
Mole Rats

Erwin spent his afternoon running around helping his brother preparing for their trip to Helmgart. Carriage, shipment, food, he went through them all. And at night he spent time with his wolf trying to achieve his dream.

The sun rose up in the east illuminating the land, marking the start of the day. Erwin woke up and began his exercise routine, dragging along the wolf. And then after having breakfast they went to the city's west gate. There they will wait until noon before they set off to Helmgart.

Erwin donned a set of bright brown leather armor covering him from head to toe. His leather gauntlet was distinctive because it's color. His javelins sat on his back and a short spear in his right hand. He also carried a dagger on his hip in case of emergency.

He also brought the wolf in leash. Maybe the wolf would agree to his contract on the way.

Instead of leather armor, Charlie donned a set of steel armor. He also used spear as their mother taught both of them her spear technique, she called it {Scarlet Wings}. When she reached grade-IV she had an epiphany and thus perfecting her own technique. At grade-III she can use flame as her ultimate attack and after reaching grade-IV she can infuse flame in her every attack.

In the gate, their servant was already there with a group of five mercenaries that accepted their request for an escort. They greeted Charlie and Erwin. The leader of the mercenary group stepped forward to introduce them.

"I'm Alex, a fire mage. Vin and Morty are our warriors. Kayla and Anya are archers. We also want to travel to Helmgart so we thought we should join you" Alex said with a smile.

Alex wore a grey tunic robe with a magic staff on his hand. Judging by his mana fluctuation he was a grade-I. His hair was brown and his eyes were red in color.

Charlie nodded "Welcome. Is there any more people who accepted?"

Alex shook his head "No. We are the only group who accepted the request. You do know that Helmgart is a hotspot for monster attacks so people aren't eager to go there. Especially because of the latest attack of a grade-III monster"

"Then you must be very confidence in your power if you accepted this." Charlie said rising his eyebrows. "Anyway since there won't be any more mercenaries, we should set off early then."

Everyone proceed aboard to their assigned carriages. There are four carriages, one of them is carrying the potion shipment to Helmgart. They get into a spearhead formation protecting the shipment at the center. The front will be Charlie, Erwin ,and Alex. While the rear side will be Vin, Morty, Kayla, and Anya.

It is estimated that they will arrive in Helmgart on three to four days. Helmgart is in the southwest of Eilhart. Helmgart is close by a forest which is a border between The Kingdom of Averon and The Orcs that live by the mountain range. Helmgart is just a town so it's smaller than and not as crowded as Eilhart.

Charlie with his outgoing personality was talking every now and then knowing the mercenaries better. Erwin was playing with his wolf, chasing it around.

"Is your brother a warrior?" Alex asked, looking at Erwin who easily chased the wolf without breaking a sweat.

"He's kind of weird. He breakthrough grade-I when sparring with me but he cultivated to become a beast master. He can't even take care of his pet." Charlie said with a wry smile.

"Can't you persuade him to be a warrior instead?"

Charlie sighed "No matter what we did he won't change his mind. He was spellbound seeing my father's friend flying with a gryphon."

"If I was a child I would do the same" Alex chuckled.

Meanwhile Erwin was still playing with his wolf. But suddenly the ground he stepped on collapsed, revealing a big mole rat opening its mouth. He was surprised but he immediately stepped on its nose and jumped to avoid the monster.

"Monster attack!" He shouted. He got into battle stance with his spear while slowly regroup with the rest.

Kayla was looking at Erwin playing with his wolf immediately fired a shot to the mole rat. But the monster quickly retreated when its attack failed.

"Damned rats, It's a tough foe because of its habit going underground." Kayla frowned.

"Archers to the top of the carriages. Warriors protect the horses. We will advance slowly" Charlie immediately gave order to the group.

A mole rat tried to attack a horse in the rear but fortunately Vin and Morty reacted quickly injuring the mole rat.

"I hope there is a grade-II mole rat leading them" Erwin said as he met up with his brother.

"Why?" Alex asked hearing what Erwin said.

"So I can tame it of course."

"As if you can tame one." Charlie rolled his eyes.

Sensing that their surprise attacks are not going to work the mole rats decided to attack them openly. There are eight of them, one of them was a grade-II, five were grade-I, and two mole rats that hadn't reach grade-I.

The grade-II mole rat was as big as an adult wolf, it was agile and its teeth and claws are sharp. And the grade-I rats was just little smaller followed by un-graded rats.

"The gods are in my favour" Erwin grinned.

