
THE School Rivals

作者: Kris_Esther
Contemporary Romance
連載中 · 1.9K ビュー
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What is THE School Rivals

WebNovel で公開されている、Kris_Esther の作者が書いた THE School Rivals の小説を読んでください。A story revolving around the life of “Kim Do Hee” the heiress to the Kim investments and corporations and Park Min Jae, the daughter of Do Hee’s nanny, grew up as friends but later on, they became ri...


A story revolving around the life of “Kim Do Hee” the heiress to the Kim investments and corporations and Park Min Jae, the daughter of Do Hee’s nanny, grew up as friends but later on, they became rivals, read along to discover the reason they turned to rivals and a lot more of secrets revolving the female leads and their family.

7 タグ

The Wild Duchess is a Beast Tamer

Valerie was a beautiful heiress of a multi-million company and lived a perfect life. Or at least, that was what she thought. But, her seemingly ideal world crumbled apart when she found out that her fiance and step-sister betrayed her, schemed for her wealth, and pushed her off of a twenty-story building. Waking up in a world different from what she was used to, Valerie realized that she transmigrated into the body of a duchess with the same name and gained access to her memories. A world where humans and beastmen co-existed. Humans lived in the city, while the beasts lived in the wilds. Valerie found herself getting involved with not one, not two, not three, but four handsome beastmen in this lifetime! A great deal of havoc was about to happen, and Valerie was now the center of them all! Will she bring chaos or peace in the world where beastmen are treated like slaves? And which handsome beastman will she eventually fall prey to? +++ Kai inspected Valerie's face, then her shoulders, and then her arms and waist, "Did that tiger beastman do something to you?" Before Valerie could even answer, Zion beat her to it, "I did nothing to her. And both of us are beastmen, don't you think it's better for you to address me by my name?" "He didn't do anything to you, right, Valerie?" Zion furrowed his brow, "I already told you that I did nothing to her... Don't you think you're being disrespectful, Wolf?" Kai turned to Zion and pushed his broad chest, "I was asking Valerie, not you, Tiger. Don't you think I'm being lenient to you considering how you were on top with her? Anyone would clearly see that you were about to kiss—" "Even if we were to kiss each other, you don't have anything to do with it, Wolf." Zion smirked as he took a step closer, mocking him. "Only Valerie has the right to stop me, don't you think?" "Y-You—" "Try me, Wolf," Zion challenged with a relaxed smile. And that was when Valerie knew that she was already in trouble.

LeeMaRi1999 · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Cupid's Bullet

After being found guilty for the murder of her father and foster parent, Avery Reigns is illegally adopted by a Mexican billionaire ,black market expert and Mafia lord ; Rodrigo Dela Russo. Thanks to Rodrigo, she is fully trained and raised to be an assassin and asset for Rodrigo's benefit. Years go by, and Avery consistently puts her all in finally securing the title of Rodrigo's heiress. However, Rodrigo has other things in mind as he gives his son Eddie, the Mafia organisation in contrary to his promise to Avery. She is eventually betrayed by Rodrigo and locked behind bars. Until one day, an unknown personality visits her in prison,and offers her a deal to take everything back and even more. To infiltrate the home of the wealthiest family in England and rob a conglomerate family of their wealth by becoming a fake surrogate to the family's heir who is rumoured to be critically ill and paralyzed. Thirsty for revenge, Avery weighs her options and eventually, she walks through the door of the Wellingtons' household only to discover that her entire being was going to undergo a stage of metamorphosis that she did not prepare for. ___________ Logan Wellington is a 27 year old, successful CEO and a heir of his family's business empire. Unfortunately, Logan meets with an accident which brutally incapacitated him and places his once stable life on a thread. Desperate for an heir in order to secure Logan's position in the family company, his mother sources after a surrogate mother behind his back since the chances of his wife having a child are slim. Logan is to learn that life is way different from his lens the second his hired surrogate mother walks into his home.

Ebbie_Namani · 都市
8 Chs

Exodia: Final Encore

[I am not going to continue this novel here. Use this link to get redirected to the new version.] http://wbnv.in/a/1ehkBeu [The name of the book is Exodia: Last Encore.] (Disclaimer: There are swear words.) (I'll do my best to write one chapter a day. I'll focus on this rather than my other book.) A century ago, the world was blessed with special abilities which came from sources in seven spots all across the world, in different continents. Not only this, a new species of monsters came along with the special abilities. The species which hate humanity and want to wipe them off the face of the Earth; Imperi. This entire event was called the Grand Impact. Those blessed with special abilities and superhuman physique were called Streia and those who were Streia and swore to protect people for a profession were called Magi. 8 years ago, East Asia was affected by yet another impact. This one mainly destroyed Tokyo and a few other places in East Asia. This was caused by an entity given the codename of Alpha. Thanks to one Magia, Alpha was stopped and vanished, never to be seen after that day. On that day, Kazuya Shiba's mother was killed. He swore to take revenge on Alpha and attended Interblade Academy as, now, a second-year. At Interblade Academy, his friends stand out more than he does as they are Silver ranked. Meanwhile, Kazuya is... Porcelain ranked?! Even being Porcelain ranked, that does not stop him from killing Imperi and defeating enemies. Will Kazuya be able to achieve his revenge or die trying? (I do not own the cover.)

