
The zeal to become Strong

Theo woke up by 6pm in evening, dressed and heads out to the gym has he intended to. Shortly after a 30 minutes walk he arrived in the gym.

The gym had a black marble like exterior with white spotted dots on it walls and as a black and red marble interior with a 1000 square feet. The gym was filled up with all sorts of equipment for different specific workout routine and a small section with two VR poads which is used for traning and also can also stimulate basic and intermediate demonic beast to fight with. The gym was often quiet due to people hardly do physical training and only focus on improving on thier abilities.

The owner of the gym was young man in his late twenties whose names is mark. He had an average but bulk body frame with red long hair reaching his shoulders and had smooth skin which somewhat fair in colour.

While theo was walking around the gym he saw a man ad woman who looked like couples working out and wore identical clothes. The man is quite tall, has an athletic body frame, with brown bushy hair and treamed facial hair while the woman has average height with small but athletic body frame, with a blonde pony tail hairstyle.

Theo went ahead to where the couple and greeted them, they both stopped thier workouts and sat on the metalic bench not for away from where they were doing thier workout and theo followed them and sat beside them.

The man spoke first my name is Issac and hers is Mary. What's your name young lad and what brings you to Ffect Fitness which is the name of the gym.

Theo replied my name is theo Taylor and I will like to start working out while laughing nervously and scratching the back of his head. Mary spoke, theo hmmm I like your name its very catchy, so you want to start workingout right, so what do you like to work on. I don't know actually but obviously I have start with the basics because of how skinny I am. No problem, I and Issac with help you with it but first you have to register.

Theo followed Mary and Issac has they headed to mark's office to help him register. On getting into mark's office, he was sitted on a chair with red pattern around it with his eyes closed and arms crossed.

Hey Mark we brought a rookie who wants to register said Issac. Opening his eyes mark double taped his table, a screen appeared and told theo to place his hands on the table then a screen appeared infront of theo, has he finished filling in his details the screen disappeared and mark went back to his position.

Issac, Theo and Mary left his office. Theo spoke what's up with him, it's looks like he does want me here, don't mind him Mary said he is always like that because people just tends to register and don't come back. Why theo asked. Well basically, they leave because this gym focuses on physical training and not ability training and people want to improve thier abilities and not waste time on physical training.

Mary and Issac continued to show theo around the gym, telling him about each equipment and thier functions also showing him the VR poads telling him thier usefulness. They continued to tour around, talked and joked around for quite a while.

The time was 7:45pm, it's already getting late I must be heading home theo said, I will be coming tomorrow to start my workout session after Sunday service tomorrow. Mary and Issac replied no problem, we will be expecting you. He bid Mary and Issac farewell waving his hands his left the gym to head home.

After a short while he got back home, went to his room, had his bathe and went to sleep.

On a cold Sunday morning, theo wakes up from his bed, went to have his bathe and begins to dress up to prepare for Sunday service. The notification sounds was heard, daily quest received "drink 1 liter of water quest reward 5exp, workout for 1hr quest reward 5exp.

After dressing up, he drank 2 bottles of water to complete his first daily quest and received 5 exp and his total exp is 15/ 25 exp, which he head out after.

The church is located east side of theo's home and about 45 minutes walk to get there. The church has an exterior design of an European castle like structure with Twin towers at the north and south angle with a big analog clock displayed In front of each towers. It has a white and cream mable for its interior design and red carpet from the altar to every exit with long chair for members to sit on.

Theo entered and sat at the left side middle roll. The service began with praise and worship and then the priest charge Rev Father Samuel preached and they prayed and the service ended by 12 noon.

After the service theo went to see Rev Father Samuel. He greeted him, he replied Theo it's good to see you came to church today, you remind me a lot of your parents. I still remember when they brought you to church you where so little and free of Sin, may thier sweet soul rest in peace Amen. So what can I do for you theo, I will like to ask you what is the best thing to do when you have power or obtained it. He poundered for a while and said the best thing to do like God taught us in his word "it is to help those who can help themselves and protect the weak from the evil of the world. Theo thought about what he said for a while and spoke thank you so much Sir I really appreciate it. He bowed his head down and left the church to head home.

Theo decided to take a nap after getting back home from church and headout to the gym later. After resting for a while it was time for him to go to the gym he got dressed and headed out.

On his way to the gym he spoke with zero, zero theo called out what exercise should I start with. Master you need to build up your body to be strong first and to do that you have to have strong base. I believe you should start with basic exercises and weight lifting. But I believe we should see what they have planned for you, since it's your first time.

Arriving at the gym he meet Issac and marry at entrance who were just about to enter, he called thier names, greeted them and they all entered the gym together.

Entering into the gym, Issac and Mary left Theo and began thier normal workout routine. He was left standing and confused and didn't know what to do. They saw this and stopped thier workout and went to met him. Mary asked what's wrong theo, you don't know what to do or is this your first time working out. He shyly answered yes and I don't know what to do, can you help me with a workout routine. No problem we will both draft a workout plan for you.

After talking for a while Mary and Issac came to a conclusion and gave him a list of workout to do. The rest of the exercises were something he knew about but rest he had no idea.

They showed him and guide him on how to go about the exercises, then he was left to continue his routine while they went back to thiers. After 2 hours of intensive workout he was done with his workout routine.

The notifications ding was heard, daily quest complete workout for 1hr gained 5 exp, for being determined and breaking your limit and spending extra one hour additional 5 exp gained. Total exp 25/25.

A notification screen appeared at his front Congratulations you have leveled up, all status increased by 1, hp increased by 5. His status screen displayed his new status.

Satus Window

Name: Theo Taylor

Exp: 0/50

Level: 2

Race: Warewolf

Rank: wolf cub

Class: Nil

Abilities: Nil

Skill points: Nil

Hp: 15/15

Stamina: 6

Strength: 6

Agility/Speed: 6

Defense: 6

He felt a surge of power coursing through his veins and felt a little pain which left after a while. He could feel the changes in his body. He called out to zero, zero I can feel it I have a gotten a bit stronger. Yes master theo like I said you will be stronger has you level up and unlock new features focus on completing the main quest and reaching level 5. Ok I will.

Theo went to where Issac and Mary and thanked them for thier help and told them he wants to leaving. They replied already, no problem as long as you are consistent there will be changes. Anyways we are not leaving yet still have some reps to do. Bye theo hopefully you won't leave like the rest he replied I won't and waved at to them has he steeped out of the gym.

On his way home he decided to make a stop and pay a visit to the old woman who saved his life.

On getting to her home he called her name Grandma Elizabeth, she didn't reply he continued knocking then he realized the door was opened and walked and continued to call her.

He eventually found her at the backyard, spreading the clothes she just washed he rushed to her and told to leave it that he will spread the reaming.

She didn't agreed at first, but after he collected it from her hand, she had no choice but to agree and left and went back Inside and sat on a chair in the living room.

After spreading all the clothes, he came back to the living room and asked her where he should put the bucket, she directed him to the bathroom. He dropped it there and came back to the living room and sat an a chair next to her.

Theo what brings you to my house she asked, I decided to check on you after leaving the gym. Oh that's so sweet of you. They spoke for a while and theo said it was time for him to leave.

He waved her goodbye has left her house and headed to his. On getting home, he took a shower changed his clothes and decided to read for a few hours for his physics test he has by 12noon the next day and went to sleep.

The time was 11pm, while he layed on his back and thought about all that just happened in 2 days and made up his mind to get stronger and have his revenge on billy and his partners and he closed his eyes and slept.

Hi Everyone, please kindly tell me how feel about this book so far. thanks

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