
Mission system

More than ten years ago, my mother had no gray hair, her face was rosy, and there were almost no wrinkles. Upon closer inspection, it turns out that her mother was really pretty back then, but she just didn't want to dress herself up and looked a bit old-fashioned. Yan Duo definitely followed her mother in this regard.

 Thinking back to what happened before and after my mother and father got divorced seven years later, my mother's face became gloomy and haggard in just a few years, and most of her hair turned gray. It's sad to think about it.

 If my parents hadn't divorced...

 A strange combination of fate brought her back to the past, and now there are still seven years before their divorce. If she works hard, she might be able to avoid this happening.

 "If I hadn't been able to get the key...why are your clothes soaked? What are you doing? Why don't you turn on the air conditioner?" Yan's mother's name is Gu Liping. She was surprised when she saw the sweat stains on the back of Yan Duo's clothes. road.

 "Uh... I'm endorsing it, doesn't it save electricity?" Yan Duo then realized that his body was getting cold and he was sweating with emotion.

 Gu Liping sneered: "Come on, why are you memorizing the books? I didn't see you working so hard before the high school entrance examination. Now that I'm on vacation and there's no homework, there's no books to memorize."

 "Really reciting it? There are assignments in the summer vacation exercise book to recite ten excellent extracurricular poems or articles." Yan Duo quickly explained that there is indeed no homework during the summer vacation after the high school entrance examination, but there are still several exercise books. Most of the homework is extracurricular, such as observing the changes of a plant or animal, N books, etc. Of course, whether you do it or not depends entirely on your own consciousness.

 "Then show me your back." A mother knows her daughter best, and Yan Duo is the kind of student who is the most unconscious.

 Yan Duo ran back to his room to get the collection of essays, handed it to his mother like a treasure, and then recited it fluently. Gu Liping didn't really want to test her, but just wanted to laugh at her. As soon as she finished memorizing the first section of "Xia Yun", she threw the book to Yan Duo and said, "Good job."

 Yan Duo still remembered the tasks in the game. She took the book and said, "I'm just going to review it. Do you want to know how well I recite it?"

 In the end, I just finished memorizing it.

 At this time, Gu Liping was already in the kitchen taking out the dishes from the shopping bag one by one, smiling and boasting a few words, thinking: Why is this child so excited today.

 Then he asked: "Your dad is not at home, how about we eat down there tonight?"

 "Okay, I'll help in a moment." She ran to her room holding the book.

 "Go and have your own fun, just don't make trouble for me." Gu Liping shouted at her back.

 Yan Duo dropped the collection of essays and hurriedly checked the game task list.

 Sure enough, task 1 showed that it was completed.

 Turning to the basic information page again, the character experience value becomes 10/20, and the money becomes 109.

 Oh, Yan Duo secretly clenched his fists.

 Upgrades will be available soon.

 Yan Duo returned to the kitchen in a good mood, and the unstoppable smile on his face caught Gu Liping's attention.

 "It's so nice, I'm so happy about something good." Gu Liping smiled.

 "Huh? I just want to eat noodles today. Let me peel the garlic for you."

 "I won't peel the garlic today, so don't make any trouble."

 "Mom, what noodles are you eating today?"

 "What do you think?" My mother was obviously in a good mood today, and she actually pretended to be secretive.

 Yan Duo glanced at some black plastic bags on the desk, trying to figure out what was inside.

 Suddenly something jumped out of my mind, and a strange idea flashed through my mind.

 "The identification technique is used successfully, and the proficiency is +3."

 I saw a few lines of words floating above the black plastic bags: "A bag of chicken breasts," "A bag of vegetables," and "A bag of peppers."

 Yan Duo stared straight at the words that appeared out of thin air. Five seconds later, these words disappeared.

 "…chicken shredded noodles."

 This time it was my mother's turn to be surprised: "How did you guess that?"

 "It's just a guess." Yan Duo came back to his senses and took out the vegetable basket with a little embarrassment, "Let me wash it for you."

 This time, Gu Liping did not refuse.

 The mother and daughter cooperated, and the efficiency improved a lot. Half an hour later, the hot shredded chicken noodles were served on the table. Before serving the food, Yan Duo saw the pepper on the spice rack, sprinkled a little into the bowl, and then left the kitchen as if nothing had happened.

 Gu Liping was pleasantly surprised to see her daughter ask for help with cooking for the first time, and she actually helped a lot instead of adding to the mess.

 While eating the noodles, she praised her highly: "My daughter has the potential to be a chef."

 This is probably what my daughter thinks is good.

 In fact, I just tore a few pieces of chicken and put the noodles into the pot... Yan Duo silently accepted the compliment.

 Ever since he knew how to use the identification technique, Yan Duo has been using it randomly without any purpose. In just one meal, his proficiency in the identification technique has increased to 15. However, no matter what item is identified, it only displays a name. At most, A quantifier.

