
THE School Rivals

A story revolving around the life of “Kim Do Hee” the heiress to the Kim investments and corporations and Park Min Jae, the daughter of Do Hee’s nanny, grew up as friends but later on, they became rivals, read along to discover the reason they turned to rivals and a lot more of secrets revolving the female leads and their family.

Kris_Esther · 都市
5 Chs

CHAPTER FOUR:Such a terrible First day in a new school.

As time went on," Kim Do Hee and her twin brother "Kim Tae Moo" got enrolled in various schools of their choice," Do Hee" was enrolled in Lee Royal High School while Tae Moo was enrolled in Shinhwa High School, also a prestigious school in Seoul, Do Hee was done preparing for school, she packed her hair in a ponytail style and put on her nerd glasses, she looked beautiful and weird, giving the nerd girl vibe, her black jacket was short and her ash color skirt was also mini on her, exposing her curves and also she knotted her red tie very well, she was looking extremely beautiful, she stared at herself in the mirror and she decided to rub a little bit of red lipstick on her cheeks to make her look odder and more of a commoner than a rich kid. She was also curious and tensed because it was gonna be her first day in school, also as a senior student. When she was done staring at herself in the mirror, she went down to wait for Min Jae, but she stopped by her twin brother's room first to check on him and see if his uniform fit, she banged in without knocking but when she went in she could not find anyone, then one of the maids came in" Good morning young miss" She greeted and bowed, "Did you see my brother? She retorted the greeting with a question, "Yes young miss, he left very early for school" The maid replied, "Aisshhhhhhh" Do Hee gritted her teeth, "How dare he leave without allowing me to see him first, I am sure he looks funny on the uniform and that's why he left early so I won't mock him" She said and giggled while the maid followed her in giggling. Later on, she left his room and went straight to her nanny's apartment, she did not bother heading to her mother's room because she knew she must have left for work now, when she got to Min Jae's house, the family was astonished to see her fit in the uniform. "You look so cute my princess," Mrs Park Na Ri said,

"Thank you so much nanny, she looked at Min Jae and saw how beautiful Min Jae was looking and the way she packed her hair in the middle with a pink attractive pink hairpin and ribbon, and she complimented Min Jae too, Meanwhile, Min Jae was happy that she did disguised herself entirely and her entire beauty didn't show nor expose itself, she also knew that was why Do Hee rubbed a red lipstick

On her cheeks to spice the disguise and her new look but Mrs Na Ri did not notice it. She was asked to join for breakfast but she declined because she had already eaten in her house, "Mum, you don't have to tell Do Hee to join us when she already ate palatable food in her home this morning" Min Jae blurted out and Do Hee laughed "Have you forgotten I always do join you and your family for breakfast when we were still kids? Do Hee asked Min Jae and Min Jae nodded her head

"Of course, I am just joking," Min Jae said, "Please I want you girls to focus on your studies, this is a new semester in a new

grade, and very soon you will see yourself in the final year, please I beg of you both to keep being the best, I am glad that my daughter is intelligent and my second daughter is intelligent too, so you both should make me proud" Mrs. Na Ri advised them "We will nanny" Do Hee replied, she waited for Min Jae to finish up with her breakfast so they can leave, few minutes later, she was done and they left, they got outside and entered a black private car while the driver drove off.

The Students of Lee-royal High School were trooping inside the school as their various private cars dropped them off at the school gate. The building is big, beautiful, and magnificent with a large Korean flag mounted on top of the building, teachers were also dropping off with their cars, a school like Lee Royal was not just known for their impeccable academics but also for their standard and prestige, you will rarely see a poor teacher in the school, it is also a blockbuster to other poor kids in Seoul that foreigners teach them too, the school management made sure to employ qualified and well-educated teachers from all over the world. The students were neatly dressed and the girls were all beautiful, the boys did not miss out too, they looked handsome and mature too. Kim Do Hee and Park Min Jae's driver parked a little bit far from the school gate and that was on Do Hee's instruction, so no one could see the both of them coming down from the same car, the driver after dropping them drove off, while the two girls stood there for a little while before walking in.

