
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · ファンタジー
35 Chs

A Crushing Defeat In The First Match

As Alex gaze at the new arrival a bit far away from him, he knew that must be his opponent.

His opponent is a tall robust man almost 7 feet tall and full of muscles, he wore a black training vest and jeans with a cap and face mask.


Alex heard this sound and he then turn around and try to find the source of the sound and he succeeded.

The sound is because of the audience had started arriving one after the other and soon the audience stand is packed with many audience to watch their match.


"Go Mars!"

"Beat him up!"

'It seems this Mars22 is not a nobody but a pretty famous fighter in here, he really has a massive amount of fans'

The reason Alex thought like this is because the audience kept on chanting Mars's name.

"Mars, you have to beat the hell out of him!" A fan shouted.

"Hey, it seems this is the first match of this guy"

Everyone let out a surprised gasp before quickly checking Alex's battle record and it is indeed true, this is his first match.

His win is 0 and his lose is also 0.

This can only mean one thing, he is a complete noob and this is his first match!

"What a terrible luck!"

"What an unlucky guy!"

"To think he met Mars on his first match"

"Damn the match won't even have a bit of suspense"

"Boss Mars will kick his ass in a few seconds!"

'Hey why don't you all shut the fuck up! Is not like I am a helpless tomato that I will be beaten in seconds, they thought I don't even have a 0.0001% chance of winning?' Alex felt like shouting but he decided against it.

"Hey kiddo!" Alex heard Mars22's booming voice.

'Shit, I am fighting this guy? I am in real trouble?' Alex felt his scalp went cold as he thought before replying, "Hello Mars, hope we can have a good fight"

Mars let an amuse laugh before he answered, "I am not going to easy on you, so always thought that with each punch it might be your last in this match, so go all out!"


"What the heck!"

'So fast'

Even though Alex managed to dodge the attack, it still graze past his cheek and he felt a stinging pain.

"Ahg! This indeed feel real!"

» Use a lucky draw point to learn beginner water? «

'Of course yes!' Alex inwardly shouted as he jump into air and dodged another earth spike coming toward him but unbeknownst to him, an earth hand has already formed above him.


And the hand came down swatting him like a fly been swatted away by a flyswatter.

"Hmph! I thought you are better than this!"

As Mars22 taunted, the audience burst into laughter and they instantly turn lively as they discussed among themselves, most of the audience had already left because Alex is a beginner.

'Of course I am not weak is just you are so fucking strong!'


Alex said send his newly learned water in a straight light toward Mars22, as if to show his powerful bodily strength, Mars22 took it head on.

"What the Heck?! Are you a man or a beast?" Immediately after that he charged at the stunned Infinity.

'Unfortunately for you Mars22, I am stronger in 1 Versus 1 close combat' Alex took the opportunity to attack first.


Alex sent a straight explosive punch towards Mars22.

'This punch is a bit dangerous' Mars22 narrowed his eyes and tilted his head to the side and successfully avoided the punch.


'What a weird punch'

"Eat this!" Alex punch strength towards Mars22 with his inner shattering punch.

Mars22's Instinct kicked in as he felt a bit of dangerous hidden power in that punch, he bring his hands down and hit Alex arm instead of colliding with his fist and sending Alex punch off trajectory.

But Alex had already think of that so his other fist is already heading towards Mars22's face!

As Mars22 watched the fist heading towards his face, he did not feel that dangerous feeling again so he directly grabbed the fist.

The crowd burst into cheers.



Only Mars22 knows what he is feeling as he heard a muffled explosion.

The crowd brought back their attention to the stage again only to find Infinity using his head like a ram without horns to ram into Mars22's guts!

"How'd you like that!" Alex managed to utter in the midst of the pain he is feeling in his head, he felt as if he rammed into a stone wall!

"Good! It hurts a bit" Mars22 commented but Alex saw his hand raised up high and is already coming down.

"Oh shit....

It was at this moment that he realised, he'd f*cked up!


"Uwargh" Infinity felt like his back is going to break as he fell face first into the ground!

The match Ended with Alex suffering a crushing defeat in his first match and Mars22 won yet another match.


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Alex's first defeat! :(:)

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