
Chapter 88: Discovery

"I was just living." I said, walking out of the house.

I can’t believe dad was right, there are indeed many fish in the sea. The way I felt kissing that girl, I didn’t feel that way whenever I kissed Chelsea. It was new and odd.

Raymond walked back into the shop carrying two shopping bags.

He dropped one on Daisy’s desk and put the other one on his desk. Daisy was taking pictures of a model, so he walked closer to her and stood behind her  looking at the way she was instructing the model.

Hours later.

They close from work, Daisy and Raymond entered the same taxi, and Daisy stopped on the way. and waved him goodbye.

Raymond was so happy, he started walking towards the door of the house and bumped into an old man.

"Watch where you are going, young man, don’t you know that this passage is too small." He whined.

"Sorry, sir," Raymond said as he opened the door to their apartment.

"Awesome!!" he yelled and started hearing moaning sounds coming from the bed room. He thought it was his imagination.

He walked slowly to the room and quickly opened the door.

"Ahha!!" he yelled, and saw Mr. Josh on top of a woman on the bed. Half of their body was covered with the blanket as he was on top of her, rocking his hips. Raymond screwed up his face.

"On my bed!!" he yelled and carried a base ball bat from the top of a drawer.  He used it to hit Mr. Josh on the head. As the woman fell to the side of the bed, she used the duvet to properly close her body.

"I give you three seconds to get out!!" Raymond yelled, looking at the woman as he stomped out of the room.

"Who is that mad man?" the woman inquired.

"He is my boss," Mr. Josh said, and climbed down from the bed. He took the woman's clothes from the bed and tossed them to her.

"Put it on and get out." He said, wearing his trouser.

She hurriedly put on her clothes and picked up her bag from the floor.

She stood in front of him and stretched her hand towards him.

He put his hand in his pocket and brought out his wallet. He handed her money and she took it from him and walked out of the room.

Raymond walked into the room and glared at Mr josh with his eyes burning with fury.

"Is this what you do in my bed when I am not around?" Raymond inquired.

"What do you expect a man like me to do at home all day?" he asked bluntly.

"Go and change the bed-sheet, you have spoiled my mood." Raymond lamented, and Mr. Josh quickly went to the wardrobe and brought out a new set of sheets, trying to spread them on the bed.

"I wanted to tell you that I think I have a chance with the model." Raymond said.....