
The Rise of Hades

Someone finds himself as Hades in a world full of mythology ... what will he do ? _______________________________________________ I don't own the book picture !

Lord_Minato · 書籍·文学
18 Chs

[5] Titanomachy (3) & Weapons , Allies & Preparations !

I left the castle after reorganising some stuff inside , and headed outside the Underworld , and went towards Crete .

There , I met up with my siblings, had a good hug with Demeter (I have the best relationship with her) , and told them about my progress ...

They were shocked for sure, when I told them how I defeated an entire army of powerful monsters , and created a domain for myself ...

I couldn't help but be smug , and have an arrogant look when I saw their adoring eyes gazing at me , although Zeus was somewhat jealous and probably wary of me ...

After all , Zeus is the strongest after me , and he would probably be stronger than me if not for changes brought about by my reincarnation into Hades ...

I found the secret of his exaggerated strength growth some time ago ...

apparently , as gods , the thing that matches our divinity is the best to train ourselves with , my siblings and I were in Cronus stomach for such a long time and our growth was greatly hampered ...

For Zeus , who was free outside , and with the divinity of lightning & the sky , as long as he is in the sky or gets touched by lightning , it gives him a great deal of strength gain ...

This means , the best way for our siblings to train is to go into the narltural environment we have divinity over ...

For me , it would be best if I went into a massive graveyard or something , but I already created something better , the Underworld...

For Poseidon , he would need to go to sea and oceans ...

For Demeter , she needs to go to farms and forests ...

and so on ...

I told my siblings this advice , but we can only save iflt for later , because we need to do something more important ...

I invited my siblings into the underworld to get our divine armament , made by our ugly uncles , the Cyclops and Hecatoncheries, who are also my subordinates now ...

They quickly agreed and we went there fast ...

I just opened the underworld Gate to go there ...

The Underworld Gate has many magical uses , among which is its ability to trleport to wherever I want ...

The Underworld itself doesn't have very specific coordinates , and can be considered a parallel dimension overlaying the earth ...

As we passed the gate , I quickly felt the small amount of divining power gathered from each of them , which made me very happy ...

I just quickly hid these divine energies and absorbed them into my origin , which would allow me to have access to some of their powers , and make me one step closer to becoming nigh-omnipotent ...

stealing such a small amount of divine energy from them won't affect them much , they will just feel slightly drained and uncomfortable , and they will just ball it up to the fact that the underworld itself is very uncomfortable ...

For them , this world is indeed very uncomfortable , gilled with a stale smell , and death energy and desolation all around ...

For me on the other hand , the Underworld is just like Heaven , and my powers are vastly concentrated and grow more powerful here ...

Anyways , as we bolted over the vast underworld desert , flying at high speed , we quickly reached the 6 Palaces establish for my uncles ...

As blacksmiths , they still need raw materials and hot enough fire to melt these magical materials , so I put their Palaces surrounding Tartarus , which is the hottest magma river in the world , and the magma itself contains countless extraordinary mythical materials ...

with their blacksmithing mastery , they can just scoop some magma , pound it hard with hammers or even their own fists , and voilà it becomes a divine armament...

I ordered them to start forging , and I took my siblings to take a look at the underworld scenes while my uncles did the hard work ...

I just showed them the scenes , and didn't deliberately explain the power and ability of these sites , as Zeus is wary of me and as he is known as godking in the future , he is probably not a very good person ...

We went around for a week ,and when we came back , my uncles had just finished the last one ...

The divine armament they made is like a prototype , it takes the shape that best suits the Wielder and becomes more powerful after injecting them with great amounts of divine energy ...

They looked like opaque , shapeless floating masses (imagine slimes , floating) ...

As we each took one , we began to inject our divine energy ...

My uncles interjected at this time "It is best to inject all of your divine energy into it , so that the armaments become the most powerful they could be , as otherwise it will stabilise later and will be unable to reach its highest potential "

As we listened , we quickly understood the method , and started the process ...

Zeus got finished first , and he got his signature lightning bolt , which can smite everything ...

Poseidon got his signature trident, which can control water and sea animals ...

Demeter got a harvest scythe which can control plants ...

Hestia got a Torch holding eternal flames ...

Hera got a special staff with a lotus at the end ...

While I Hades got ...

It seems my divine energy is much larger than them , so I still needed more time to finish the armament ...

I told my siblings to return alone , and continue gathering allies , while I will continue to finish the armament and also gather some allies for myself ...

As they left , time began to pass fast , and I continued injecting my divine power faster and faster ...

the shapeless mass in my hands continued to get brighter and brighter , until finally after 3 months , some changes began happening to it ...

it morphed into the shape of a black skull-like helmet with horns ...

I sighed a little as I looked at it ,probably fate is unchangeable and I can only get the Sam etching original Hades got ...

But just as I had this thought , Violet changes happened to the Armament !

from the lower back of the helmet , a black tendril suddenly extended , like a spinal cord ...

then , it sprouted multiple other tendrils like a rib cage ...

it continued sprouting some more tendrils , extending in the direction of hands and feet ...

the Tendrils soon filled between each other with small tendrils wriggling like flesh and muscles...

