
The Meet - Part 2

I felt shy, immediately I felt heat in my cheeks. I was blushing!! One thing about me is, I'm not good with people outside my family, I'm SO shy!!!

My brother spotted me, and he grinned,walking faster towards me.

"Dex, I missed you!"

"Hey, I missed you too" he exclaimed, squeezing me in a hug.

When he finally let go, his friend had caught up to us and was standing behind him. I stared. The handsome creature smiled at me and I snapped out of it. My brother finally made the introductions.

It seems that his friend's name is Enzo short for Lorenzo and he will be staying with us for quite some time as he's his house is being renovated at the moment and will not be done anyyike soon.

I of course had no problem with that because I would be able to get an eyefull of that everyday.

Jake collected their luggages and I led them to the car.

Enzo was walking beside me as Dex helped Jake with the luggage.

"So..... Diana right?" I couldn't believe he was making small talk with me.

"Yes" I replied. I could feel the heat starting to creep up my cheeks and my hands started fidgeting.

"How old are you?" he asked.

"Eighteen, I just finished my studies. Planning on going to college next but I'm not entirely sure which one to apply for."

"Isn't that the question everyone has? Which college to go for? Wanna hear my opinion? I heard that you're really smart, I think you should just skip college and go straight to a University." he gave me a dashing smile after saying that and I swear I felt like dying on the spot.

" But then isn't that another question? Which university to apply for? " I asked again.

" Well, you could just apply for the one me and Dex are studying at. I promise you will love it there."

"Yeah...sounds good to me."

We had to cut short our conversation as my brother interrupted us and went on ahead inside the car with Enzo.