
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Jake Vs Medical Ward Doctor

Jake Vs Medical ward doctor.

"I can't wait to tell my brother how much I improved and about the enemies we make today" Jake is really excited.

"You are still thinking about the threatening words they said to us ? Those are just empty threats, don't get scared" Luke said.

"No way I will be scared of those idiots, if they want a fight, fight they will get" Jake said as he clenched his small fist.

"Well that look funny" Luke teased.

"It will not be when my hand find it's way to your stomach and your, oh so handsome face" Jake threaten as he wave his little fist in the air.

"Why are you so lazy ? Walk faster" Jake said.

"You know that you even lazier than me, it's just that you want to tell your big brother you beat some weak- ehem I mean you become the strongest" Luke corrected himself before Jake send him punch.

"How about a race ?" Luke said.

"Challenge accepted" Jake has already start running.

"You love cheating" Luke said as he followed after him.


At the medical ward...

"How the table has turn. From me being suppose to be injured and you taking me here, now the roles are reversed" Reginold talk as he glared at Alex.

"Haha haha I will be back in top shape soon, that doctor with healing ability is really helpful" Alex smiled.

"How will your little brother react when he found out that you are severely injured" Reginold wondered how will Jake act.

"Well Jake will be really mad, he might even start beating everyone in our class. That boy can be really rash and unpredictable" Alex said with a wry smile.


"They are not at the room and they are not at the class. Just where those two went" Jake ask to no one in particular.

"I have an idea about where they might went, but I really hope that what I am thinking is not true" Luke said.

"Just say it!" Jake Shouted.

"They might be in the medical Ward" Luke said.


Luke felt the air howling before he react Jake has already darted off in the direction of the medical ward Luke just follow after him.

Some moments later...

Jake bash into the medical ward's door scaring the doctor.

"Hey you should have knock at the door" The beutiful doctor that treat Alex and Reginold said.

"I don't have time for that, is there a boy with red hair and another boy with smooth black hair ?" Jake asked.

"Hmmm... oh two boys at room 09" The doctor said her thoughts out loud without knowing. The next moment there is no one where Jake and Luke are standing before.

Room 09 doors were rudely opened.


"What the hell happened to you two ?" Jake first said.

" Especially you smart-Idiot Alex ?" Luke also come in at this point.

"Some damned students did this huh ? Even if we do not look for trouble they can't just leave us Alone right ? Who did this ?" Jake's voice is unexpectedly calm, in fact it is too calm for Alex.

"Calm dow-

"I can't always calm down, right ? Since you will not say their name I will destroy all those who attend the martial hall today" Jake said.

"I said calm DOWN!" Alex shouted.

"Is just some arrogant rich kids, I swear we will get back at them one day" Reginold Swore.

"Alright fill me up on the details of what happen" Jake said.

The next moment was just Alex narrating what happen while Jake and Luke are all listening.

"You really have a splendid experiance and already make enemies" Luke said.

"You are also the same as us" Alex replied with a smile.

"Brother, I have gotten stronger and I learn how to control my fire ability much better now, l am at the lesser stage of fire manipulation thanks to Luke and out class teacher" Jake excitedly talk about his adventure.

"You forget to tell him that we beat some students on our way back" Luke said.

"Tell me more about it" Alex wants to know about the group of students.

"They say something like: your life in this school will be a life worse than death, humiliation and suffering is what awaits you. No one can touch any group under the black skull gang and the black dragon gang. Hahaha there is still another gang that you should never offend" Luke narrated what the students say.

"So they are forming gangs now huh ?"

<<New Quest available>>

<<Quest info: Dorm a group of at least five people. Minimum requirements is five people>>


<<A bloodline>>

<<Evolution pill x5>>

<< Lottery draw x5>>

'Such good rewards' Alex thought.

"How about we form our own group, we need a minimum of five people and a maximum if ten to registered a new club" Alex suggested.

"Sounds good to me, after all I don't want to go to lame clubs every friday" Luke said.

"Me too" Reginold and Jake raised up their little hands up.

"You don't have to do that, you know" Alex smiled.

"The problem now is the other members" Luke brought up the issue.

"Uhmm I guessed we should invite Yifang for now" Alex suggested.

"No way!" They all shouted.

"Let me explain...

Alex kept explaining to them how strong she is and is for the better of the group, st last he convinced them.

"Fine have your way then" Reginold and Jake pouted.

"Hehehe no long face please" Alex said.

"Ahem!" Someone cleared her throat.

"You know that making noise here is prohibited and the patient needs rest, since you have seen him now, you can all go to your dorms and visit him tommorow" The doctor said with a smile, she even glared at Jake.

"Bye Alex, wish you a quick recovery" Luke smile and walk out.

"Bye Alex, hope you get well soon" Reginold also moves out.

"And you ?" The doctor asked.

"Isn't it obvious I am staying here" Jake said.

"You should let your friend rest a bit, you rude kid" The doctor said as she adjusted her eye glass.

"He is not my friend" Jake smiling said.

"Oh ? Then walk out" The Doctor said with an amused look.

"I am still not walking, wanna know why ?" Jake said with a calm smile.

"Why ?" She asked.

"Again isn't it obvious, if he is not my friend and I am here to see him, it means he is more than a friend. He is my brother you four eyes doctor" Jake even sat down comfortably in Alex's sofa.

'This kid is so cunning, why don't he say that earlier ? He just kept dragging it and making me make a full of myself' The doctor is speechless anf even forgot to close her mouth due to the sudden surprise.

"And please closed your mouth and then walk out and closed our door" Jake reminded.

"You!" The doctor's face is red now due to embarrassment.

"No shouting in the hospital please" Jake remided.

"You are a fool" The doctor said to Jake.

"Wow, so now the Pot is calling the kettle black ?" Jake asked.

This time the doctor is embarrassed and know that she can't win against Jake she just slam the door and storm out.

"I didn't know you know how to trash talk this much and you even learn to use idiomatic expressions" Alex is surprised.

"Yeah I just remember the example our English teacher gave when teaching us, she said idiomatic expressions are expressions we used in a special way. So I just use a special expression" Jake replied with a grinned.

"Living with Luke is surely making you more naughty" Alex said as he thought about what Luke and Jake are being doing together to other students.

"Hahaha, so you managed to see through his gentleman disguise. It was all a facade that guy is the worse street boy when it comes to trash talking" Jake sell out Luke.

"You two are really having the best time of your life while making the other students angry, no wonder you make so many enemies in just one day" Alex smile wryly.

"Yeah it is really fun, I swear you will never get bored if you are to hangout with us when we are having fun" Jake said excitedly.

"Fun ? Making enemies suits your work best not the word fun. I want to keep a lowkey attitude while I am here" Alex said as he imagine him joining the trouble duo.

' I really feel happy that Reginold is with me not with Luke or else the trouble will have multiplied' Alex is imagining if the trouble duo suddenly becoming trouble trio, the trouble will magnify since Reginold is a battle hungry boy.

'I really feel luck and happy to have people like them around me' Alex thought as he feels sleepy.