
new task

Yan Duo ran over slowly and saw three or five people talking together. One of the women was holding a shoe in the shape of a golden rooster. There was a pile of excrement that had been trampled on the ground. The conversation between several people also fell into the trap. Yan Duo's ears.

 "A question of quality."

 "Don't even train..."

 "It's not a dog problem, it's a human problem..."

 It turned out to be a problem of pet dogs urinating everywhere... I remember when I was running in the morning before my rebirth, there would occasionally be dog feces on the lake trail near the community.

 It is impossible to require all dog walkers to train their dogs well, but Yan Duo believes that you can actually bring a plastic bag or something when walking your dog and dispose of it in time.

 When walking around the rice field, Yan Duo always felt that this scene was a bit visual.

 I touched the bridge of my nose out of habit. It happened more than ten years ago and I really can't remember it.

 At this time, a boy who was also doing morning exercises ran over and silently handed the unfortunate lady a pack of tissues. Before she could say thank you, he turned around and ran away.

 Yan Duo and a group of onlookers were surprised to see the boy who even brought tissues with him when he went out for a run. His clothes were neatly dressed in white and his shoelaces were neatly arranged. He felt strange in his heart.

 It's really rare to see such a mysophobic boy.

 Yan Duo's heart was beating, this boy seemed to be his high school classmate, his name was... what?

 ******I am the dividing line******

 It was almost seven o'clock when I got home.

 The porridge was being warmed on a low flame on the gas stove. On the table was the freshly bought breakfast. My mother had obviously just finished washing and was setting out the bowls and chopsticks to serve the porridge.

 And Yan Duo's father actually... left early again!

 There are two plates of freshly fried vegetables in the kitchen. The rice cooker contains rice that has been washed. The ingredients for soup have also been cut and set aside. These are Yan Duo's lunch meals. She only needs to heat them up or add water. Just cook it.

 Is there a more considerate and attentive dad in the world? ? ! !

 Mom, Dad is really a good man, why don't you think about divorce anymore? ? The villain inside Yan Duo was roaring.

 Gu Liping didn't know what was going on in Yan Duo's heart. She was expressing her dissatisfaction with Yan Jianjun for "forcing" her daughter to exercise early, and kept talking while serving rice.

 "I wake people up at around five o'clock. It's earlier than going to school. You have to take your time to lose weight! What should I do if I break my joints by running for an hour or two? I'm always so unreasonable and have to do everything I do. The final say..."

 Yan Duo quickly explained: "Mom, I didn't run for that long. I was basically walking. I was going there on my own. My dad was also shocked."

 Gu Liping snorted: "Don't explain to him. I still don't know how stubborn he is. It's been more than ten years... Oh! He doesn't listen to what I say anyway."

 Yes, it seems that the resentment is a bit heavy and it won't be able to be reversed for a while.

 After repeated explanations, Gu Liping's dissatisfaction finally subsided.

 While eating, Yan Duo suddenly remembered what happened yesterday. He slapped his head and regretted that he had forgotten to brush up on skill proficiency during his morning run. He quickly took the time to use his concentration.

 ...Ten seconds later.

 A scream echoed in the living room: "Oh no!"

 Gu Liping was startled: "What are you making such a fuss about!"

 "No...it's nothing..." Yan Duo chuckled and quickly changed the subject, "Mom, I'll help you clear the table."

 Gu Liping couldn't resist her, so he had to let her deal with it, muttering in a mixture of relief and guilt: "What a good-natured person this Zaha Huhu is."

 At 7:40, Yan Duo was the only one left at home again.

 He rushed back to his room at almost a sprint speed of 100 meters, found the game console hidden in the drawer, and quickly opened the game.

 Yan Duo's heart is still pounding until now. When she used the "Mind Concentration" skill just now, she was still replaying the scene that happened during her morning run in her mind. Suddenly, an incident that happened more than ten years ago seemed like a replay. It played back in my mind as clearly as a movie.

 At the beginning of next year, a pervert appeared near Yan Duo's home, specializing in poisoning pet dogs with rat poison. Several dogs of people Yan Duo knew met misfortune.

 The most unfortunate thing is that Yan Duo's good friend Harvey from Xi Yin's family is also one of the victims. Harvey is just an ordinary native dog. He grew up with Xi Yin and had a very deep relationship. The day after Harvey was poisoned to death, Xi Yin was the first to notice that Harvey was foaming at the mouth and motionless. Shouting was shaken for a long time before her parents pulled her away. From then on, her temper suddenly became depressed, and it took more than half a year for her to become a little more cheerful. But until Yan Duo came back from rebirth, Xi Yin still couldn't mention anything related to dogs. When she saw a dog similar to Harvey in her daily life, she would instinctively block the memory of the dog. This has already happened. It was a huge psychological trauma.

 Yan Duo didn't know how the incident developed later. He only vaguely heard that the pervert was caught and the reason for poisoning the dogs was just because there were so many dogs near his home, which resulted in countless people killing him every day. When he walks his dog in front of his house, there is always dog feces in front of his house. It just so happens that the murderer is mysophobic.

 After this incident, Yan Duo rarely saw dog feces on the ground in this area.

 Thinking of this incident, Yan Duo became even more worried. Although she knew about it in advance, she really didn't know what to do. She could neither cure the murderer's mysophobia nor make the dog owners stop letting him. Dogs poop everywhere.

 Fortunately, there is still more than half a year before this happens, so I have to take it one step at a time. If it doesn't work, I can remind Xi Yin not to put Harvey in the yard. Maybe I can post a notice nearby in advance.

 As for the name of the high school classmate she met just now, she also remembered it. His name was Jiang Wei. He was indeed a bit of a germophobe. He was in the same class with Yan Duo in high school. Boys who looked clean and tidy were usually more popular, so Yan Duo was still very fond of her in high school. He has a good impression...

 Yan Duo patted his head, why did he forget to use the identification technique just now.

 I took a glass of milk, turned on the game console, and took a quick look at the home page. I saw that all my energy points had been restored. Except for using a skill once during a meal, I still had 162 points.

 Then I quickly checked the mission.

 Today's tasks are still three:

 1. Save a dying fish. Reward: 30 points of money, 30 points of experience, difficulty: A level, completion progress 0/1

 2. Use skills above level 2 15 times. Reward: 20 points of money, 20 points of experience, difficulty: A level, completion progress 1/15

 3. Study at the Sage Academy once. Reward: 10 points of money, 10 points of experience, difficulty: A level, completion progress 0/1

 The first task felt like a bit of a spoof. Did she need to go to the market to buy a fish and release it? Although the second mission is not difficult, she now only has one second-level skill. It takes fifteen minutes to use it each time, and 15 times is close to four hours. As for the last task, Yan Duo has no clue yet.

 In this way, the difficulty of today's task is actually a bit higher.

 In order to save time, Yan Duo simply turned on the "Mind Concentration" skill. Anyway, this skill has no other impact except making people focus more on the matter at hand.

 The only inconvenience is that if you focus too much on something, everything happening around you will be ignored. For example, if someone calls her, she may not hear it.

 What happened today made Yan Duo realize that the concentration skill can also unearth memories hidden deep in the mind. Yan Duo feels that this function is very useful and worth exploring.

 After checking the tasks, the second step must be to check the grocery store, open the map tab, and the system information will drop from the sky.


 Map: Sage Academy is open

 Map: The church is open.