
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · ファンタジー
41 Chs

Back at the Campsite

"Come, let's go see Thomas. He awakened a while ago," said Jason.

"That just leaves Fredrick and me," said Abbey.

"Yosef and you were given the moonstones while the other four just got in touch with some moonstone dust that my men spread in their houses which hastened the natural progress for them. If three out of four of them can already awaken then it won't take long for someone who held on to a full moonstone."

"Let's just hope so. But the white glow from the stone, why would I have too much affinity to the light element?"

"Look at yourself. You would even trade your life to keep a promise. If it's not you then do you think it would be Yosef?"

"But my hands are also covered in blood just like him."

"Unlike Yosef, whose job is to kill, you killed people who came after you. Protecting yourself isn't a sin."

"So, what element did Thomas awaken with?"


"The lessons from uncle Greg's classes last year are surely coming in handy right now."

Both of them went to Thomas. They found him sleeping in his room. So they didn't bother him. From one of the men at the base, Jason learned that Fredrick and Damian had already left a few minutes ago with Racheal.

"Then let us go there as well," said Jason.

"Even though I knew what happened there, I don't personally want to go through that again."

"There won't be any such things this time. Let's go."

The two of them then left for the campsite. After a few hours they reached their destination.

"It feels like yesterday," said Abbey.

"Alright, let's go meet the others."

Greg and the others were at the second checkpoint. Seeing Jason and Abbey, Fredrick came to them. Damian was seen trying to use his powers to create a plant and gain full control over it. Though he kept failing, he didn't give up. On the other side Yosef was seen using his Shadow Curtain. Even in the daytime, the shadow curtain was pitch black.

"How is everything going?" Jason asked Greg.

"The Shadow Curtain is really a powerful ability. From the tests, the user can make the people trapped inside fall into a state of confusion and also make them fall asleep. Besides sound can't enter from outside and vice versa."

"It surely is an overpowered ability just like it was mentioned in the Chronicles," said Jason.

"And about your friend, Damian's abilities. They are also outstanding. He can already control normal plants around him to a certain degree. But creating instant ones seems to be a bit harder for him right now."

"Well, he will get there eventually. Any news about his village?" Jason asked.

"Not yet. The men we sent searched for a few days but there were no traces of any humans in that forest. We are thinking that they might be using an artifact."

"That's a possibility. Let's just focus on what's in front of us while keeping an eye open."

"I heard Thomas also awakened."

"He did. But he was sleeping so we didn't bother him."

"You will also inject the others with sample B, right?"

"There's no alternative to that. After Damian goes back to the base, the team at the lab will inject Thomas and him while they do some tests. Same with Ashton after he wakes up and with Fredrick and Abbey after they awaken."

"What are you two talking about?" Fredrick asked.

"We were discussing to increase your training after we return," said Jason

"Ohh, please no. Anything but that."

"Abbey will be joining you from now on. You don't want to lose to him, do you?"

"That guy? Wasn't he in all this before me? How can I compete with him?" Fredrick asked.

"Don't worry. I will go easy on you," said Abbey.

Greg went to Damian to check his conditions. Meanwhile Jason went to Yosef.

"You have been training hard," said Jason.

All of a sudden Jason was trapped inside the shadow curtain by Yosef with him inside as well.

Greg and the others watched from the outside. While the others thought Yosef might be showing Jason his abilities, Greg knew what was actually happening.

"You don't look nervous at all," said Yosef.

"Should I be?"

"I know there's a lot you are hiding from us."

"And you thought by doing this I would get scared and tell you?"

"No, even I am not that stupid."

"So you are admitting you are a bit stupid?"

"That's not it. Don't change the topic. Anyone else by now would have fallen asleep inside this shadow curtain. Even an awakener like Damian and Uncle Greg fell asleep while being inside for a while. But it seems it doesn't work on you."

"So, what did you get from that?"

"That you are not affected by the shadow curtain at all."

"I know it's normal to have those questions you have on your mind. But now isn't the right time for you to know the answers."

"Just one last question. How you didn't react when I trapped you inside the shadow curtain, it means you can break out of here whenever you want, right?"

"It seems you have become a bit smarter after your awakening."

"So, are you going to show me how to get out of here without me undoing the shadow curtain?"

"You seem quite desperate. Alright, just to satisfy your curiosity. But in exchange you won't tell the others about how I was suppressing them."

"So that's why you came here. Don't worry, I won't tell them, for now at least."

"That will do.... Now look closely."

Jason just lifted his left hand and made a tight fist. Suddenly there were cracks on the shadow curtain and right after that the curtain broke like glass and disappeared.

The others outside were amazed. They rushed to Yosef asking him if it was the new way he found to undo his ability. Yosef went with the flow and kept the conversation he had with Jason a secret. Meanwhile Jason walked towards Greg.

"You two finally had your chat?" Greg asked.

"This is just the beginning," said Jason.


Character Profile : Damian

(Information so far)

Name : Damian

Current Age : 21

Element : Plant (Beginner)

Height : 6'0"

Hair Color : Dark Brown

Eye Color : Light Brown

Affiliation : member of a certain mysterious village

Relics : Unknown

Abilities : Unknown

Special Traits : Unknown

Born in a mysterious village but lost contact with his village after he came out to explore the outside world. A simple minded guy. Trusts his friends.