Park Min Jae was walking at the back while Do Hee was walking in the front, as they entered the compound, the students started murmuring and chanting, they were talking about Min Jae and how beautiful she kept looking every day while Min Jae noticed what was happening and started smiling, Do-Hee however was ignorant of what was happening, she was just pondering on how her life will be in such elite school as a scholarship student. A few seconds later, all the students started shouting and running in a certain direction, Do-Hee turned and could not find Min Jae anymore but she saw where many students gathered and she could not fathom what the occasion was. She quietly walked closer and stood on a high stairs just to see what was happening, and to her greatest shock she could not believe what she saw, she gasped, and jumped down from where she climbed immediately,

"Oh no, this can't be, how on earth is he a student of this school" She said in her mind, "God, I am so doomed" She soliloquized and ran away, Meanwhile, she also saw Min Jae talking to him, and the person in question turned out to be the same guy she bumped into after saving the lost kid. She ran to the direction of the restroom and was breathing heavily in the process, she got to the restroom and stopped, she hurriedly washed her face and her hands, then kept her two hands on the wash hand basin breathing like one who just got chased by a ghost.

"No, No, this can't be possible, and how did Min Jae get to know him, I just hope I won't bump into him at all," she said in her mind and beat her heart two times, she was lost in her fantasy and curiosity, she couldn't believe that her first-time crush will be in the same school with her. Kim Do-Hee has a shy personality when it comes to guys, back then during her childhood, she rarely played with boys, because she was always shy in front of them and that same shyness was still a part of her. Moreover, while she was still in awe and thinking about the guy, her phone beeped, and it was a message from Min Jae asking her where she was, she chatted her up and told her she went to see the principal and she would be in class soon. Then, she washed her face again wiped it with her face towel, and left for the principal office.

On her way to the principal office, she met three female students standing at a corner, "I just wish Lee Joo Hyuk could be mine one day, I can't wait to have myself in his arms, aw, he is so handsome" one of the girls said and jumped up

"Same here, another one said touching her chest as she went on with her speech," his lips look so sweet and who knows how sweet they will be, I am so jealous of Park Min Jae, she is lucky to be his close friend even many people assume they are dating" the Second girl uttered, "Well, for me, I prefer Kang Gu won, his friend, he is handsome too and to me, he is more handsome, gentle and calm, unlike Joo hyuk who is too proud of himself" She blurted.

However, Kim Do Hee wondered who Lee Joo Hyuk would be and why Min Jae would associate with him, Regardless, she ignored them and found her way to the principal office. She alighted and knocked but she got no response, she knocked again but there was no answer till she knocked for the third time and was asked to come in. She walked into the office" Hello principal" She greeted,

"Please have a sit" the principal instructed her to and she did,

"You are welcome to Lee Royal High School Miss Kim Do-Hee," She said

"Thank you Ma'am" Do Hee retorted. The principal brought out a file and handed it over to her," here, fill it" She said, and Do Hee brought out a pen from her bag filled the guidance form, and handed it back to her which the principal collected and kept on her table. The principal was a stern, beautiful, and rich woman, she was the daughter of the former commissioner of education in their country and out of free will accepted to be the head of a great school like" Lee Royal High School, Judging from the ring on her finger, you will know that she is a married woman.

"So, tell me Miss Do Hee, why do you choose to disguise your personality? Madam Jun ri told me everything and I promised to comply but I just wanna let you know that I know about it, so tell me, why? the principal questioned,

"Nothing Mam, it is my decision and also I just want to study on a low profile in this school without anyone finding out about my family background, please mam just do this for me and don't tell anyone, not even the teachers" She pleaded with the principal

"Fine, it's alright, I won't, it's just rare and surprising to see a rich kid like you who wants to keep a low profile, other teenage girls would like to tell the whole world about their personality but I am impressed and from the look of things you will make a good student, good luck in your stay" the principal retorted," I will call your homeroom teacher to take you to your class immediately," She said once again and dialed a number on the telephone on top of her table," Mrs. Jan di please report to my office immediately," She said and cut the call immediately.

A few minutes later, an average in height, and ugly woman walked into the office after she was instructed to come in, "Yes principal, you called for me" She said and bowed to the principal,

"Yes I did, and the principal pointed at Do-Hee," She is a new scholarship student, and she is in grade two, science class, please take her to your class" the principal instructed and the teacher introduced herself to Do Hee as her homeroom teacher, and asked Do Hee to follow her.

