
Chapter 2 (Edited)

3rd POV'

ORDE Is considered a relatively small planet (as big as Pluto) and had gray rocks and a rough planet to live in. And have been classified by various kingdoms and empires like the Asgardians and the skull empire as a dead abandoned planet.

And this particular planet had not had any activity for centuries. Now after centuries of no movements, ORDE is suddenly surrounded by what looks like a black shadow, and what is even more absurd is that 'the black shadow' is surrounding the whole planet, and from the shadow, numerous beings with different looks and sizes emerged, some with wings and with a humanoid body and their looks resemble black angels with purple flames, and there's what some people would consider legendary creatures like black dragons and Phoenix with purple flames.

And if you entered The throne room where the being now known as Ashborn was sitting, in a magnificent chair, a huge black dragon emerged from 'the black shadow' with a height of 150 meters with a huge 2 horns and black scales, if any 'normal' person seen 'it' he would definitely have a heart attack.

Then a shocking event happened, the black dragon's size began to shrink and shrink and then transformed to a 7 ft humanoid knight with Horns, and then the unexpected happened, The knight with horns got on his knees clearly showing respect to his monarch.

" My lord, you have been in slumber for long. " The knight said with a voice not too old and not too young.

"I Jerbril, The Shadow monarch's most loyal servant, are here to congratulate Thee on your awakening," Jebril said with a voice with clear loyalty and devotion.

But to Jebril's surprise, what responded to him was the total silence of his lord.

Jebril POV

'Jebril, that's the name my new monarch gave me after he saved me from serving the 'mad being' and that is the dragon monarch.

And after rising from the dead, I have served my lord ever since then, and even fought against the other monarchs' armies. And after my lord's decision of going to slumber, and giving us the right to choose between freedom and serving him, I and the rest of the shadow army choose to go to slumber with our lord, all but only select few soldiers that I choose to stay as spies to collect information and finding resources for whenever our monarch need it.

Here I am now after my lord decided to awaken, waiting with patience.

Ashborn's POV

'You could do it, you could do it. Momonga has done it before, and besides I have 'his' memories, I can do it.' Ashborn thought.

"Jebril, you have been acknowledged, it's good to see you. Now, tell me how long have I slept." Ashborn said.

"According to the soldiers that haven't gone to slumber. You have been asleep for two thousand years." Jebril answered, without knowing that he somehow surprised his lord.

"Hmm, alright ... call the commander of the spy team and tell him to be here in a half an hour, and make sure to make an array around the planet as there's no need for unwanted attention. I believe that's all you're dismissed. " And then he directed his gaze to what seemed to be nowhere and said, "As for the other soldiers, go back to my shadow" he said, and back to his shadow they did.

"As you wish, my lord" Jebril answered and bowed and disappeared.

Then Ashborn became the only person in the room again.

'Hmm, I am taking it relatively well, I guess after 'his' memories merged with mine, it influenced me somehow.

Now what should I do, maybe I should head to earth and have some fun, and I should get the reality stone from Svartalfheim, hmm yes it's sound like a plan, but before that I should get myself a ship' while Ashborn was thinking, a familiar terrifying moving statue entered the room with heavy steps and with a creepy smile on his face.

(Thank you all for reading. If you have some advice or something That could get improved please do tell me, oh and did I say this an AU?)