
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Because he is my friend.

Because he is my friend.

At the other side Alex just finish a hard fight with one student.

'This weapon is not bad' Alex firmly held his weapon.

'I should go cheer Reginold for his fight' Alex thought.

"Reginold, beat him up! Show him who's the boss!" Alex shouted.

"Hahaha, since Alex said so. I will beat you up" Reginold shouted.

Reginold roll away from the direction of the sword, he hit Jim's leg and get him down then he strike with a backhand slap.


The class is silence, no one can believe what they just saw. The little Reginold really slap the towering Jim.

Even Jim himself was shocked he has been touching his cheek and the stinging pain is sure there.

'So this is really not a dream, I have really been slapped by a kid I thought I could beat so easily to impress everyone here' Jim said as his body start shaking due to rage. How can he be slapped by a little boy ?

The next moment many metallic structures are conjured and hurled toward Reginold, it seems that Jim cannot control himself and use his ability.

Reginold already turn his back thinking that the fight is over.

'Oh dear... maybe I over did it, I never expected?' Reginold's qi cover his body and sword.

'Things are about to get messy' Reginold thought as he sliced a metal spear apart, he dodged and block another one with the flat side of his sword.

'Argh I never predict this outcome, otherwise I will have pick three swords' Reginold is starting to get hit. Reginold has overdraw his qi and fall on his knees, his eyes looked tired but a metal rod is coming his way.

'Hahaha what a pathetic ending for someone who thought he will reach the pinnacle of this world, I should not have wasted my Qi that much in the first place' Reginold has already lose hope.

The metal road is just some centimeters from Reginold when someone appeared and block it. He open his eyes to found out that Alex has block the attack and Rios has apprehended Jim.

"Hey Reginold, who said that you are allow to be killed when I am here, are you alright ?!" Alex asked worried.

"Hahaha is not like I am about to die, so stop panicking." Reginold weakly said.

"It seems that little Reginold is going to the medical wards soon" Rios said.

"No I can heal heal with some rest" Reginold disagree with going to the school hospital.

"You must go" Alex sternly said.

"And I said I will mot go" Reginold argue.

"Then I will force you" Alex said.

"You alone ?" Reginold laughed.

"Who said I am alone, just you wait until Luke and Jake heard of this. I will see you cain laugh at that time" Alex is the one smiling now.

"You red haired boy! Dare to accept my challenge ? I know you can still fight" someone declared.

Alex is ready to beat who ever the idiot that said that is, as Alex set his eyes on the person, he is really surprise, the one challenging is none other than Yifang.

"Aren't you being too dishonorable ? Fighting and injure opponent ?" Alex asked.

"I will even take you on, both of you can fight me together" Yifang said, is not that she is arrogant but simply has the confidence that she could beat both of them.

"As long as I am Alive and breathing you will not harm a single hair on Reginold's head. If you want to fight Reginold now, you can fight him" Alex said seriously but smiled in the end.

"It seems you know what is good for you" Yifang said as she start walking towards them.

The moment she came close. Alex shouted "Only over MY DEAD BODY!!!"

He thrust his guan dao forward, it caught her off guard but she quickly react and dodge to the side but the attack graze her arm.

"You want to fight me ? That's the greatest mistake you will ever make in your life, in fact you are a fool" Yifang coldly said.

"If defending my friend means I am a fool , then I will glad be a fool" Alex said with a grin.

"An exciting match is about to start" Rios said.

Alex run towards Yifang with his guan dao by his side, he then diagonally slashed when she is in his attacking range.

When the attack is about to hit her, she disappeared and reappeared behind Alex hitting him with a palm strike.

'How ? I still did not understand how someone will just vanish before my own eyes' Alex thought as he back off a bit, creating some distance between the two of them.

But she did not let him attack this time but she attacked first, Alex barely managed to dodge able to dodge the attack.

Alex thrust his Guan dao, Yifang parried the attack to the side and kick Alex right in the stomach.

When Alex try to stand up his cheek starts bleeding then his left arm also starts to blead.

'But I have not bern hit, I have dodge all the sword strike properly' Alex is even more confused now.

"Giving up already ?" Yifang nonchalantly asked.

"Already tired ?" Alex talk back.

"It seems that you still did not understand the situation you are in" Yifang said as she get into a fighting stance.

'How I wish Alex has known Qi' Reginold already understand how Alex got hurt even though he dodge the attack earlier.

'Poor kid, he really is strong but she is coating her sword in Qi and he cannot see the Qi, that's why he get hit without even knowing how it happens' Rios pity the Unaware Alex.

"No matter how you beat me or knock me down, I will keep getting when I hit the ground!" Alex shouted.

'This Alex has a strong willpower but the difference in strength between the two of us is to much' Yifang thought.

What happens next is a funny fight, no it cannot even be called a fight. This is a one sided beat down, while the other participant keep beating his opponent, the opponent keep getting up.

Naturally the one doing the beating is Yifang while the one that kept getting up is Alex.

Alex body is now full of wounds, he is really having a hard time getting up.

'Kid you are really a tough opponent, a masochist. Are you enjoying the beating you are receiving ?' Shifter Emperor decided to talk now.

'So you are still Alive ? I thought you are dead' Alex said to the shifter Emperor.

'Of course I am Alive' Shifter Emperor replied.

'Then shut your foul ugly old mouth and let me concentrate on getting up, if you cannot say something good then stay silent' Alex is really pissed off right now.

"Alex what are you trying to prove, just give up already" Rios said.

"No! I still have the strength to FIGHT!" Alex gritted his teeth as he weakly stand up and use his weapon for support.

Alex turn around and point his Guan dao at Yifang.

"I am still not done with you" Alex said as a bestial aura start to leak out from him.

Yifang is about to laugh at how Alex said that he is not done with her, as if he is the one having an upper hand in the fight but she stop the reason being the new vigorous aura Alex is releasing right now.

'This boy, just what more is he hiding ?' Yifang thought as she got really serious.

'If he already gone use this mode from the start I will really have a tough fight' Yifang thought.

Alex becomes a blurred.


A punch sent Yifang flying.

'How can he be so fast?!' Now is Yifang's turn to be confused.

Alex has gotten ready to execute his combo attack. He blurred again and the next moment he is in the air and send another strong punch sending Yifang back to the ground at amazing speed.

<<System notification>>

Alex chose to ignore it, right he is really feeling weak and pain all over his body he drop on one knee. His beastial aura started to fade.

Where Yifang landed smoke and dust fill up the place, but soon a silhouette seem to be walking out from the smoke and then Yifang emerged walking fine with no deep wounds.


Many of the students are really surprise that she can walk the normal way after that last combo by Alex. Alex himself is surprised himself.

Alex gritted his teeth and try so hard just to stand up.

"Why ? Why are you doing all that for him ? Why can't you just give up ?!" Yifang said.

"Be- Because he is my friend" Alex slowly said with a proud look on his face.

"I see..." with that Yifang left the stage, thus Alex lose all will to stay conscious and falls down face first on the ground.