Later , Red lines formed throughout the whole thing , looking like blood veins ...

Multiple Gems of various colors decorate the whole thing , Especially at the joints (shoulders , elbows , knees) and the back of the hands and feet ...

An exceptionally large rhombus dark purple gem formed I the middle of the chest , shining brightly ...

In the end , In front of me was a Full body armor , all black in color , with hard Bone-like frames , covered with Muscle-like wriggling Flesh-leather ...

Multiple Precious Gems adorn the whole thing , connected by pulsing red Blood-like Veins ...

The Dark Purple Gem representing my darkness power ...

The helmet's horns morphed again into the shape of a Royal Crown ...

I was veey surprised and satisfied with this armor , and a sense of jubilation went through my whole body ...

Finally , my efforts were proven to change things , and changed my original fate !

this is only the beginning, and I will continue to grow stronger and change more things in the future !!

As I wore the Armor , I instinctively bonded with it and knew its power ...

Besides obviously shielding me from a lot of harm , this armor has a special effect ...


This means , It can regenerate on its own ,grow stronger , and can also produce some more items from its own body , extending tendrils like Venom or condensing various weapons with the same properties of the armor (like Tokyo Ghoul Kakuja Armor) ...

As a living armor , it can also continue to grow stronger , as it is like a hybrid between a living thing and a treasured divine armament...

it can grow stronger through absorbing other divine treasures , or feeding on bones & flesh & blood & gems ...

Of course , it also had the ability to become invisible and undetectable like the original helm of darkness ....

but , it had actually gone the extra mile and added the ability to transform my body into ghost form , which enables me to pass through things , and posses things and beings ...

As it is the armor I will continue my life with , and my treasured divine armament, I made a heavy decision and used magic to completely fuse it with my body ...

This process will be very painful , but it will mean that my body will become the divine armament, and I will be able to use its power to the greatest extents ...

it will also erase all my mortal weakness like the head or the heart , and I could only be defeated if someone totally smashed the armor ,which is much harder than killing my original body ...

I gritted my teeth , as it will take few more months until my body fully fused with the armor ...


The pain was Terrifying , but I held on with all my willpower ,and only let out a few grunts during the whole process ...

Normally , even smashing my own body or Melling it into magma wouldn't make me feel so much pain , but the thing is that I also had a sudden inspiration and fused my soul partially with the armor as well , which finally caused the pain to overload my mind and make me let out some grunts of pain ...

(of course , A major reason I only let out some grunts was that this was all I could do , otherwise my screams would have extended into the vast universe and be heard millions of light years away , but no need to say this , I have to pretend to be awesome and that pain doesn't affect me)

As the process ended , the armor was fully attached to me like a second skin , and could be retracted freely ...

Also ,the Knowledge Orb stored in my soul fused with the armor , making a divine orb appear like a pearl on my crown ...

These are just appearance changes , as for the true hard benefits I gained from this :-

My body strength, speed and Durability were elevated by quite a lot ...

And my ability to use divine energy and magic also rose by a few levels , as divine weapons are more conductive to such energy than flesh , but to control the newly fused body to conduct energy smoothly , part of the Soul had to wash over the armor and fuse with it ...

This just caused me pain , and some soul exhaustion , which will be recovered by some rest and training ...

I will probably reach much higher levels of power after recovering and training a bit ...

Overall , I gained a lot , without losing much except for some pain ...


Afterwards ,I greeted my uncles , finding them resting in their own mansions ...

I used my underworld authority to take a look at the Ghosts in here , and yup , they are waging wars and eating each other ...

the number of Ghosts has increased slightly , which means some hapless beings died ...

In the current world , there is still no humans , the official sentinet mortal beings , only some animals , and the rest are various mythological creatures , beasts , titans and gods ...

The souls of animals are very weak , and they are likely to be eaten as soon as they enter ...

so the increase in the number of souls can only be counted on sentient beasts and magical creatures ...

I looked around a bit , finding that each underworld site was improving slightly, slowly gathering and condensing strength for me ...

the Ghosts grew stronger and larger in number , the blood pool became wider and deeper , the bone forest became larger, the graveyard grew more putrid proof of larger amounts of rotten flesh , the metals and treasure mountains grew higher and more resplendent ...

I Left the Underworld , and went to Crete , only to find that each of my sibling had already started gathering some assistants of their own,and continued training in their respective environments according to my advice ...

I decided to do the same, returning to the Underworld, I continued meditating gathering strength , and recruiting allies (subourdinates) ...


I found some interesting subjects within the Ghosts, and decided to try an experiment ...

I took the 4 most powerful Ghosts, and respectively put them in the blood pond , bone forest , graveyard & treasure Hills...

injecting them with some of my divine energy and magic power , the Ghosts fused with some of the elements in their respective environment , and changed accordingly...

The Ghost put in the Blood Pond mutated with the help of blood , forming vampire body and had the ability to control blood magic and manipulate the consciousness of onlookers ...

