
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · ファンタジー
75 Chs

Space ships!

<p>9,900 years later….<br/><br/>Today is the day that all ultimas have been waiting for the end of the great protection as they call it, all ultimas on this faithful day look towards the sky waiting for the barrier to go down, kirean and the others were also waiting as they could be seen in a shipyard in Aurora housing all the ships they could build in these 10,000 years in front of kirean was a whole fleet they barely managed to complete before time ran out, in front of kirean and the 6 were 1 super carrier 2 battle ships 10 cruisers and 20 destroyers<br/><br/> " tell me about the ships amber" said kirean while looking at the super carrier <br/><br/>"Yes forefather but first let me tell you that our ships energy system won't allow them to to destroy planets or solar systems we need to build weapons for that purpose what our energy system does tho is increases the quality of the energy used resulting in stronger shields faster thrusters and more damaging weapons our ships technically have a unlimited energy source but it can run out if you don't manage it well now let's get started with the ships first up is the Aurora class super carrier this ship is 20,000 km long this is almost the same size of some small planets and larger than many moons we pooled in all resources just to build one of these guys it is fully made of god metal giving him many options of attack like lasers, cannons, torpedos and many more this ship carries its own ordinary AI that is used for communication with Gaia to get commands the AI also controls many functions of the ship making the crew only to 2,000 now the the reason it's called a super carrier, this ship can carry up to 1,000,000 soldiers minimum although we don't have fighters we have ultimas that can move faster than fighters and are more maneuverable and stronger these soldiers can attack planets and help fight they are like the carriers own fighters we have installed a sun energy crystal forged into a ball that's put into a metal ball filled with golden blood we use the same technique to make AIs on this but it's only purpose is to regulate energy as all the electrons are firing up the AI doesn't need all of them barely a fraction so all that energy gets turned into heat as it heats the golden blood so much it basically turns into lava we use this heat to power the ship we could of just put the energy crystal for energy without these extra steps but the ship is way to big it needed it's own AI to regulate energy throughout the whole ship in maximum efficiency so we went for this method which basically turns the energy crystal into a controllable fission reactor but thousands of time better, this ship theoretically can turn all 20,000 km of its body into weapons but this will overload the entire reactor it can only handle 1,000 weapons but these weapons are ever changeable as its AI evolve through combat it will change weapons to types that counter they're enemies this ship can't destroy planets as we don't have the weapons for that, the other ships have roughly the same features just scaled down, the battleship is a genesis class battle ship it has the same length of the Aurora class super carrier as battle ships have different roles than carriers they can't carry a lot of ultimas only a security force of 5,000 with its 2,000 crew with all that space in the ship it uses it for ammunition a lot of ammunition a million and more of Ultimas worth of space of ammunition as this ship is a front liner so it has a thicker coating of god metal other than that all features are the same as the Aurora class super carrier both the carrier and battle ship have a top speed only 1% the speed of light which we call sub light speed but we can still go to the speed of light as we accelerate the atoms in the energy core to an accountable speed that can be used to break the fabrics of space that lead into a sub space in between the material plane and the energy dimension but it's extremely hard to use as you need coordinates to get to your destination and the only form of coordinates right now is the AIs this action also greatly depletes the energy of the core so it's not advisable to use only in emergency as we have made this underdeveloped variation of warp drive we can safely assume that traveling at the speed of light is not the end and we believe more advanced warp drive can travel dozens of times faster than the speed of light, now let's introduce the cruisers which are basically the same as the battle ship but it's 10,000 km long and only Carry's 500 weapons it has the "warp drive" and has a little faster speed of 1.2% the speed of light but will always stick with the fleet as anything smaller than a battle ship is practically an escort ship out of combat the destroyers on the other hand are half the size of cruisers at 5,000 km long with only 250 weapons but everything else is the same it has a top speed 1.5% the speed of light, the cruisers use planet energy crystals while the destroyers use moon energy crystals, now that we are done introducing the combat ships let's introduce the civilians" said amber as she pointed to smaller ships at the other side of the shipyard "we have variants such as construction ships, research ships, trade ships and a lot more let's start with the construction ship this ship can be used to construct mining stations, research stations , space stations and many more constructions in space these ships have 10 alpha bots to assist in construction they are only 500 km long which is too big for a civilian ship if we don't count the amount of material needed to hold to build what it needed to, the science ship is fitted with all the latest lab equipment and scanners these ships are used to survey planets and anomalies it's basically an exploration ship they have AIs and a warp drive but just like the construction ships they can only warp once as they only have asteroid energy crystals as cores the science ships are smaller as they are used to survey other system and planets and do research in space so they are only 50 km the trade ship on the other hand is just like the construction ship in length as it's used to trade resources from planet to planet it also has the same features as the other two and the other civilian ships are roughly the same" said amber finally catcher breath as she a lot in a short amount of time, Kirean attentively listening nodded extremely pleased.</p>