"Huh?! Wait, wait, wait, i don't burn the people, they're safe."-Jon stop Tama


"Yeah, i evacuated them before the fight with these guys. I burn this town to fool the Beasts pirates, so they'll think that everyone's dead."-Jon

"So that's how it is."-Tama

"Phew, i need to be careful with my mouth."-Jon

Jon ask Tama to bring the tamed ones back to Amigasa Village. Jon himself stay in here to take care of the untamed ones. He immediately kill the pleasures, and leave the 3 real zoan users.

"You guys are weak for some real zoan users that your strength are on par with some mere SMILE users. Even so, it's not your fruit's fault, it's your fault, so your fruits are still valuable."-Jon

"What are you-"-Man A

"Dead man didn't need to know what the living one did."-Jon

Jon kill the first guy and extract his devil fruit. Then he do the same on the other 2 guys.

"A worm, gecko, and chicken zoan. No wonder they can't grow strong easily like other zoans."-Jon

Jon store the fruits, and he'll think of how to use them later. Every power have potential to be very strong. It depend on how the user maximize it and grow it. Even Saitama can't kill a mosquito, so it must have a very high potential.

Jon go back to Amigasa to train, and then the final day before the raid has come. Orochi's force haven't find out about their location at all. Jon use his clones that impose as insiders to disrupt all Orochi's attempts.

The Straw Hats now have finished their preparations. Some have new techniques, raising their strength, or preparing more tools. Jon also have finish some new jutsus training, even the one that he always try to do. Now he is very excited and can't wait for the battle day.

For the last day, they rest to conserve their energy. Jon also fill his Yin Seal to max capacity, and meditate to raise his chakra reserve. He also prepare his ninja tools, and even make some clone seeds so he won't need to use a lot of chakra to make clones tomorrow.

At the raid day, the Straw Hats separated with the other groups. They go to Sunny which still hidden in the cave that Jon & Luffy use. Sunny is still in perfect condition, as Jon has made some seals to close the cave.

The Straw Hats gear up, and Jon wear Sasuke's clothes. He wear the long sleeved one that Sasuke use first time in Shipuden. He just change the rope around his waist into that of Orochimaru. He prefer the long sleeved one rather than the short sleeve one that Sasuke wear in Shinobi war.

"You change clothes again."-Zoro

"You still wear the same one, can't you buy different style clothes? Wait, can you even afford to buy another clothes?"-Jon

"Huh?"-Zoro get a tickmark

They have a brawl and Nami knock them to stop.

"Good grief, can't you guys stop messing around before the battle?"-Nami

"Let them be, it's better than being too stiff."-Franky

"It means that they are prepared and ready to fight 2 Emperor's crew."-Robin

After finishing their ship's preparation, the Straw Hats leave the cave. They move to port Tokage where they'll meet with the others from port Habu. Jon also leave 2 shadow clones in the ship for one of his plan.

They sail on the Wano sea that have a very bad weather. They arrive around port Habu after sometime and meet the samurais, Heart Pirate, & even Kid Pirate. Kid Pirate also come to join their raid on Onigashima tonight.

Luffy has met Kid in Udon Prison Mine when he was detained. Kid's alliance with Hawkins & Apoo had been destroyed by Kaido. Apoo was Kaido's men from the start, while Hawkins surrender himself to Kaido to save his life.

It didn't matter though, as having more allies now is better. Beasts Pirate is an Emperor's crew, so they are very strong. The alliance sail immediately to Onigashima. However, a situation rise when some beasts pirate ships appear on the way.

The Beasts Pirate ships start attacking the samurai's ships. The samurais can't really fight back with their low experience at ships battle on the sea. Then the 3 pirate crew's ships start attacking the Beasts Pirate's ships.

"They've predict that we will move on the Festival day. Or maybe they're just guarding the island."-Sanji

"Doesn't matter, just some ships are not enough to stop us."-Zoro

"On the sea, you're dealing with pirates."-Luffy

"Brook, don't forget the music!"-Jon


*sfx: He's A Pirate (From Pirate of The Caribbean)*

Brook play the music and the battle on the sea become more heated up. Jon had asked Brook to train this song after he left Totto Land. That sea battle make him remember this song, so he asked Brook to try it. Jon just sang it with his voice and Brook can do it perfectly with his violin.

The alliance have a big battle and succeed to destroy some Beasts Pirate's ships. But they have more ships and the samurais can't really do a sea battle. Some samurais ships sink and the others save the samurais from the sunken ships.

Suddenly, another trouble rise, Kyoshiro's family come. They sail on a ship and move closer to Beasts Pirates. Everyone expect the Yakuza to help Beasts Pirates, but they're wrong.

Kyoshiro suddenly attack a Beasts Pirate ship and sink it. Everyone is surprised, and Kyoshiro give them another surprise. He introduce himself as Denjiro, the still missing member of the Nine Red Scabbard. Now they're just short on Nekomamushi that hasn't arrive.

'If only they know that Kanjuro is an impostor, oh boy.'-Jon

"How'd you plan to reveal Kanjuro's real identity?"-Usopp whisper at Jon

"Orochi asked Kanjuro to kidnapp Momo, i guess i'll go with that and make an act that i save Momo."-Jon whisper back

"Why don't you make it look like he get killed by Beasts Pirates? I feel bad for them if they know their friend is an enemy."-Nami whisper

"They need to know the truth, and i don't like the idea of making a bastard die as a hero."-Jon whisper

"You're right."-Robin whisper

They all agree, and Jon will start his plan after this. The sea battle continue and the three Pirate crews can destroy some Beasts Pirate ships. But then the Beasts Pirates distance themselves from the alliance.

The alliance thought that they're backing off, but they're not. The Beasts Pirates suddenly shoot from a long distance and the canon balls can reach the alliance. They have special canons that can shoot from far away.

The long distance attacks destroy more alliance ships. The alliance try to get close so they can shoot back, but the Beasts Pirates keep moving back. Then the Beasts Pirate ships suddenly get a big water attack from the sea, destroying their ship with special canons.


"He come."-Jon smile

"Took him long enough."-Zoro

"Now we really have a helmsman."-Sanji

"Our winning chance have risen a lot."-Usopp

"Luffy, it took longer than i thought, but i've come back as i promised."-Jinbe smile