The grade two science class was noisy as students were exchanging pleasantries, discussing, and dancing, and some were chasing after each other. Park Min Jae and her school best friend Jae Mi were at the back discussing with Lee Joo Hyuk and Kang Gu Won, this continued till their homeroom teacher stepped into the class alone.

"Stop the noise! She shouted, and all the students ran back to their seats, except Joo Hyuk and Gu won who were in their seats. "It is too early to start the new academic session with noise, instead you should start it with a new resolution like staying quiet in class reading or doing other calm things to do," Mrs. Jan di said and they all burst out laughing till she hit her hand on the podium that was placed in front of the writing board, then they stopped laughing.

"Anyways, welcome to a new session and a new grade, I hope you all had a fun holiday. and they all shouted yes, "That's good, today we have a new student that will be joining your class, they did not allow her to finish talking and they started murmuring and she called them to silence again, "Like I was saying, she is a new scholarship student that just got transferred to our school and she will be introducing herself now" Mrs. Jan di said and gave her a sign to come in. Kim Do-Hee walked in slowly and immediately she came in, the whole class started murmuring again, a few were talking about how she looked like a Ned in her glasses while a few were talking about her shiny skin, and a few were mocking her because she is a scholarship student.

"Hi everyone! she shouted," My name is Kim-Do Hee, nice to meet you all," She said and the class kept quiet while Min Jae was busy looking at her, "It's nice to have you in my class dear, please take a seat," Mrs. Jan di said and Do Hee went in and started looking for a sit and someone tapped her right hand" here is an empty sit" she looked and saw a very beautiful, fair-skinned, and long haired girl, and saw an empty seat beside hers" thank you," Do-Hee said and sat down, and the teacher went on with what she has to say to them, she orientated them on the rules and regulations of the class, and also told them to behave themselves."The class head and assistant vote will be done next week so start now to think and choose your representatives" the teacher uttered" Until then have a nice day" She said and left the class.

Immediately after the teacher left the class, the students started murmuring and discussing, a lot were looking at Do-Hee while half of the girls were busy staring at the back and admiring Lee Joo Hyuk and his friend Gu Won.

"Hi, my name is Na-Na, nice to meet you seatmate," the girl beside her said and brought out her hand for a shake, Do hee smiled and shook her hands," Thanks for allowing me to sit beside you," She said "it's fine, it's your right anyways," Na-Na said. Na-Na was among the top three most beautiful girls in the science class, starting from when they were in grade one, she is super beautiful and a lot of guys have a crush on her in school and also on her social media pages, she is not intelligent but at least she is not a dullard, and she loves staying alone in class because none of her friends was in the same class with her and she wasn't interested to make friends with any of her class girls, those sitting around her were surprised to see her talk to the new scholarship student(Kim Do Hee).

"You are the first scholarship student in our class that's why they are not happy with your entrance," Na-Na said to her but Do Hee was confused at what she meant, "I'm confused please can you explain? She retorted

"I meant that there are no scholarship students in our class and that is why we are known as the special class in all our grades, but your entrance has changed everything that is why a lot of people in our class will detest you," Na-Na said, "Oh, oh, I understand now, but that is not a big deal, why are they against scholarship students that much? She questioned "That is because they think you guys are not meant to be here and are way out of our leagues, but not to worry I am not among those that think such, just lecturing you on how this school can be tough for people like you," Na-Na said, "thank you for letting me know but come to think of it, why don't you detest people like me? you seem different, no one has talked to me ever since I got here, you are the first person who talked to me and also offered me a sit" Do Hee said, "That is because I don't care about what league anyone is, just wanna study and get the hell out of this school, I am tired of every day coming to school, classes, school activities, and many more" Na-Na blurted out, "interesting, and I am glad to have you as my seat mate, so so glad" Do Hee said and Na-Na smiled.

