
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Infinity Vs Mars22


"Are we gonna skip class today?" Jake asked.

"Look who is suggesting skipping class and breaking rules today" Luke said.

"Is not like I am always shy or afraid, its just that I don't like getting into trouble if not necessary" Jake fiddled around with his fingers.

"So you want to say that we love getting in trouble without any reason?" Reginold asked with a raised brow.

"Ah no, in fact. We can go to school and after we came back then we will go to Play the Vr game" Jake suggested.

"What is the logic behind that? What makes you say that?" Vincent asked.

"Good question, it is because Alex also needs to rest. Maybe the stress had been piling on him lately that he even lashed out at the two of you, so a rest is very important to him" Jake explain.

"That's a...

'Just say its a great suggestion, please. We should miss a class!'



At the last bench, elemental class for ability users.

"So tell me more about this Vr game of yours" Jake ask Luke.

"Hahaha, it is a wonderful experience that is not any different from the reality itself, it is used in training and nowadays, some meeting also took part through this"

"Unbelievable!" Jake exclaimed.

"Of course it is little Jake" Luke and the teacher simultaneously spoke at the same time.

"Uhmm... Yeah it is"

' Good thing they ask the same thing and when I am not paying attention to the teacher I answered Luke, thankfully the answer is what the teacher expected too'


"Hehehe, Class is over! Let's go play the game" Jake excitedly grab Luke and drag him.



"Who is the brave guy that will talk to Alex?" Luke asked.

"Damm! That guy is a beast when he is angry!" Reginold stated.

"He is really scary, so I am not going" Vincent waves his as if saying, ' No thanks, I've had enough'

"I will go!"

All of them turn to see Who is brave enough to face an enrage Alex.


"Are you sure?" They all asked.

"Of course, he is my brother. Even he turned into a dragon or whatever, he will always be my brother"

With Jake went in to confront Alex.


"How's class?" Alex clear voice sounded.

"What happen earlier? and how did you even lose control and beat those idiots, I know they are annoying but you are always calm and stop fights" Jake asked.

"Nah, I just don't know what came over me but that's all and I don't mind what they did, as if I will get angry, they can keep fighting against each other and I don't care" Alex shrugged.

"Forget about that, aren't you interested in what we prepared for you?"

"What is it?" Alex is puzzled.

"We are not going to tell you but you have to see it for yourself!"

The group are surprised to see Alex is now out and did not had that gloomy mood again.

"Hey Alex!" They all happily shouted.

Alex glared at them especially Vincent and Reginold, "How are you all and how's Yifang, Coco and Luna?"

"We are all fine and we are all going to play a game today!"

"All of us? Including the Introvert?" Alex asked.

By saying Introvert, he is naturally referring to Coco that hates leaving her projects for any other reason.


"Everyone is here lets play!"

They all paid for a Vr capsule and Alex is now left alone in his Vr capsule.

"Well, let's hope this thing can excite me as they thought"

As Alex plug on the Headset, his consciousness gone blank.

Unknown to him, his consciousness is been transferred to the Visual or rather Metaverse to experience what this Visual World is.

"Welcome to the character creation site" Alex heard a mechanical voice sounded.

Alan blinked his eyes and saw a model of himself.

After thinking and tinkering for a he finally got the hang of it.

His character has a red eye and his height same as alex with long black silky hair tie into a bun and a black scarf covering his lower half of the face, he equipped a black jeans and he did not equip any shirt like the legendary fighter from an old can even be considered ancient game of mortal Kombat, he like how Liu Kang stay topless.

"Generating character... Character generation complete. Please select a name..."

'Hmm... What should I chose... Alex ? No! Ashura? Nah that will give away my mercenary identity"

» Infinity «

That's the Name Alex chooses.

< Please select an ability >

'I don't have an ability that the system recognised so I will just chose water'

< Finding oppoment.... >

< Opponent finded: Mars22 >

< Generating battlefield >

At this moment Alex's eyes are burning with fighting spirit and the reality of this game is beyond his imagination.

He looked down and saw his hand and when he look around and saw that they were on a black platform with statues surrounding them.

'What an amazing battlefield'

Hey Mars22, are you still here?

Sorry for the late update, I went for a zonal competition and my zonal competition and my network antenna spoiled. I represent my state and won 7 in passage reading out of 19 states.

When I came back, our class are the final year in high school, so I was assigned as the library prefect and there's more book to read and also more ideas to use! :)

Usfal_Aizencreators' thoughts