The Ghost put I the Bone Forest changed with the help of some bones , and became a skeleton body with spiritual fire burning in the empty eyesockets , with the ability to control bone magic and put Terror into the souls of onlookers ...

The ghost I Put in the Graveyard changed with the help of rotten flesh , and became a ghoul with foul breath ,with the ability to use poison and put disgust into the souls onlookers ...

As for the Ghost put in the treasure & metal mountain, it mutated with the help of an amalgamation of metals and precious gems , becoming a cursed golem , with the ability to manipulate metals and treasures ...

As they were the strongest souls , they were already sentient , and after the evolution, their wisdom and intelligence increased greatly ...

They bowed down to me , calling " Thanks to Lord Hades for the reconstruction of our bodies , all Hail Lord Hades !!!"

I nodded slightly , and told them " I need you to pick some Ghosts and transform them like I did to you , forming your own race and constantly fighting against each other , developing your magic and fighting skills , and improving the strength of the whole Underworld !!!"

I continued , pointing to the Blood ghost :" I name you Dracula , Ancestor of the Vampire Clan and Guardian of the Blood Pond !"

pointing to the Bone ghost " I name you Larloch ,Ancestor of the Lich Clan and Guardian of the Bone Forest !"

pointing to the Ghoul ghost " I name you Stitches , Ancestor of the Ghoul Clan , and Guardian of the Graveyard !"

pointing to Golem ghost "I name you Dom, Ancestor of the Cursed Golem Clan and Guardian of the Treasure Hills !"

Finally , I said to all 4 of them " Your 4 will be my future generals , so you must develop well in your respective grounds , and increase your clan number and power."

I then extended a tendril of my armor to each of them , then the tendril separated from me , enveloping their bodies and becoming 4 similar armors to mine , obviously lower grade than me , bit befitting of a general ...

their armor had no crown , and the number of gems attached was only one , and it is still a subsidiary of my armor which provides a backhand for me to use against them if they grow strong and arrogant enough to rebel against me ...

their armors were similar each other , the only difference being the color of the sole gem on the chest ...

Dracula had it in Blood Red , Larloch had it in Bone White , Stitches had it in Rotten Green , Dom had it in Cursed Gold ...

Afterwards , I left them alone to their tasks, and continued my training ...

In the Following years :

I continued getting stronger ...

the 4 undead clans continued developing and becoming more powerful , absorbing a lot of Ghosts, but always leaving some Ghosts to be ...

I also absorbed some other very useful subourdinates , who were the known subourdinates of Original Hades ...

* Cerebrus, which I created myself unlike te original legend where he was one of Typhon's children...

He is a huge Three-Headed Hound, with 9 snakes as tails.

* The Fates, who are a group of strange witches carrying their eyes in their hands, they look at the threads of mortals' lives, and cut it with scissors when their lives end....

They are divine beings who personify birth, life & death of mortals...

Also, The Fates knew the ultimate choices and actions of each person. In the afterlife, a human would be judged not on what deeds they had done, but on how they had reacted to and coped with life's challenges...

* The Furies, who are daughters of Nyx, they usually hound criminals who betray their oaths and severely punish them.

* Thanatos , the personification of Death (on Earth and Greek mytho-occupied area only) , and the one who carries souls to the Underworld when their time comes up as dictated by the fate sister who look at the fate of mortals ...

he splits into countless avatars not to delay time ,and bring all mortals who die into the underworld ...

* Hypnos, Brother of Thanatos , and God of sleep , which is kind of like partial death ...

Thanatos and Hypnos are the sons of Nyx , Personification and Primordial of the Night ...

Their other brothers also joined me , though their names aren't that important ...

as for the reason they joined me , it seems that the underworld , a gloomy place , is very good for their life and training ...

besides , I promised them they only need to help with the operation of the underworld ,and don't need to directly enter the war between our siblings and Cronus ...

Nyx , Primordial of the Night and Tartarus, Personification of Tartarus realm , are recluse Primordial gods , they are on the same level with Gaia , my grandmother and Personification of the Earth ...

and since my Underworld somewhat absorbed Tartarus , and it is a gloomy place , it won the backing of 2 Primordial gods ,and their children helped me manage the underworld's operation ...

No , wait , the backing of 3 Primordial gods , as Erebus Primordial of thedarkness also likes it ...

All in All , things are looking good , we are constantly growing stronger , and we gathered our allies ...

my underworld is also developing quite well ...

we only need some spark and chance to start the real war with Cronus , and then we'll rule the world !

of course , I will take the underworld All by myself as its creator , and I already told zeus and poseidon about how to split the world with them ,zeus taking the sky and poseidon taking the sea ...

they kind of looked at me with pity , like I took the shortest end of the stick , but they are merely stupid ...

they think the sky and sea are more vast , which is true for now...

but actually , the Underworld has the best potential and will develop better than them !

afterall , a very important aspect of power in the future is mortals /humans...

their souls will constantly bring me endless wisdom , knowledge and energy , while zeus and poseidon are stuck with the non-expanding and finite sky and sea ...

In this coming war , I will be the biggest win er , I already readied all preparations, and after this war , it will be my true rise !

The Rise Of Hades !!!