

"You are joking!" Mike said and looked at Adrian.

"Not really." he said. "I have a skill that let me cut this scales of them!" Adrian said and look at them. "What for an rank has this skill?" John asked: "And what typ of skill is it?".

"Sword skill that give me swords for the time being but what for a rank it has is for me unknown!" Adrian said and looked at them. "Show us!" Mike said and look at Adrian with pleasing eyes.

"Alright!" Adrian said and summon one of his kataner and looked at them. "Where do you have the sword from?" Mike muttered with an open mouth. "Its a skill! As I said." Adrian said and looked at John who was staring at the kataner with open eyes and open mouth. "This mana that the kataner is ermitting is like an S+ Artifact!" John murbled.

"But it isnt an Artifact. It is a skill from mine!" Adrian said and looked at them. "Can you cut me my sandwiches?" somebody behind Adrian asked and Adrian turned around. "Who?!" he asked and looked into Vincents eyes. "Nice to see you here, Vincent!" Adrian said with a smile.

"You too!" Vincent said and looked at the sandwiches in his hand. "Can you cut me these?" Vincent asked. "Why? You have self a knife with you!" Adrian said. "Well but not a knife that is above S-Rank like you!" Vincent said.

"You want to have a sandwich that is cut by and S-Rank Skill kataner that had seen alot of spider blood and other typs of blood?" Adrian asked interested. "Yes and no!" Vincent said. "Blood sandwich or not?" Adrian asked.

"Well then no thanks!" Vincent replied. "But you see blood everywhere Vincent!" Adrian teased. "True and not!" Vincent said: "But only monster blood and monster corpses! And I dont drink or eat the monster blood/flesh!".

"We will see about that!" Adrian said with an smile. "Yeah we will see about that!" Vincent replied and looked at John and Mike. "What are you guys doing here?" Vincent asked them.

"Funny joke. You know already Vincent!" John and Mike replied at Vincent. "You cant even go with my question! You guys arent fun at all!" Vincent said.

"From where do you know each other?" Adrian asked.

"Thats quiet easy to answer! We were in afew raid partys together and hunted together!" Vincent said and looked at John and Mike. "He carried us to the end!" John said with a sad smile.

"It looks like it isnt clear in your mind!" Vincent said. "You were the one that tried to hunt but failed all the time and I must kill it infront of you so that you dont die!" Vincent said. "Not really!" John said. "You went into the monsters and killed everything that came infront of you like water flows out of a tap!" Mike said and shook his head.

"It was like that?" Vincent asked with an smile. "Yeah it was!" John and Mike said. "You were killing like there were not monsters but flies!"

"Mostly because of the skill that I gave you!" Adrian said and looked at Vincent.

"umm. No?!?!!" Vincent said. "

"Was he getting stronger the longer he was killing the monsters?" Adrian asked. "Yeah he was!" John said and Mike nodded his head. "So you mastered the skill book that I gave you!" Adrian said and looked interested at Vincent. "Yeah...." Vincent said.

"That will help us alot in this battle!" Adrian said. "There will be alot of monsters that will die and you can kill then all monsters that are even stronger than an A-Rank!" Adrian continued. "True but please dont forget that I must be in a 30m radius of the corpses!" Vincent said shyly.

"I know, I know. But there will be enough to occupy the battleground!" Adrian said. "You must only look out where you are fighting!" Adrian said. "Wait 30m?!" Adrian asked in shock. "Yeah 30m!" Vincent said.

"30m thats will be a 60m diameter that is huge!" Adrian said and looked at Vincent. "You will in any case kill alot of monsters." Adrian said. "Said the one who madasacered a full dungeon!" Vincent said.

"How do you know about that?!" Adrian asked with a red face. "Well Ranker like me can access the data from your Multi-Gate dungeon run!" Vincent said. "It wasnt even published so how can you say it like that!" Adrian screamed at Vincent.

"Wait he cleared a Dungeon all by himself?" asked Mike in shock. "Yeah he did. You most likely know about the evacuation because of an dungeon break. He was the one who didnt leave the dungeon and cleared it by himself!" Vincent said while looking at Mike.

"Thats insane! Good that he is here!" John said. "True. Better to have him here than somewhere else!" Mike confirmed and Vincent nodded his head. "So how did you clear the dungeon?" John asked.

"Well. I lied food-poison traps around and waited." said Adrain with out a second. "So you poisoned the monsters inside." said Mike. "Yep." said Adrian and looked at Vincent with an pleasing look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Vincent asked Adrian. "You know how to get on themes of people that they didnt want to talk about!" Adrian said. "What? I only said to let you look good in they eyes!" Vincent retorted. "And exacly that I dont want!" Adrian said. "I dont understand you!" Vincent said and shook his head.

"Well both of you has some themes that you dont like to talk about and this dungeon run is one of them!" John said and looked at Mike who was in a mess.

"What where you talking about?" asked a hunter behind them that came to them without somebody of them noticing him.

"About his dungeons runs and what skills we have!" said Vincent without a second thought while all others were in shock.

"Yeah and how he cleared an dungeon alone!" said the hunter who stand behind them and one after another turned they head to this hunter. "To clear a dungeon with poisoning the food of the monsters is brutal but possible!" said the hunter and all of them looking at him.

"But I dont think it where possible in 5 minutes!" continued the hunter. "What are you meaning?" Asked Adrian. "You said you poisoned them but how did you poisoned them all in 5 minutes time?" asked the hunter. "I used the wind." said Adrian and looked at him. "Well. That is more in my assumption." the hunter said and left them alone.

"What the hell was with this man?" asked Mike. "He gave me goosebumps!" said John. "Well that was strange!" said Vincent. "Strange indeed!" said Adrian but thoght at the same time. "Something is fishy! Really fishy with this man! But lets not break my head about this matter!".

"It was too strange! Nobody of us noticed him when he was behind us!" said John. "Thats true but maybe he has an stealth skill?" Mike said. "When he has than why isnt he spying on the monster?" Vincent asked. "Because nobody said so!" Adrian interupted. "Thats true! But it was strange as hell!" said Mike.