
Divorce Crisis (1)

Yan Duo helped his father unpack the box and put the cold drinks into the mesh bag, while thinking about Jiao Yang's sneaky smile.

 Damn it! I remembered that when she graduated from junior high school, she secretly told Jiao Yang that she had a crush on Zhao Qi!

 No wonder Jiao Yang smiled so weirdly.

 She really can't afford to be hurt when she was young... The person she had a crush on back then can't even remember what her parents looked like. It seems that she had a crush on more than one classmate in the six years of middle school, plus celebrities and people she had a crush on The male teacher... I feel embarrassed just thinking about it.

 When the father and daughter rushed home each carrying a bag of cold drinks, it was almost 8 p.m. Gu Liping was taking a shower, and the air conditioner in the room was turned on.

 The father and daughter worked together to stuff the cold drinks into the refrigerator, and then they went about their own business.

 When taking a shower in the evening, Yan Duo was surprised to find that there was no smell of sweat on her body, her hair was fresh and refreshing, and even her half-length fingernails were clean. She had just cleaned the refrigerator for a long time without washing her hands!

 This is simply impossible to happen in the summer! Is this the effect of cleanliness +30?

 If this is the case, this attribute is actually not bad. Unfortunately, it is only valid for that day. I don't know if I will get this attribute tomorrow.

 After taking a shower, Yan Duo peeked into her parents' room. Her parents were whispering something, so she quietly returned to her room. Since dad is at home tonight and there are a bunch of textbooks in the room, Yan Duo has a reason not to go to his parents' room to watch TV.

 At nine o'clock in the evening, Yan Duo got into his air-conditioned room, used a pile of textbooks as cover, and played games for a while before going to bed.

 Today's energy value has finally been completely used up, and the proficiency of the identification technique has also increased to 40.

 I still have to go for a morning run the next day.

 My father, who had just gotten up and was about to grind soy milk, said, "I see that the other parents are running with them. How about I run with you?"

 The kitchen window faces the road leading to the small park, and people coming and going for morning exercises use this way.

 Yan Duo put on his sneakers: "No need."

 Those who accompanied the runners were cramming for the second year's physical education high school entrance examination. The adults were worried that their children would be lazy and not run, so they followed behind to supervise.

 The father was puzzled. His daughter was usually timid. She would not dare to go out in public without someone to accompany her. But now she suddenly became so independent. He was so relieved (and disappointed) to be a father...

 An hour later, Yan Duo went home sweating profusely. She couldn't hold on for much longer now. Her goal during the summer vacation was to jog for an hour continuously without stopping to walk, which was the level before her rebirth.

 Although Yan Duo has not exercised for a long time now, he had a sudden break during the high school entrance examination, and he is still young, so he will definitely recover quickly, and he may not need a summer vacation at all.

 After running, I went home, rested for a while, and had breakfast.

 Actually, my father's cooking skills are average. He always buys breakfast. What he is best at is cooking various grain porridge, scrambled eggs and fried rice, and making soy milk with a soy milk machine. If the family made dumplings the day before, he would also make them. I can fry dumplings or something, but not much else.

 My mother is better at making noodles, but she can't get up in the morning...

 Today's breakfast included fried dough sticks, shaomai and small fried dumplings. Yan Duo looked at the golden fried dough sticks and said to his father, "Dad, fried food is not healthy. Let's eat less in the future."

 Dad picked up a fried dough stick and said nonchalantly: "If you want to lose weight, just eat less! Our family doesn't eat much fried food."

 Mom also nodded in agreement.

 Big mistake!

 In this era, the concept of health care is not very popular among young people. The age group of colleagues and friends around Yan Duo's parents are still in the stage where they can feed their children. The food cooked at home should be strong, and fried chicken legs are eaten as snacks to pass the exam well. The results rewarded me with a meal of foreign fast food, which produced many fat little ones.

 Compared with them, the Yan Duo family may not eat much.

 But there is one kind of fried food almost every morning, so it's not too little!

 A few years before Yan Duo was reborn, health programs began to be broadcast all over the world, and everyone began to pay attention to health. Apart from fried meatballs during the New Year, she and her mother basically did not touch fried foods at all, and they also used less salt and oil in cooking.

 Guessing that this concept would not be reversed for a while, Yan Duo had no choice but to use her trump card and start acting coquettishly: "We all know that people want to lose weight and buy so many delicious food. Are you trying to seduce me on purpose? Dad, you are really serious."

 To be honest, when a round, white and tender little fat man started using the word, which was as powerful as an intercontinental missile, Gu Liping immediately surrendered: "It's rare that Duoduo wants to lose weight. From now on, our family will buy less vegetables that are easy to grow meat."

 "Don't put sugar in the dishes." Yan Duo quickly added.

 "Don't add sugar to the sweet and sour pork ribs?" Yan Jianjun almost spit out the soy milk, which is his favorite.

 Gu Liping rolled her eyes: "Duoduo wants to lose weight, what about sweet and sour pork ribs?"

 Yan Jianjun still wanted to fight for it, but Yan Duo quickly said: "You still have to eat sweet and sour pork ribs. That's my dad's hobby. Mom can buy whatever she likes. Don't worry about me too much. Just try to have as little oil and sugar as possible. "

 Then she hummed to her mother with a shy face: "Mom, I want to learn to cook."

 Gu Liping was a little hesitant: "Why are you, a middle school student, so anxious to learn cooking? Inhaling oil fumes into your lungs is not healthy. It will take a few years."

 "Let her learn!" Yan Jianjun said firmly, "She has to learn. It's rare that she wants to learn."

 Gu Liping lowered her head and remained silent.

 When his mother didn't speak, Yan Jianjun also stopped talking. At this moment, he didn't realize that his mother's sudden silence was a serious problem. He always thought that it was normal for his wife to be a little emotional after being refuted by him. As long as what he said made sense, She'll figure it out on her own after a while.

 here we go again...

 Yan Duo almost wanted to hold his forehead, such a safe topic can also be dangerous.

 In fact, she didn't want to learn to cook. She had already learned how to cook, but she had to find a reason for knowing how to cook, otherwise her parents would find it strange that she was self-taught.

 And if she can occasionally cook, she can also change the three meals a day in a healthier direction and gradually change the eating habits of the whole family.

 She sighed in her heart again. It would be impossible if the reasons for her parents' divorce were not resolved as soon as possible.

 Speaking of the causes and consequences of her parents' divorce, Yan Duo was a bit dumbfounded.