

I'm in the city, Eilhart, commercial district. There are shops and stalls everywhere. Walking on the stone road that was crowded by people. Seeing my attire that resemble a noble, people tried to get my attention to sell their stuff. I walked along in an easy but swift gait, not minding them at all. I'm really eager to get to my destination, a monster shop. The monster shop was owned by my family and since I'm twelve now, I will get my beast master beginner package.

"Greetings, young master Erwin" greeted the shop keeper. He looked like a man in his fifties. This man has served my family since he was thirty.

"Mr. John, I came here for my beginner package" I said with a smile on my face.

"Of course, young master. Please wait here" I nodded to him.

While waiting for him, I looked around the shop. There are a lot of food, equipment and other things that needed by monster and beast master. As I was looking around, I stumbled upon a leather gauntlet. It was black in color and can cover my hand and wrist.

Then I walked to a fitting room. Looking at my reflection in the mirror there, I saw a handsome young man... Well that's what my mother always said to me. But from eavesdropping on gossip about me, others said that I'm only above average. I have black hair and blue eyes, just like my dad. My body was well built so I'm not just a fat spoiled kid. I'm an athletic spoiled kid!

The gauntlet looks great for me. While I was admiring how handsome I am. John called me from the counter.

There I saw a grey wolf. I think he was around six month old, and as tall as my knees. It was a Wind Wolf. It has the potential to grow until rank III, and they are easy to raise so they are perfect for a beginner like me.

"Here you go, young master. There are 2 contract scrolls, 15 packs of grade-I monster meat, and 5 grade-I magic cores." John said as he put a bag on the table.

"Why do you give me one wolf if you give me two contract scrolls?" I ask while checking the bag.

"I heard that you will join your brother to Helmgart. So I thought maybe you will found a better monster on your journey." John said with a smile on his face.

"Ah I never thought of that. Thanks Mr. John, I'll go home now." Putting on my bag, I dragged the wolf by his leash with me to go home. There I can immediately start training.

Seeing this, John shook his head. Then he wrote on a report 'Erwin stole a leather gauntlet'.

On the way home, the wolf struggled from my dragging but gradually resigned to his fate.

My home was in the noble district. My family was a minor noble so our mansion was big but not as big as other bigger noble family. It's spacious enough for our every need. Arriving at the courtyard, I sat there with my newly acquired wolf.

'First step is to establish a mental connection and then try to make an agreement' I tried to control my soul and establish a bridge with the soul of this wolf.

[Hello there!] I spoke to him. But instead of replying, he just sat there in silence, glaring at me with his eyes.

[Hey don't you want go on an adventure and get stronger with me? I will take care of you like my own child.] I tried to persuade him. But the wolf just looked askance to me.

While Erwin struggled, his mother came behind him with a helpless look. Her name was Brizy Breeden. She also has black hair but her eyes was green in color. She looked gorgeous as if she's in her twenties and looking at her hand that filled with calluses she must have been trained in wielding weapons.

"Even if you are gifted with powerful soul to be a beast master, I don't think you should be one." She said while looking at the wolf. The wolf looked at her as if asking for help.

"What do you mean, mom? You know I already fix my path to become a beast master since I awakened my soul when I was six. By becoming a beast master I can let my children do the work while I sit back, relax and enjoy a cup of tea." Erwin said in determination.

In this world, the awakening of one soul is the first step to grow in power. For humans, it usually happened in the age of six. There are cases of both early and late awakening. The power of their soul after awakening varies on each person. The cause of this was still a mystery as even in the royalty family it's still rare. But they can cover their soul power with their bloodline and resources.

By awakening soul, one can cultivate their soul to accommodate mana. This mana then can be used depending on what classes they are.

For Warriors, they strengthen their body with mana and at higher grade they can manipulate an element with their attacks. And for Mages they strengthen their soul to manipulate an element with mana.

Mages usually only specialize in one element as their soul can only focus on one to strengthen the element power. But there people who can manipulate more than one element but their power won't be as great as those who specialize only in one element.

For Erwin, he wanted to become a beast master. Beast master didn't master any elements. Instead they focus on their psychic power to bond with their pets through contract. These psychic powers also strengthen both the beast master and the pet. Beast master can obtain a power from their own pet every time the beast master or the pet advance in grade through their psychic bond.

For example if someone raises a Wind Wolf, they have a chance to obtain one of the wolf's powers such as manipulating wind. Of course the power will be toned down a little and also gone if the pet died.

Every beast masters won't call their own pet a 'pet'. They called it their own children as their bond is as strong as the bond between parents and their child.

"You know what I mean. This is your seventh pet! You always give up on your pet even before taking care of it for a year. How can you hope to become a beast master if you can't even take care of your pet? You should've focused to be a warrior like me instead" She said while flexing her arm.

Erwin rolled his eyes seeing her mother antics.

Erwin was known for his failure as a beast master. The first time he got his monster he was happy beyond words. But he gradually became bored of his pet just like a child losing interest on their new toy.

He thought that it's not as fun as training using spear with his mother and brother where he can beat something up. So the family gifted away or sold the abandoned pets. But Erwin always demand a new one on is birthday.

"Where is dad?" Erwin asked.

"As usual he is in his study. Also your brother wants you to help him prepare for the trip tomorrow."

Erwin nodded and took out a pack of grade-I meat then gave it to the wolf. [Stay here okay]. "I'll leave him to you, mom" Then he began his way to his father's study.

Opening the door, he saw his father concocting a potion surrounded by alchemy equipment. It's red in color with a little black spot here and there, he never saw his dad making one prior to this.

His father was Rick Breeden. His hair was black and eyes were blue just like Erwin. He has a scholarly look and his robe deepen it. Rick was just a commoner until he reached grade-IV and settled down with Brizy becoming a new noble in Eilhart.

"What brings you here?" Rick said glancing at his son stopping his work.

"Dad, do you know how Mr Martus tame a new monster quickly? There is no way all of his pets are raised from a young age right?"

"Indeed he tamed one on our adventure. But I don't know how he did it. But looking back on how contracts work the keyword should be 'agreement'" his father said continuing his work.

'An agreement? Does that mean I can use force?' a grin appeared on Erwin's face.

"Don't even think about using force." His father shot down his thought.

Erwin just shrug and closed the door. On his way back to courtyard his brother Charlie stopped him.

Charlie was six years older than Erwin but they almost looked the same except for their height and hair length. Erwin liked it to be short and spiky but Charlie liked it long and loose.

"There you are. Now come with me, I need your help so the preparation can finish early. I've posted a request on mercenary guild so now we only need supplies." Charlie dragged Erwin by his hand.

Charlie was a grade-II warrior while Erwin was only a grade-I beast master of course he would be overpowered.

'ahh now I see how the wolf feels'