
The bet

The morning sun was shining bright that it shinned through the windows of theo's room and woke him up.

It's Monday morning, theo stands up from his bed to have is bathe and to get prepared for school. After dressing up, he decides to wear and face cap, nose mask and an hoodie to disguise himself to prevent billy and his partners from recognizing him. After obtaining the system and becoming a Warewolf he doesn't need his glasses anymore, his eye sight his a little better than a normal human now. As soon as he was done he left home and headed to school.

On getting to school he decided to head to the library to tell the librarian miss Jessica about what billy and his partners did to him last Friday and pleaded with her not to tell anyone and also help him to change his sit for the test to prevent them from recognised him which he agreed to without any hesitation.

Theo stayed in the library and did not attend any of his classes till it was 12noon which was the time for his physics test is to commence. With the help of miss Jessica he was able to sit for his test without anyone finding out that he came for it, the test lasted for 2hrs and 30mims. Theo was placed at the back at the left side, the test had muti-choice questions and theory aspect. Once he finished he placed his script and left the test hall and went to miss Jessica and thanked her for her help and told her he won't be coming to school for while that he want to lay low to make everyone billy that something happened to him and which he left the school premises and headed back home.

On getting home, he changed to a set of casual wear a plain red top with black joggers and sat on a chair while he drank his 2 bottle water to complete his daily quest and obtained 5 exp and his total exp is 5/50.

Thinking about what to do for the time being before going to the gym, he decided to head out to Grandma Elizabeth house to see if there is anything to help her with.

Arriving at Grandma Elizabeth house, he knocked and was let in. He greeted her and sat down on a chair in her living room.

Theo she said, what brings you to my house by this time aren't you supposed to be in school which he responded to yes. She asked why are you here then and not in School then, he then told her that he plans to stay low for a while to make billy believe he had killed me. Alright then, but you haven't told me why you here though. I came to help you with anything you need help with. Actually I was just about to go out to buy groceries, since you are here I will appreciate it if you can help me with it, without any hesitation he stood up took a shopping bag and he went to the mall to get the groceries. She gave him a list contain all she wants him to buy and her card for transaction which he was reluctant to collect but he eventually did.

The mall theo went to is one of the only two mall's in thier town. The name of thier town his Hallsville, it is a small town very far from the main city. The town is located on hill side sounded with tress and other vegetation.

Due to appears of beasts and the war with the Vikons, the world powers decided to build high walls to separate every town and city from each other and military personnel are stationed on every wall to protect the people living their against beast.

Even though the world has vastly advanced in technology and space travel is norm, theo's town hardly has any advance technology only basic technology to sustain daily activities and the life of the people living there.

On getting to the mall the name of the mall is Just-rite which deals with selling of food items mostly and other basic items. Theo bought all the items on the list but the money she gave him was not sufficient, he decided to use his own card to pay for half and her's for the other so she won't find it suspicious.

Theo returned back to grandma Elizabeth house after buy everything and put all the groceries in there respective places, he stayed to help her to do other things after he headed back home after he was done to get ready to go the gym.

Two weeks passed since theo has been to school and decided to stay low and his current status is has follows.

Satus Window

Name: Theo Taylor

Exp: 15/100

Level: 4

Race: Warewolf

Rank: wolf cub

Class: Nil

Abilities: Nil

Skill points: Nil

Hp: 25/25

Stamina: 8

Strength: 8

Agility/Speed: 8

Defense: 8

Meanwhile in Bedrock Highschool, billy, James and Paul were having a conversation. Paul is speaking, guys theo hasn't showed up to school at for any of his classes unlike him which means we did we were successful in killing him. James said obviously there is no way he would have survived from the beating we gave him without ability and as we all know and everyone knows that he doesn't. While they were both talking billy had a big smile on his face and said to himself theo you see now no one remembers you again and no one will, they will only remember me, I the strongest student in the entire Hallsville.

It was another peacefull monday morning in Hallsville, theo was getting ready to headout to grandma Elizabeth house to help her like he has been doing for the past two weeks.

Theo's job today was to help her arrange one of the rooms in her house. Theo was arranging the books on the bookshelf in the room while he was doing so he accidentally fell a book on the ground. He picked up the book and cleaned and saw the title of book "Mastery of Thunder", while he was holding the book a notification rang in his head " unknown tier of Thunder Skill book found will you like to learn this ability" while he was still pondering about what the notification said grandma Elizabeth walked and saw the book in his hands and immediately collected without the it without saying a word and just left.

