
The Scavenger Fate

Just another isekai trash. same old concept but with a little dark twist. same old plot but with a little darkness. same old struggle but a little elaborate. same old MC but a little different. same old world but with infinite possibilities.

arnav_chandra · ファンタジー
30 Chs


(Author note: I noticed that the name Renard and Leonard are very similar so I am going to change the name of Renard to RAYMOND.)


"Old man, I am serious. So please tell me everything you know about this world. And from everything I mean everything. From least interesting things to most important and crucial things."

Looking at me for some seconds he old man nodded. And decided to comply with my request.

"I understand."

And thus he revealed everything he knows about this world. Frankly the more he told me the more I was baffled.

I really was surprised hearing his stories. God existence other races, super powers, demons, etc.

Guess it looks like my life is not going to be any easy at all.


In this world, there are several races that live along with each other, they are humans, elf, dwarf, beast-man, ogre and demons. There are 6 continent, each continent inhabited by each races.

The human continent is in the central region. And there are 4 kingdom and 1 dukedom in the human continent. They are Vanetia Kingdom, Iftaq Kingdom, Cetron Knigdom, Policia Kingdom and Raqul Dukedom.

The elf, dwarf, beast-man, ogre and demons are solitary races who don't like to associate with humans. As all of them don't like humans at all. Why?

It's because humans can almost live for 100 years while the other races can easily live up to 300-500 years. Also even though humans are of some race they discriminate against each other. The three major group in which the human society is divided are- clergy, nobles, and commoners.

Now onto the topic of gods

There are 6 gods that live in this world. This world is divided in two planes –

Material plane- plane in which humans, elf, dwarf, beast-man, ogre and demons live. Also referred as lower plane.

Astral plane- plane in which gods and deity live. Also referred as higher plane.

In this world each race humans, elf, dwarf, beast-man, ogre and demons worship their own god. They are as follows

Humans - Goddess of light, Lucretia

Elf - Goddess of nature, Demtrix

Dwarf - God of fire, Vulcan

Beast-man - God of beast, Typhon

Ogre - God of war, Herwiq

Demons - God of malevolence, Mephisto

Interestingly in this world humans hone their swordsmanship and try to reach the plane of swordmaster.

Also in this world there is something called scrolls. These scrolls are something that grant people super-powers. These scrolls are divided in 5 categories based on their power and rarity- bronze, silver, gold, platinum and diamond.

Interestingly among these scrolls only one scroll of a specific rarity can be equipped. For example if a person has already equipped a gold rank scroll, then he cannot equip any other gold rank scroll at all.

Now this was power of scrolls. These scrolls can be equipped by any person humans, elf, dwarf, beast-man, ogre and demons doesn't matter.

But now comes power exclusive only to specific races.

The humans can use something called bloodline ability. But these ability can only use by some humans. Those who can use such bloodline ability established themselves as nobles, royals and clergy. Why only few human can use this ability nobody knows. But these humans referred themselves as chosen-one.

Other than that the human race can worship any deity and get access to their blessing and use their power. Blessing are of three types-

Lower blessing, intermediate blessing, advance blessing.

The lower blessing allows human to use the power of a deity 3 times a day, whereas the intermediate blessing allows humans to use the power of a deity 9 times a day. While advance blessing can allow a human to use the power of deity 27 times a day. However advance blessing are very hard to get.

If a person worship an ice deity then they can get blessing of ice. And can use power of ice based on their blessing.

However, one person can only worship one deity in their entire life. So if one think they can worship more than one deity they are wrong.

Elves on the other hand are elemental contractors. Elementals are like phantom creature who can control power of nature. Like fire elemental can control fire power, water elemental can control water power etc. Once elves mature they can make contract with any elementals and tame them. But one elf can make contract with only elemental.

(Author note: think of these elementals as Pokémon)

Dwarfs can use body strengthening and turn their body as hard as steel. Beast-men can use haste and increase their speed greatly.

Ogres on the other hand use glyph. These glyph are like tattoo that allow these ogres to absorb the power of the enemy that they have killed.

Demons on the other hand use enchantment- they can use this power to enchant people, brainwash them, hypnotize them, possess their bodies and control them.