
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · アニメ·コミックス
282 Chs

142. End of Punk Hazard

"Mokuton: Multiple Wood Clones Jutsu! THE WORLD!"-Jon

Jon use his right eye ability, and stop the time. He can stop it for 3 seconds now, only 1 second longer than before. Even so, with his current power and speed, 3 seconds are plenty enough to defeat his opponent.

Altough the side effect is still there, and he won't be able to use his right eye for half an hour. His left eye have less restriction, as he can use it for some time before it start to hurt. Controlling time is harder than space it seem.

The time stopped, and Jon immediately attack Vergo with his 5 clones that he created before. Jon & his 2 clones attack with swords at full power from all direction. 2 other clones are punching & kicking Vergo's body. Then a clone place many paper bombs on Vergo.

When the time resume, all of that attack hit Vergo at once. Vergo is still covered in haki, but receiving so many attacks at once make his haki almost useless. Jon also immediately ignite the paper bombs and create a big explosion.

"This is not the end."-Jon

Jon point his Kusanagi at Vergo and extend it. He hit Vergo and stab his stomach, then flung him to the clones that stay behind Vergo. His haki is still protect him from the piercing of Kusanagi's tip.

Vergo got pushed behind and the clones catch & stab him with kunais, stopping his movement. Because he is being pushed back, the the sword & kunais finally pierce him. The damage from previous attacks also wear off Vergo's power & haki.


"Trial of Lightning!"-Jon


Jon flow his lightning chakra to his sword and electrocute Vergo. Now with his sword pierced Vergo's haki and get inside his body, Jon'sightning attack got much more potent. Furthermore, Jon's clones have many paper bombs and he explode them at the same time.

Vergo finally lost his consciousness from all that damage. Jon retract his Kusanagi and put his swords on their scabbards again. He's panting a little and get out from the room where he was flung. Jon come out and see Smoker is flying toward him.

"Your mens had left with the kids, don't worry, no one died before they part with me."-Jon

"Alright. What happen here?"-Smoker

"Tashigi know about this, so i assume you know too."-Jon

Jon point at Vergo's unconscious body that lay in the room in front of them. Smoker have a grim expression and approach Vergo. He say that he was searching for Vergo everywhere, but never thought that he will go for the soldiers.

"I shouldn't say this to a pirate, but thanks. If you're not there, then my subordinates might not survive."-Smoker

"Don't mind it, i just want to help the kids and Nami to get out from here."-Jon

"Hmm? Who's heart is this?"-Smoker


Smoker find a heart in a cube shaped jelly like place. The heart is inside Vergo's clothes and still beating. Jon sigh in relief, because he know it's Law's power, so if he accidentally destroy that heart, it will kill somebody. It can be someone innocent's heart, or someone that need to be catched alive like Caesar.

'Phew, i need to be more careful.'-Jon

Suddenly, a blueish light cover the place, and then the building got sliced. They know it's Law's power, and he must've find what he need to destroy. The upper building start to slide down, and it will not be long before it decimated completely.

Suddenly Law appeared in front of Smoker and toss a heart to him. Then Law take the heart that Smoker find in Vergo's clothes and put it in his chest. Smoker also put the heart that he got from Law in his chest.

"Oioioi, you guys take 'My heart is yours' too literally."-Jon

"Huh?!"-Law & Smoker have a tickmark on their head

Jon immediately run away from there laughing loudly. He just said that both of them are in love, and that's really funny for him. Smoker & Law just sigh and focus on Vergo. They have some kind of issue with Vergo, and Jon didn't want to know it.

Jon go to R66 while healing himself with medical jutsu. He is better at healing himself rather than other people. He can feel his own body, and know where the damages are afterall.

That's also why he can only help to heal wounds and muscle strain on other people. If he do it on himself, then he can even neutralize poison or heal broken bones. He can feel it by flowing his chakra in his body.

Vergo gave a lot of damage to him, and it means that he's still have a long way to go. Some fracture on his bones, bruises, internal injuries, etc. Jon have much higher physical resistance than 2 years ago, but he still get hurt this much.

"At least i can fight a vice admiral level head on now. Altough i'm sure Vergo is hiding his real power in Marine. He might be above normal Vice Admiral level, altough he is not at Admiral level."-Jon

Jon calculated Vergo's power and compare it with the vice admirals that he fought in the past. He can conclude that ranks didn't always represent power, just like bounty. Ranks also show contribution, and bounty show threat level.

"Hmm, i might be on Vice Admiral's level, and maybe the high level ones. I doubt i'm at Admiral level yet, but i believe that i can survive a battle with an Admiral."-Jon

Jon ponder of what he should do to get stronger from here on. They don't have much time before they'll clash with a Yonkou. He will only have some months or weeks at most to get stronger.

A Yonkou is at least Admiral level or even higher. Jon & the others need to get close to that level of power if they want to take down a Yonkou. Furthermore, their target is the strongest creature, Kaido. That guy has survived many things that will kill other people.