Charlie shook his head "I'll fight the grade-II you guys can handle the rest."

Everyone nodded and went to action. Vin and Morty fought two mole rats each with their swords and the help of Kayla and Anya. Alex fought with one mole rat with his spells.

Feeling left out Erwin then threw his javelins to the two un-graded mole rats killing them easily. Then he went to help Alex with his spear. He opened the fight with a piercing thrust of his spear. The mole rat dodged and got closer to Erwin so it can attack him.

Erwin then follow up with a sweep of his spear, cutting its right front leg. Not wasting this opportunity, Alex then casted firebolt to its head ending its life. A good teammate really made it easy to win.

"Are you sure you're not a warrior?" Alex asked. But Erwin just smile at Alex's question.

Alex then went to help Charlie dealing with the grade-II. As for Erwin he helped the four dealing with the grade-I mole rats. He threw one javelin to a mole rat that fought Vin, but it dodged the throw. Being disturbed so suddenly the mole rat got angry and ran to Erwin, lifting pressure from Vin.

His years of training with his mother made it easy for him to deal with one mole rat, killing it in five moves. Vin and Anya also killed the mole rat and went to help Morty and Kayla.

Feeling that they will win easily, Erwin went to the grade-II mole rat. The mole rat was heavily injured while Charlie just suffered light scratches.

"Let me try something to the mole rat." Erwin said and then he threw his last javelin to it. The javelin hit its back leg but the wound is shallow. The mole rat hissed and retreated.

Erwin built a mental connection with the mole rat. [Yield to me or die.]

The mole rat glared at Erwin. [So what is your choice?] Erwin tried to act threatening by pointing his spear.

The mole rat jumped onto Erwin decided to drag him to its grave. It was really quick but Charlie was ready to finish it when Erwin spoke with it. He threw his spear embedding the nail to its coffin.

"See Erwin, You're not fated to become a beast master." Charlie Said to brother with concern.

"I already told you that I will never change my path." Erwin then walked away to retrieve his javelins.

Charlie sighed and shook his head. He knew that his brother was stubborn and will never change his mind on becoming a beast master. But Erwin clearly was very talented to become a warrior, he was just wasting his talent if he won't change his mind.

Charlie joined the group on harvesting everything that can be use or sold. For example their meat, mana core, and pelt. Mana core formed when a living being reaches grade-I as their body accumulate mana because of their soul. Grade-I mana cores usually sold for two silver coins each. Considering a hard bread loaf was sold for two copper coins it's enough to feed a family of four for days.

'I feel like I'm forgetting something' Erwin narrow is eyes.

"Wolfie!" Erwin shouted and ran around looking for his wolf. Everyone just looked at him in silence, loss for words.

"Let's continue our journey before more monster came by the smell of blood. We also need to make camp before dark." Charlie ordered not minding his brother.

Erwin continued running and searching but not too far from the group. As the sky began to darken Erwin stop looking for the wolf. He faced the fact that the wolf ran away. He headed back to the group with a downcast mood.

They finally found a clearing and rest there. They had meal together around the campfire. Vin approached Erwin who sat in silence.

"You did great back there, you easily killed the mole rat with your spear. Anya was really amazed by you" teased Vin while elbowing Erwin lightly. His body was quiet big but his face gave a good guy vibe.

Erwin shrugged "Of course it's easy. You guys wore them down so I just dealt a finishing blow"

"But still you just whoosh whoosh and boop it died with a thrust of your spear." Vin demonstrating how Erwin was fighting.

Erwin chuckled seeing Vin's antics. They talk and joke with each other until it's time to sleep. Charlie hold the first night watch as he don't need to sleep much. The night was very peaceful.

In the morning they continue their journey. Not much happened in that day they enjoy their time together. On the second day though the woods are getting thicker so they need to pay more attention to their surroundings.

At noon they decided to rest as their horses are tires. They don't want to get their horse sprained.

"I'll scout our surroundings" Erwin volunteered.

"Me two" "Me three" Vin and Kayla decided to join him.

They went to north to check if someone or something was following them. After that they went to the woods.

"Do you think your wolf would run here?" Kayla asked.

"Who cares, I'll just get a new one later." Erwin shrugged.

"You sure are rich. Mind if you give me a bit?" Vin rose his eyebrows,

Suddenly they heard a growl not far away. They immediately get on guard. Kayla pointed to the direction of the sound. They sneak their way there trying to not alert a monster.

They were shocked, they saw a pack wolves, a giant spider, and a big bear.