VoidEX · 都市


Seven years after rescuing Jame Gumb's last victim, Clarice Starling witnesses her career crumble around her. A drug raid goes wrong and Starling kills an armed meth dealer in self-defense: the dealer was carrying her own baby while shooting at Starling. Hannibal Lecter, who has been living in Florence, Italy, under an assumed name since escaping custody, sends her a letter of condolence and requests more information about her personal life. Desperate to catch Lecter, the FBI finds a use for Starling once again. She meets with Barney Matthews, former orderly of Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. He tells her what Lecter said about her and that he said he would never go after her if he escaped. Meanwhile, Mason Verger, a wealthy, sadistic pedophile who was left horribly disfigured after a "therapy session" with Lecter, plans to get revenge by feeding Lecter to wild boars, using Starling as bait. He is aided by corrupt Justice Department agent Paul Krendler, Starling's nemesis. A disgraced Florentine detective, Rinaldo Pazzi, also pursues Lecter in the interests of collecting Verger's bounty on him. However, Lecter kills one of Pazzi's men and hangs Pazzi where his ancestor, Francesco de Pazzi, was hanged in 1478. Lecter waves at a camera, the footage of which is later seen by Verger. Lecter kills one of Verger's men and escapes to the United States, where he begins pursuing Starling. The novel briefly touches upon Lecter's childhood, specifically the death of his beloved younger sister, Mischa. The two were orphaned during World War II, and a group of German deserters found them on their family estate and took them prisoner. The Germans, after checking the limbs of both siblings, had taken Mischa away. Lecter later found some of Mischa's milk teeth in a stool pit used by the deserters, indicating to young Hannibal that they had killed and eaten his sister. Barney briefly works for Verger, and gets acquainted with Verger's sister and bodyguard Margot, a lesbian bodybuilder whom Verger molested and raped as a child. Their friendship is briefly strained when he makes a pass at her, but they eventually reconcile, and Margot tells him that she stays in her hated brother's employment because she needs Mason's sperm to have a child with her partner, Judy. Lecter is captured by Verger's men, and Starling pursues them, determined to bring Lecter in herself. One of Verger's men shoots her full of tranquilizer as she releases Lecter. The wild boars break through the barricade separating them from Lecter, but they lose interest in their intended prey when they smell no fear on him, instead going after Verger's men. In the confusion, Lecter carries the unconscious Starling to safety, and escapes with her. At the same time, Margot forcibly obtains Mason's sperm by sodomizing him with a cattle prod, and then kills him by shoving his pet Moray eel down his throat. Lecter, who had briefly treated Margot after her brother abused her, has urged her to blame the murder on him, which she does by leaving one of his hairs at the scene. Using a regimen of psychotropic drugs and behavioral therapy, Lecter attempts to brainwash Starling, hoping to make her believe she is Mischa, returned to life. She ultimately proves too strong, however, and tells him that Mischa will have to live on within him. Lecter captures Krendler and lobotomizes him, and then he and Starling dine on Krendler's prefrontal cortex, sauteed with shallots, before Lecter kills him. The two then become lovers, and disappear together. Three years later, Barney and his girlfriend go to Buenos Aires to see a Vermeer painting. At the opera, Barney spots Lecter and Starling; fearing for his life, he flees with his girlfriend.

QuinnEee · ホラー
41 Chs


The night was gloomy while the cold was chilling. It was supposed to be a job that will transform their lives forever but it turned from joy into a nightmare when they found out that they were going to be used as human sacrifice for something they don't even know exist. Not knowing whether it was a curse or an answer to their prayer, they met with another calamity on their way to a fate they don't even know what will become of them and they all died leaving behind one person who was fighting a futile fight against death. Mark fought against death but could not overcome death. The moment he was about to give up, something triggered in his body and it brought him to the reality that he was not human. He was a monster and the most dangerous monster in existence. Will he give up? Will he become evil because of what happened? Or will he use his tyrannical power to fight evil and become an overlord? Find out in the novel as you follow the lead through this intriguing and captivating storyline that will keep you on the edge of your seat for you that have been tired of the version of Dracula that are outside. This is an entire new version of Dracula. A unique and perfect creature formed from the........... #Activation of the ultimate Dracula system finished #Do you want to commence with your first evolution or not "No matter what people call me, evil monster or other vile names, I believe.............." Hmmm Refer to the novel And don't forget to drop a review

