
The Meet

It was like any other day of my life. I woke up early, went for a jog, came back and took a bath, and now I'm about to have my breakfast.

"Good Morning, Mom, Dad" my parents weren't the best but they gave me everything I could ever ask for. My mom Anna is a woman in her late forties, but still very beautiful and healthy. My dad Halston, the CEO of QBZ Industries, is in his early fifties but still a handsome and proud man.

They were my parents and I love them. They brought me up to be the lady I am now. They were always strict with me. I remember once when I came home late after a friend's birthday party, they grounded me for a month!

"Good Morning, honey" came their replies.

"What's for breakfast?"

"I made your favourite today!" my mom smiled at me. Waffles!! She never missed a chance to cook us a delicious meal.

"Thanks, mom" I gave her a grin.

"So, your brother is coming back today, I want you to follow Jake to the airport to fetch him" my dad told me.

"Dex is coming home, today!!!" I'm so excited. My brother, Dexter the only sibling and only guy that I am close to, is finally coming back after studying in England for six months.

"Yes, honey. He told us he wanted you to be there at the airport." my mom replied, looking amused.



And now here I am waiting for my beloved brother at the airport, Jake my driver by my side.

I've been waiting for half an hour now. I think there's been some delay, but that's not gonna stop me form being so excited.

Finally after at least fifteen more minutes, they announced that the flight from England has arrived. The doors opened and the passengers on the flight started coming out, some of their families were already there and some of them went straight out to grab a taxi.

I was still looking for my brother, and when I finally spotted him next to the most handsome guy I have ever seen, imagine how I felt.