

A Family tragedy that should never happen to a young person, but it does.

ApostolicGirl7 · 書籍·文学
3 Chs

Chapter 3

Next morning the doctor called telling Randy's family that he has to stay there another night. To see how well he's going to do before he gets to go home. As Randy was in the hospital he went into a coma. So they rushed over to the hospital and stayed one night and then left and went home. Another day and night went by and Randy was still in a coma, he has not woken up.

It has been 10 days and Randy still hasn't woken up. So the doctor called them again to have them come up there to make a decision.

"I need you to come down and make your decision, on taking him off life support," said the Doctor.

So the family drove down to the hospital and saw him laying down, with all the hoses and tubes hooked up to a machine, the mother just cried, she didn't like seeing her baby like that, in that condition. His face was swollen the bruises started to show now. They looked at him, and the mother looked at the doctor.

"Can we wait one more day, maybe he will wake up, I am not ready yet," said the mother.

"Alright, we will give him another day," said the doctor walking out of the room.

Well that day came and went. He has been in a coma for 13 days now, still waiting. They went up to the hospital and stood by his bed side.

"You need to make a decision ma'am, don't make him suffer," said the doctor.

The father nodded his head, and the doctor went over to the machine and turned it off. The mother cried and the sister was also, Dalton was to, so was Cole. Ben had a tear roll down his face, he was angry.

Ben ran out of the hospital, ran downtown looking for the drunk driver who killed his brother. As he was running he finally saw the guy, and ran up to him and pushed him down.

"Today is your lucky day," said Ben.

"Why is that," said the man.

"My brother died, because of you, now you're going to die," said Ben.

So they started fighting, they were fighting quite a while, then cops started to show up, they knew that Ben's brother died, so they ran to stop the fight before Ben became murderer. They arrested the guy and they drove Ben back to the hospital to his family, to tell them the news.

Many years have come and gone, Ben never did forget his brother's killer, or even his brother being gone. Ben is now 25 years of age, he has his own kid's and wife. Cole has a wife and a kid on the way. Dalton has a wife and two kids. Mary has a husband and two kids and another on the way.

They have been doing well, even their parents, they still talk about Randy, and tell all their kids stories about him and what happened to him.

"Sometimes we all think that could never happened to me, but it can, you never know when your next. Just like on roller coasters, you hear and see stuff happened to people, they fall out, or when they go upside down or when a roller coaster goes up its supposed to go backwards, but it doesn't it keeps going forward and lot of people get killed or badly injured." "And then you take your kids a year later or two and get on the same rides and you tell your kids that will never happen," your literally putting your kids and yourself in danger, especially when you're telling them it's okay and that it will never happen to them." This world is crazy, I just hope it will get better someday, maybe when we put God back in our world it will do much better."