 Surprisingly, Yan Duo also used it once on his mother, and the words "Gu Liping" appeared in mid-air.

 Unexpectedly, Yan Duo was very happy to be able to identify people.

 After eating the noodles, Yan Duo habitually put away the dishes and prepared to wash the dishes. At this moment, her mother refused to let go and drove her out of the kitchen. She said with a straight face: "You are almost sour, go and take a shower." "

 After working all afternoon, she even forgot to turn on the fan. Yan Duo was indeed going rancid, but she still wiped the table with a rag before going to find a change of clothes.

 At around nine o'clock, both mother and daughter had finished taking a bath, and the tossing was almost done. Yan Duo did not dare to play the game console in front of his mother, and it was strange to go to bed too early. So the two of them stayed in their parents' room together, turning on the air conditioner and watching TV comfortably.

 Only then did Yan Duo remember why his father never showed up.

 So she asked, "Where's my dad?"

 In fact, Yan Duo has become accustomed to life without his father, but his parents have not yet divorced at this time, and his father should not come back so late.

 "Didn't I tell you that your dad is working overtime today?" Gu Liping glanced at Yan Duo inexplicably, "Why are you so confused today?"

 "Excited." Yan Duo grinned and nudged her mother. She hadn't seen her mother look so energetic in many years. She was in a very happy mood now.

 "Slimy." Gu Liping pursed her lips and smiled, and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, did you hit me when I asked you to call me and ask Brother Shucheng to borrow the textbook for the first year of high school?"

 Sun Shucheng is the son of Yan Duo's aunt and Yan Duo's cousin. He will be in the second year of high school at the beginning of the school year. It happens that Yan Duo is in the first year of high school at the beginning of the school year. You can borrow his textbooks to preview.

 Yan Duo thought about it and realized that there was indeed such a thing. Back then, my mother was somewhat unhappy with her aunt because of this matter.

 She said calmly: "I took a beating. My aunt said that my brother will need it for future review and asked me to find someone else to try it."

 Gu Liping frowned and said, "I'll tell her tomorrow."

 "No need." Yan Duo quickly stopped, "I heard that the high school curriculum is too tight, and the new curriculum and review are put together. Maybe my brother really wants to use it. Aren't your colleagues Aunt Fang and Aunt Shen's sons all He is in high school in our school, otherwise you can help me ask if he has borrowed his textbooks."

 Before he was reborn, he borrowed textbooks from Aunt Fang's son.

 "The Xiaofang family's sons have all graduated from high school. I'm afraid someone has borrowed the textbooks for their first year of high school. It's probably difficult for Xiao Shen's son, who is only in his second year of high school, to borrow them." Gu Liping's brows were still furrowed, but she finally accepted it. Yan Duo's rhetoric.

 After watching TV for a while, Yan Duo was thinking about the game, so he told his mother that he was sleepy and ready to go back to the room to sleep.

 Gu Liping was fascinated by the TV series, and she said "hmm" to understand.

 The borrowing of textbooks just now reminded Yan Duo that she had forgotten one extremely important thing, that is:

 College entrance examination! ! ! ! ! !

 Yan Duo almost cried. She had finally completed more than ten years of schooling, but a potato caused a tragedy. She actually had to take the college entrance examination again.

 Even if we don't take the exam first, the three hellish years of high school alone are not a life for human beings!

 However, it is the summer vacation after graduating from junior high school, and the gate of hell is right in front of us...

 Dragging feebly back to his room, he first checked the game console and found that all three tasks had been completed. Three gorgeous "mission completed" medals were lined up, which gave him a sense of accomplishment. All forty points of money and experience were received, and a brilliant light flashed through.

 System: The player level is raised to level 2.

 I checked the personal information again and found that the information had changed slightly.

 Basic Information

 Name: Yiduo Xinqing

 Title: The Ignorant (Time required for next level: 20 hours)

 Birthday: September 9, 19XX

 Gender: Female

 Level: 2 (next level experience 20/35)

 Vitality: 100/110

 Energy: 112/170

 Satiety: 85/100

 Fatigue: 70/100

 Occupation: Scholar

 First secondary occupation: none

 Secondary occupation: None

 Amount of money: 139

 In addition to the slight increase in the upper limit of energy and vitality, the satiety and fatigue levels have also changed with their own changes.

 Yan Duo stuck out his tongue, not knowing how to praise the magic of game developers.

 After checking the skill tree again, I found that there is indeed a special skills interface besides the professional skill tree. The description of special skills is: they can be learned in a special way.

 Saying it means not saying it... =_=

 Check out the only special skills.

 Identification Technique lv.1: The detailed names of the target objects (up to 5 per use) can be obtained. One use consumes 2 energy points. The next level requires using the skill 500 times. The current progress is 15/500.

 500 points! Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.