
Chapter 13(Edited)

~~The peeping golden eyes POV~~

Today just like any other day I go peep- -Ahem watching over the nine realms, acting as its guardian and protector, And the eyes of my king. Odin, the king of Asgard and the protector of the nine realms. The god of Wisdom. But while I was on my daily routine, not expecting anything at all but still ready for anything, I noticed a small advanced-looking ship.

Normally I would have paid it no mind, but what caught my attention is the ship's destination that is heading for Svartalfheim which is weird as the ship seems to be going there with its own will. It doesn't look like it's crashing, or it doesn't have any energy to act as a fuel, And what is peculiar in my mind is, what in the world are the ship's owners doing in this godforsaken wasteland planet.

So I decided to keep observing and then give my judgment. I watched as the ship landed and watched a single figure exit from it, and to my surprise, it was a Chitauri. I heard rumors that they serve 'The black order' that in turn serve 'The Mad Titan'. Actually, weren't the words in the market that recently a portion of their forces disappeared? Which is quite bizarre and unbelievable.

What brought me out of my thoughts, and truly shocked me to the core, was the shadow of The Chitauri expanded and from it exited hundreds of figures that are revealed to be ... Ants?

I then watched as one of the 'ants' that looks like the leader of the group, and I figured from the experience that I managed to get throughout my long life that their leader is strong... Very strong! I watched him beheaded the Chitauri then turn to his soldiers and give them orders, which after hearing it they spread out in various directions. Then the leader suddenly turned in my direction with a terrifying gaze that shook my soul, but just when I thought he found out about me, he turned around and left.

Here I am kneeling in front of my king and sweating bullets and was about to inform him of what I saw.

3rd POV

"What is Heimdall that made you interrupt my meeting and made you sweat so much?" Odin said while waiting for his subordinate that he trusts and already had a bad feeling about it.

"My king, Just some time ago a ship landed on Svartalfheim, and from it, a Chitauri exited, but what I am here to report is that from that Chitauri's shadow, hundreds of soldiers emerged that spread out throughout the realm of Svartalfheim under the leadership of A being that I judge to be very strong." Heimdall said in one take but at the same time a clear voice so that his king could hear and understand.

After hearing his subordinate report, Odin suddenly closed his eyes and after a few minutes he opened them again and said: "Hmm, This is troublesome according to what I have seen they are there for the objective of exterminating 'them'."

"By 'them' you don't mean..." To which Odin cut him off and said: "... The dark elves, and before you ask I thought that they became extinct more than 4000 years ago too. But apparently not as from what I have seen those soldiers began attacking them while they were sleeping."

Heimdall then asked his king with a serious voice: "What are your orders, my king?" To that Odin replied: "For now just observe, We don't want to make an enemy without any reason."

"As you wish" Heimdall replied shortly then got off to his duties.

--5 years later--

'It seems the final battle is finally here, As there was no other place for the elves to hide', I thought to myself. I have been observing the shadow soldiers, as I call them, killing the elves, slowly but surely bringing the end of what was left of them.

I then watched as the figure that I recognize as Malekith brought something that I thought was lost in the war, and that is the 'aether'. Not only that, but I saw the one-sided massacre and watched how the once-great race went extinct. I never knew why the shadow soldiers started hunting the elves. Was it on the orders of someone? Or was it just a deep hatred that made the seemingly immortal shadows massacre them? For years, I just watched and observed while waiting for my king's next order.

Then suddenly my vision was cut off, which stunned me for a second, but I got myself together and tried to find the reason and have my vision return. After some minutes of continuous tries, my vision was back and what was revealed was a man with deep purple eyes.

The man looked at my eyes with his Eyes which shocked me to the core and said Coldly which brought a shudder to my body: "Keep Your Eyes To Yourself If You Want To Keep Them, Of Course." After hearing that, I blacked out.