

A Family tragedy that should never happen to a young person, but it does.

ApostolicGirl7 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 2

The doctor came and met with the family at the door.

"He's in really bad shape, I'll show you to his room," said the doctor.

They walk in and see Randy sitting up in bed watching television.

"Who did this to you?" asked Ben.

"Ben do not even think about it, I know what you are thinking, but it's not going to solve the problem or make it go away," said Randy.

"Tell me now," said Ben getting angry.

"Brother, fighting does not solve anything, it just makes matters worse," said Randy in pain.

"Where"? Asked Ben.

"Did you see a guy with a light blue shirt on sitting on the steps of the hospital?" asked Randy.

"No," said Ben.

"Well he is really drunk, he ran into me and caused a wreck head on collision," said Randy in pain.

"Alright, I'll just be a second," said Ben.

So Ben walked out of the hospital and saw the guy sitting on the steps with a blue shirt on, he could barely sit he was so drunk. Ben walked up to him and grabbed him from behind the collar of his shirt and pulled up off the ground.

"If my brother dies, you die as well," said Ben.

Ben put him back down on his feet, he could barely stand. The drunken man took a swung at Ben.

"I'll take you on anytime," said the drunken man.

"Really," said Ben.

So they walked towards each other and started fighting. Ben had him pinned down to the ground, he raised his fist about to hit the guy, when Ben heard a voice he lowered his fist. It was his brother Dalton.

"Stop this now," said Dalton.

Ben got off the man and said,

"If my brother dies, you die," said Ben in anger.

"Come on lets go," said Dalton.

So they left the hospital and went home to relax and went to sleep.