Jon walk until he find a room filled with pictures like a kid playground. It is filled with snow, and there are traces of battle. Jon didn't think much and follow the tracks again.

On the way, Zetsu #1 inform that they've finished doing their task. They give Jon some scrolls containing the information, documents or any valuables. Then Zetsu also inform Jon that the previous slime is an experiment of Caesar, and he plan to demonstrate how it works as biochemical weapon to underworld forces.

"Hmm, so that candy is the stimulant for that process huh? Good thing i stop that thing from eating the candy."-Jon

"You're right boss. Here, all the details are in the scrolls."-Zetsu #1

"Good job, any news from the ones in Fishman Island & Alabasta?"-Jon

"Nothing noticeable has happen, since the last report."-Zetsu #1

"Alright, you guys can rest."-Jon

"Actually, we've found some peculiar fruits."-Zetsu #1


Jon check the fruit that they store in a storage scroll. Jon is surprised to find many devil fruits in this place. But when he think about it, it's not really that strange. This is a lab for destruction weapons, and they can have research on devil fruits too.

Jon walk while investigating the devil fruits. There are a few that looks like normal devil fruits, but there are plenty that seem strange. These strange devil fruits have similar pattern with each other and all of it looks like apples.

Normally, devil fruits have different patterns, colours and fruit as base. But these fruits are very identical and even looks like fakes. Jon decide to not think about it now and focus on leaving this facility.

He keep going to R66, and arrive there after sometime. He see the kids are being treated by Chopper right now. It seem he has found the cure, altough it's just for their addiction to candy and negate the negative effect of it, but it's enough for now.

Sometime later, Smoker come and tell them about the carts that they can use to leave. Then Luffy come with Law and a new kid that Jon never saw. They wait for sometime, then Brook & Kin'emon come.



The new kid that came with Luffy is Kin'emon's son that he search since the beginning. Now with everyone here, they're ready to go. Franky is waiting on Sunny while preparing the ship.

Their get inside the carts that used to transport the SAD. Then they run it on the rails and it move pretty fast. The kids are excited because they can finally leave the island and meet their parents again.

Sometime later, they arrive outside the facility, at the harbor. In there, they see General Franky, Sunny, a big ass tanker ship, and 2 unknown people. There is a fat man in yellow jacket, and a girl in purple maid outfit.

"Who are they?"-Jon

"Buffalo & Baby 5, is he send you here?"-Law

"They're your friends?"-Lufy

"No, enemies."-Law

"Tch, we're outmatched, let's go from here Buffalo."-Baby 5

Buffalo suddenly fly by spinning his hair like an old plane. Baby 5 jump on his back and they fly away from Punk Hazard. They also retrieve Caesar that is on the tanker after being blasted out from the facility by Luffy's attack.

Law prepare to stop them, but Nami & Usopp say they'll take care of it. They won't be afraid of long distance enemies afterall. Luffy also assure Law to leave it to Nami & Usopp.

Nami then shoot many bubbles filled with black clouds on top of the enemies. Then she gather it and make a big lightning strike to them. Baby 5 got knock out, but Buffalo & Caesar are still conscious.

Usopp then shoots many stone projectiles and knock Buffalo out too. Caesar try to escape, but Usopp shoot a seastone handcuff, negating Caesar's devil fruit. They fall to the sea, so Law teleport them back to the island, they need Caesar alive for their plan afterall.

"With this, the first agenda of our plan has succeed."-Law

"Yeah yeah, only you who know the agenda."-Jon

"I'll tell you later."-Law

"You need to, but you better prepare yourself."-Jon

"What for?"-Law

"It's better if you don't know it now."-Jon

Jon go to Sunny and get a shower to clean the blood on his body. He also change to his warm black coat because it's cold out there. When he get out with new clothes, the others are having parties.

Law have operated the kids to remove the drugs from their body. Now they've feel better, and will not get any side effect of that drug. Also, it have been decided that the kids will go with the Marine to meet Vegapunk. He is the best scientist, so they're sure he can make the kids turn back to normal.

Jon join the party that didn't run long, because Law say they need to hurry. When the party end, the Marines suddenly make a long line that separate them with the pirates. Then they start to insult and say mean things about pirates, but none of the pirates are listening.

The Straw Hats are focused on Brownbeard and his crew. Brownbeard has found his crewmates, and they surrender themselves to Marine. They are being poisoned too, similar with the kids, and hope to be cured by Marine too.

But, even if the pirates didn't mind, the kids mind the mean words. The Straw Hats are the ones that have reach to them first and try to save them. The kids even want to say bad things about Marine, and this make Tashigi panic.


They stop and surprisingly they cry, but not because Tashigi scold them. They say that they need to say mean things, or they will start to like the unlawfull pirates. Tashigi giggle at them, but Smoker is pissed.

The Straw Hats just laugh at these strange Marines. Well, not like they're normal pirates themselves. After they finish everything, the Straw Hats leave Punk Hazard with Law, Kin'emon, and Momonosuke.