Opemipo_Gbaye · アクション

ARKANA : Imperfect Love

Arka Derrien Mahendra. Seorang musisi yang mengawali karier dari menjadi vokalis band di sekolahnya. Lalu menjadi penyanyi kafe, penyanyi festival, hingga menjadi penyanyi terkenal. Arka memiliki sahabat bernama Naira Kemala Bimantara. Yang mendapat julukan dari banyak orang ‘cewek singa’ karena sikapnya yang dinilai agak beringas. Mereka dipertemukan dengan tidak sengaja. Saat keduanya menjadi perwakilan kelas masing-masing saat rapat MOS. Dan karena kecerobohan Naira membuatnya mengenal sosok Arka. Naira terlambat datang dan Arka dengan sigap menariknya untuk masuk ke dalam barisan. Ke mana-mana selalu bersama membuat Arka dan Naira dijuluki sebagai soulmate. Pasangan yang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Lambat laun, karena kedekatan mereka yang terjalin setiap hari, rasa sayang yang sebelumnya hanya sebagai seorang sahabat, berubah menjadi rasa suka dan timbul rasa saling memiliki. Namun perasaan Arka dan Naira terkurung dalam ikatan persahabatan. Sebelum acara kelulusan, sebenarnya Arka mulai merasakan ada getaran cinta saat bersama dengan Naira. Begitu pun sebenarnya dengan Naira. Tapi mereka takut untuk mengungkapkannya. Keduanya paham risiko yang akan mereka hadapi jika saling mengutarakan perasaan. Taruhannya adalah persahabatan akan hancur karena salah satu sudah berani jatuh cinta. Mereka mengira bahwa cinta mereka bertepuk sebelah tangan. Jika saja Arka tahu perasaan Naira yang sebenarnya dan jika saja Naira juga tahu perasaan Arka yang sebenarnya, semua akan terasa lebih mudah. Dan indah. Puncak karier Arka yang malah membuat persahabatannya dengan Naira semakin bermasalah. Disaat Arka sibuk manggung di luar kota, Naira terkena masalah besar dalam keluarganya. Ayahnya tersandung kasus hukum dan dipenjara. Rumah beserta aset-asetnya disita. Sedangkan Ibunya shock berat. Ingin berbagi cerita dengan Arka, tapi Naira bingung. Karena Arka sibuk dan susah dihubungi. Naira pontang-panting dengan masalahnya sambil bekerja untuk menghidupi ibunya. Sampai akhirnya dia bertemu dengan seorang lelaki yang membuatnya sedikit tenang dalam menghadapi masalahnya. Dia adalah bos di tempatnya bekerja. Namanya Tristan. Tristan selalu ada disaat Naira butuh seorang penguat. Posisi yang seharusnya diisi oleh Arka, malah diisi oleh Tristan. Seiring berjalannya waktu, mereka mulai nyaman dan memutuskan untuk berpacaran. Tanpa sepengetahuan Arka. Meski sebenarnya Naira juga masih bingung. Apakah perasaannya itu benar cinta atau hanya nyaman sekilas saja. Disisi lain, Arka masih sibuk dengan kebingungannya untuk mengungkapkan perasaannya atau memendamnya saja. Sedangkan Naira merasa bahwa Arka mulai berubah semenjak terkenal. Naira mengira Arka pelan-pelan melupakannya karena circle pertemanan barunya. Pertengkaran hebat akhirnya terjadi. Naira bahkan sampai berteriak, menunjuk-nunjuk Arka, untuk pertama kalinya. Satu tahun kemudian, skenario Allah ternyata mempertemukan mereka kembali. Arka dan Naira berada di kampus yang sama. Di fakultas yang sama pula. Disitu Arka baru tahu ternyata Naira tidak langsung kuliah selepas SMA. Tapi Arka belum tahu tentang permasalahan Ayah Naira. Beberapa bulan kemudian, satu persatu masalah terbongkar. Arka tahu tentang kasus Ayahnya Naira dari salah satu rekan kerja Ayahnya. Lalu tentang keadaan Ibunya Naira. Tentang perekonomiannya. Tapi satu yang belum membuatnya tenang. Hubungan Naira dengan Tristan. Meski sebenarnya Arka sangat tidak suka dengan Tristan, tapi dia menghargai pilihan Naira. Lalu perihal rasa cintanya terhadap Naira. Apakah akan pudar seiring berjalannya waktu? Jawabannya adalah tidak. Arka tetap mencintai Naira. Tapi apakah Arka akan merebut kembali hati Naira? Atau malah kehilangan Naira selamanya? Kita akan menjadi saksi dari kisah mereka.

katakinin · 現実
23 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


