
Travel to the border

//AN: I am using hospital in this chapter without noticing what I really meaning is a nursing station instead of an hospital! //

After Adrian fall asleep more and more hunter came in the barracks.

"Look at this boy, he sleeping like a baby without noticing us!" one of the hunters said. "True but let him sleep he is still young, he need it! Also we have a fight later so it even better to rest now then later on the battlefield!" anothe rhunter said. "Thats true, John!" the first hunter said and lied down too.

"Lets rest up the soldiers will wake us up when it is time to go, Mike." said John while lieing down and closing his eyes. "Hopefully." said Mike and looked at Adrian. "Strange that he can sleep that deep. Every person would wake up and look around where the voices came from because we talked that loud but he sleep through it." Mike thought. "Most likely tired to no end." he concluded.

After more and more hunters gathered in the barracks and after 4 hours it was midnight.

"Stand up! The plane will fly in 20 minutes!" an officer screamed after he entered the barracks and woke every hunter up but not Adrian. "Hey boy stand up it is time to go to the plane!" Mike said after he saw that Adrian wasnt up. "Hey stand up boy, you cant sleep it throught!" John said.

"He is sleeping like a rock!" Mike said. "True lets shake him to wake up!" John suggest. "Good thinking! Lets do that!" Mike said and shake Adrian to no end and felt his body temperature. "Why is he so cold?!" Mike thought after it hit him! "He is cold!" Mike screamed and looked at John.

"Who is cold?" he asked. "The one on the bed is cold! Feel his body temperature!" said Mike and John went closer to the sleeping Adrian and felt. "True lets get something hot!" John said and went out of the room. "Mr. Officer do you have something hot? One of the roomates dont waking up and his body is cold." John asked.

"Cold?!" the officer said in surprise. "Yeah cold." John said and looked at him. "Go down the hallway you will go instantly to the hospital. Take your roommate with you!" the officer said and poited on a long hallway. "Thanks." John said and went back to the room to take Adrian with him.

"Mike, the officer said that we shold send him to the hospital in this barrack. Take him with you." John said "Alright!" Mike answered and lift up Adrian from the bed and they went straight for the hospital in the barrack.

***At the hospital***

"What can I do for you?" the nurse asked after he saw John. "For me nothing but for him and poited on Adrian that was lying in Mikes arms. "Put him down on the bed over there" the nurse said and pointed a bed out and asked: "What happend with him?"

"We dont know. He is sleeping without waking up and when we tried to shake him out of bed we felt that he was cold." Mike said to the nurse. "Was he sleeping with the blanket over his body?" she said before she felt the body temperature from Adrian. "Shit he is to cold!" the nurse said in shock and went straight at a desk.

"Both of you can leave. You must go to the plane now. The nurse said in hurry and looked at her desk. "Where do I have it? Where do I have it?" she asked herself and found it a second later and heared a door closing. "Good here it is." she said and took it out and went straight to boiler.

"Luckly I was making tea!" she said and took the boiling water and pour it inside of the ventral bottle. "Hopefully it will heat him up!" she said and put the ventral bottle on Adrian and put a blanket over him. "I cant do anything else!" she said in a bitter smile.

After waiting 3 to 4 minutes Adrian screamed: "Hot! Way to hot!" and jumped out of the bed and wondered "Where am I?". "Good to see you awake!" the nurse said and looked at him. "For your informations two kind hunters bring you her because you were undercooled." she said and looked at Adrian.

"I was what?!" Adrian asked. "Good to see you this healthy! Your plane goes in 7 minutes!" the nurse said and pointed at an exit. "You should catch it or else. Wll you know already!" she said and bring out Adrian.

"Thanks then." he said and run fast to the location where the nurse pointed where the plane should be. After he arrived at the plane he was the last one to bord the plane. "Good that you are here." said a soldier and let Adrian pass.

"Your seat is here and please fasten your seat belt!" the soldier said and left after that to close the plane door and came back after that. After Adrian fasten his seat belt and the soldier too the plane began to drive to the runway and speed up and started to fly away from the military base.

3 hours later the military plane was landing at a "normal" airport and the plane doors where open. "Hop out and seat yourself into the busses!" an officer yelled and after that 10 minutes the hunters sat in the bus that rode them to the border/ defense line.

After 1 hour of bus roding they came to the defense line of the nation. "You have 7 hours to look around or sleep after 7 hours you will gather at this place. We will discuss our tactics here!" the officer said. "Anyother question?"

"Yes sir. When is the monster wave arriving?" Adrian asked. "In 9 hours." the officer said. "Thanks." Adrian said. "Anyother? NO?! Than have fun the for the 7 hours!" the officer said and went away.

"Funny joke! To have fun in the woods!" Adrian mumbled and looked around "Nothing else than trees everywhere!" he said and went to the nearest tree to lie on it.

"Hey boy! You alright?!" Mike asked. "Who are you?" Adrian asked back.

"I am Mike and I was the one who took you to the nursing station!" Mike said. "With a friend of mine.". "Thanks then." Adrian said. "Adrian C-Rank hunter, pleasure to meet you!".

"Mike, B-Rank hunter!" said Mike and looked at John. "Nice to meet you Adrian. My name is John. C-Rank like you!" John said and gave Adrian his hand.

"And what are you doing for the 7 hours?" Adrian asked. "Well. Nothing I guess." John und Mike said simultaneously. "To bad." Adrian said. "What for hunters do you want to hunt in the monster wave?" Adrian asked.

"One of this new species will be top notch but mostly out of our league!" Mike said. "I want to hunt the orcs and hobgoblins." Mike answered. "For me it will be the eart snakes and fire snakes!" John said and looked at Adrian. "For me it will be the 3 dragons!" Adrian said.