
Chapter 87: Realization

At the Kingston’s house.

Richard walked down the stairs wearing a blue tank top and plain trousers.

"Where are you going?" his assistant inquired.

"To see Chelsea, don’t tell anyone." He said he was walking outside the house when the bodyguards stalked him at the entrance.

"Move out of my way." He commanded and they moved away, and he saw Mrs. Kingston standing behind them.

"Mothers are pests." He commented, glaring at her.

"Where are you going?" she inquired.

" I will be quick, I am going to see a friend." He replied. And she moved out of the way for him.

"Come back and eat!!" She yelled as he walked to the garage.

He hopped into his car and drove off.  

Mr. Kingston walked into the house where Chelsea’s boyfriend was being held captive and asked his bodyguard to free him.

They untied him and he stood up and glared at Mr. Kingston.

"So you finally realized that you are wasting your time by holding me here." He said. Walking out of the house The bodyguard wanted to stop him.

"Let him go." Mr. Kingston declared.

"The sooner Richard learns to forget about Chelsea, the better." He remarked.

Richard drove into Chelsea’s house and ran to the door. He banged on the door. The butler opened the door and saw him. he wanted to shut the door in his face when he pushed his way into the house and ran up the stairs to Chelsea’s room.

He opened the door and saw her standing by the window. She was putting a phone in her ear.

"I have missed you so much." She beamed.

"I can’t wait." She added, and Richard back hugs her.

"OMG, I can’t believe you are here." She smiled.

"What do you mean I am there." the person on the other side said and she started sniffing the air, she know the smell of Richard’s cologne.

She cut the call and stepped on his feet.

"Ahhh!" he grunted in pain, holding his leg.

"How many times have I told you to stay out of my life?" she asked bluntly.

"I can’t stay out of your life, and you know it." He said he was trying to move closer to her and she kicked him on the dick.

"Arrgh." He growled in pain, holding his dick. And she walked out of the room.

      Richard’s POV

Oh my goodness. Chelsea has become a heartless madafucker. I guess I have to let her go, I keep thinking of the girl I kissed last night, but I just ignored it because I was so focused on getting Chelsea back. I planned to become a playboy, but ever since I kissed that girl, I have realized that I was the only one that loved Chelsea in our relationship. She didn’t love me back. I need to go and look for that girl.

I stood up from the floor and was walking out when two bodyguards stalked me at the entrance trying to hold me.