Jae Mi stood up from her sit and walked up to Do-Hee's locker, she hits her hand loudly on her locker" Hey scumbag, don't you think you should go back to wherever you came from, you have terminated our class with your low class and hungry looking blood" Jae mi scolded, and the students started hailing her" What do you want?"Do-hee asked, Jae mi smirked and spoke up "I can see you have such guts to talk back, huh? who gave you the audacity? now listen, she was saying and pointed at her" Whatever you do in this class, make sure you stay on your lane, people like you are parasites who only want to leach off on the advantages rich kids like us have, you scholarship students are just greedy and lack self-contentment that's why you all always rush to write scholarship examination into an elite school like ours, and you think it's everywhere you can leech off? I am sorry but you came to the wrong place because we will make your stay in this class very miserable" Jae mi

Said with hatred showing through her two eyes, Do Hee quietly stood up and folded her arms, looking eye ball to eye ball with her," First of all, people like us have no intentions to leech off rich kids like you or take the advantage that you guys have, people of your class are not the only ones who wanna have a good and standard education too, we also do, low-class people and families like us also want the best for their children and themselves, so I don't see anything wrong with poor students getting into an elite school like this" Do-Hee lashed out, and the class were surprised because of her boldness and audacity, Min jae could not utter a word to defend Do hee because she knows her classmate will start suspecting on why she helped her. "Who on earth gave you such audacity to speak out that way!! Someone shouted from the back and everybody turned, it turned out to be Lee Joo Hyuk and the class started hailing and murmuring, Do-Hee turned back to see who shouted and immediately she turned and saw "Lee Joo Hyuk" She trembled and moved back, she was shocked to see him in the same class with her, she recalled that she did not look back while introducing herself and that was why she did not see him, cause If she did, she would have run back and beg the principal to change her to another class, Meanwhile, Na-Na noticed her fear immediately she looked back and saw him.

Lee joo hyuk walked up to the middle sit where Do Hee and Jae mi were standing with his two hands inside his pocket,he walks majestically and his cuteness can't be resisted, "I don't see a reason why an ugly looking,nerdy,and a peasant like you should talk when Jae mi talks or when any one of us talks,you should know your place in this class and one of them is to keep shut whenever we talk and do whatever we ask you to do because you are not welcomed here,like she said,people like you are pest leeching off able students like us and the best thing to do is to get rid of such people and that's what we gonna do"he said and bends his head slowly towards her face before he spoke again"and that is why I will say welcome to Lee royal high school where you will face pain and torture till you give up and get out of here,ugly face"he said and the whole class started laughing,after saying that he walked out of the class along with his friend Gu won, "That serves you right"Jae mi said smiling,while Min Jae stood up and walked to the front and held Jae mi's hand, "Come on babe,we should not waste our energy and resumption mood on things like her,right? Min Jae said, "Exactly" Jae mi retorted, "So let's go," Min Jae said and dragged Jae mi out, while Do-Hee sat back on her seat.

"I told you" Na-Na uttered, "That…that…that guy, who is he?"Do Hee stammered, "His name is Lee Joo Hyuk, the most intelligent student in our class and also a popular teenage singer in Seoul, he is also the son to the owner and founder of our school, he is a heart robe here and the most admired and handsome male student in the entire school, that is why all the students and teachers fear and respect him a lot because he has the power to do whatever he wishes, and the guy with him is Gu won, his best friend who is a popular fashion model and also one of the most handsome guys in our school, after joo hyuk you see him, he is calm, and different from joo hyuk, the both of them are from an elite and wealthy family just like all of us here but their parents ranks first when it comes to wealth and fame," Na-Na said, "So that is why he treats people like that? Do Hee asked and Na-Na nodded, "What of the females? Do Hee asked, "The girl who approached you is called Jae mi, she is the daughter of the CEO of one of the biggest corporations in Seoul, she is pretty but I won't describe her as beautiful, she is rude, arrogant and loves showing off, the other girl who took her out is called Park Min Jae, she is exactly just like her friend, rude, proud, beautiful, popular, and very intelligent, she is among the top five most intelligent girls we have in our class, she is also from a wealthy family and her mum is the sister to the CEO of Kim investments and corporation, a very powerful corporation known by all elite businessmen and women, and her mother herself is also very wealthy, her dad is late, both girls are friends to joo hyuk and Gu won, that's all" Na-Na concluded. Meanwhile, Do Hee was lost in her thoughts, she was shocked to know that the same guy she was crushing on was the son of the owner of the school and also close friends with Min Jae, she also couldn't believe that he had such a bad character, but he acted like a gentleman that very night and that was all Do Hee was saying in her mind "Such a terrible first day in a new school" She said not knowing when she said it out.