Theo was confused but decided to continue to clean the reaming books and cleaned the entire room. Once he was done he went to tell grandma Elizabeth that he was done, she just nodded in response. He wanted to try to ask what was wrong but decided not to and left after and went home.

On his way home, he thought about what just happened that and said he will ask her tomorrow. He got home changed and went to the gym after which he was done for the day and returned home and slept.

Theo returned back to grandma Elizabeth house the next day, he knocked for a while no one answered he decided to try to open the door but it was locked he was worried and decided to ask her neighbors if they saw her but they all said No.

He decided to leave and come back again the next day, but the same thing kept occurring for a while now. About a week has passed since he has been going to her house but she wasn't at home any time he comes.

On a cold tuesday morning, theo woke up and decided to drink his two bottles of water for his daily quest, as soon as he drank it finish a ding sound was heard, daily quest complete drink 1 liter of water 5 exp gained immediately another ding was heard "Congratulations you are now level 5 evolution process will begin now".

He immediately theo fell to the floor, his whole body was shaking and he was screaming in pain it felt like all his whole muscles were tearing themselves apart. After five minutes all pain stopped and he felt a rush of energy in his body.

Immediately he called zero, zero replied yes master Congratulations on evolving you are a now a young wolf. Theo replied in confusion evolved, yes master theo you have evolved after reaching certain levels you will evolve this is your first evolution, so much more are to come. Zero continued to explain and told him all the evolution stages, Young wolf, Adult wolf, Warewolf, noble Warewolf and Warewolf Lord he told him about the difference evolution and there power differences.

After zero finished explaining, theo checked all other notification he received after evolving. "All satus increased by 2, hp increased by 10, basic Warewolf Skills unlocked, Baic Werewolf Martial arts unlocked Skill points system unlocked, Satus points unlocked. Zero explained new everything that was unlocked, Basic Warewolf Skill " this are your transformation that shows whenever you want to use your powers, Basic Warewolf Martial arts "this is your basic Warewolf fighting skills which can level up to 5 and they are three skills in total claw strike, rapid strike and claw pluse, skill points are used to upgrde your Martial Skill and satus points are points used to increase your basic satus because as you level up your Satus does not increase again you will only receive a certain amount of satus point.

Satus Window

Name: Theo Taylor

Exp: 0/125

Level: 1

Race: Warewolf

Rank: Young wolf

Class: Nil

Abilities: Nil

Skill points: Nil

Hp: 35/35

Stamina: 10

Strength: 10

Agility/Speed: 10

Defense: 10

Theo decided to jog round the town to test out his new body after evolving. Theo body as a few changes after he evolving, his height increased to 6ft, his hair grew in length to his shoulder level, his weight also increased and has a stronger body frame after evolving and also due to going to the gym. His body frame now looks like that of an athlete.

While he was jogging, he was able to feel the changes in his, he was enjoying himself that he didn't notice he had already got near his school premises.

Billy, James and Paul were chatting and walking near the school premises and noticed a Particular person which was theo and froze. They were not sure it was him, but they coil recognize his face clearly because they have seen him many times without his glasses.

Theo continued jog and suddenly stopped after seeing who it was he came across, he decided to jog to their front and stood there for them to see him clearly.

Billy spoke theo is that you, theo replied oh yes its me you think you killed me, you think it's a ghost before you oh no I'm very much alive and I will like to thank you because of you my life, I'm not the same theo that you one knew.

Theo decided to walk away but Billy held his hands prevent him from leaving, he spoke you think you are so strong now but you are nothing you you are useless person and you will forever be a useless person.

While all this was taking place student that were outside the school premises saw all was going on and were left with their mouths wide open and were staring at them.

Theo started laughing and looked at billy right in eyes has if he was staring down in his soul and said why don't make a bet 6 months from now a day before our graduation I and you fight at the school traning ground and the loser will do anything the winner asks. Billy was stunned and was quiet, or are you too scared to place a simple bet with me, you have an ability right.

Billy was furious and clenched his fist and replied yes, I'm not afraid of you useless and no ability fellow. Theo smiled and swung his hands releasing billy grip on his hands and walked away. Billy took two steps back after theo removed his hands from him and felt the strength in theo's hands. He looked at theo's back has he walked away and felt a shiver in his spine. Billy thought to himself why will I do i feel afraid just look at his back, he shook his head and walked away leaving James and Paul speechless and confused and they walked behind him without saying a word.