
Braised crucian carp and mung bean soup

Two hours later, the system finally informed that the task was completed. Yan Duo's gold coins also became 189, and he still needed 10 experience points to reach level 4.

 In a state of concentration, Yan Duo has quickly read through all the textbooks for the three years of high school, and also took out several mock papers and tried to solve a few questions.

 The cruel reality told Yan Duo that her grades in high school were indeed not very good, and her rebirth might not bring her much advantage. When reading textbooks, I am often surprised to find: Huh? This article (this poem) was actually learned in the textbook. Forehead? Isn't this part a university (junior high school) course?

 On the contrary, when I was doing math exercises, I glanced at a few questions, and a familiar feeling immediately came to my mind, and then I successfully wrote the answers without even turning the book.

 I checked the answer and found that I got it right, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

 The three years of high school were not completely in vain.

 Then I tried to write a few questions in English and Chinese.

 English is not bad. You have to learn English in college and take exams. I still have a sense of language. I can answer most of the questions at least. The only trouble is that I can't spell the words. It seems that I need to learn the vocabulary as soon as possible this summer. Put it back on your back.

 With concentration, reciting was really not a problem, and Yan Duo suddenly felt confident.

 The Chinese language questions were much more complicated. As soon as I got the questions, I found that I couldn't solve any of them. After a few seconds of horror, I discovered the problem.

 I haven't been exposed to Chinese courses for many years, so I must have forgotten all the content that needs to be memorized, and those who don't need to memorize have forgotten the methods and skills of answering questions. One of the disadvantages of exam-oriented education is that the answers are all fairly standard and have a certain "mode", or "rules". Anything beyond this range is basically wrong.

 This question is neither big nor small. As long as you become more familiar with the question types and refer to the standard answers, you will soon be able to regain your original feeling. But Yan Duo is already a working adult, and his thinking has long been out of the "box" limited by rules. When answering questions, he may get carried away and jump out of the "box" by accident.

 This is also a problem that urgently needs to be adapted to.

 Counting the time, her parents were about to get off work, so Yan Duo went to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. There are already several dishes at noon. Yan Duo only needs to heat up the leftovers and braise the crucian carp, and dinner is done.

 Because it was still early and the weather was too hot, Yan Duo first cooked a pot of mung bean soup, then picked up the fish, raised the shiny "butcher knife", skillfully cut open the belly, cleaned the internal organs and gills, scraped off the fish scales, and threw it in The pool is ready for cleaning again.

 Unexpectedly, the landline at home rang again at this time. Yan Duo looked at the disemboweled crucian carp that was still moving, so he had to leave it behind and answer the phone.

 As expected, the caller was Jiao Yang.

 "Yan Duo! Did I call it wrong this time? Let me tell you, I asked everywhere, and there is indeed no need to hand in homework. Peng Xiaoqing also said it was a mistake. She asked again and said that we will do it after school starts. You need to buy the exercise book instead of handing in the exercise book." The news that he didn't have to hand in homework was indeed a pleasant surprise. Jiao Yang's tone suddenly became much more cheerful, "But we still made an appointment to go to my house for play next Monday and have dinner at my house at noon. Don't sleep in, come early and let's rent some discs and come back to check it out. Remember it's 9am!"

 Jiao Yang still spoke so straightforwardly, Yan Duo couldn't keep up with her rhythm at all, and could only keep saying "um", "um", "um".

 After hanging up the phone, Yan Duo looked at the date. Today was Friday. She made an appointment to go play on Monday because she felt that having adults at home on Saturdays and Sundays was too restrictive and uncomfortable.

 After returning to the kitchen, as she expected, the crucian carp was completely dead.

 That's fine, you can save on cooking and still have fun.

 After the oil is heated in the pot, add the onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Then fry the fish until it turns yellow and becomes less crumbly. Then add cooking wine, soy sauce and salt and stir several times, then add water and turn up the heat. Simmer for a while and reduce the juice over high heat.

 After the braised fish is plated, it looks average, but home-cooked dishes don't pay attention to appearance.

 He heated up the lunch dishes again and took a look at the mung bean soup. The beans had already bloomed. Yan Duo filled two large bowls without sugar in the soup bowl, then put the rest in the soup and continued to cook for a while. Turn off the heat and set aside to cool.

 After the hot dishes were put on the table, Yan Duo heard something moving in the yard, so she went to open the door first.

 Dad and mom came back together.

 Watching the two people walk into the house together, Yan Duo felt as if he was in another world. It had been several years since he had seen his parents in front of him at the same time. Especially at this time, both of them looked very natural. Mom Still smiling.

 As soon as my mother entered the house, she was happy: "There is actually something ready to eat." Then she saw the plate of braised fish. She rolled her eyes at Yan Jianjun and said, "Look how nice your daughter is to you. I told you to braise the fish at noon." She will wait until you come back to eat together, and she will cook it herself. "

 Yan Jianjun, who had been keeping a straight face since he walked in, laughed a few times.

 My mother was full of jealousy and said, "I think the old saying is true. My daughter just wants to kiss her father. It doesn't matter how nice I am to her."

 Yan Duo quickly said to his mother with a smile: "Mom, I cooked mung bean soup for you."

 "Did you really cook it for me?" Gu Liping didn't believe it.

 Yan Duo quickly brought out the two bowls of mung bean soup without sugar, and said to his mother: "Mom, you don't like sweet food, so I took out all the soup first. This one has no sugar, and the rest is Let my dad eat all the mung beans."

 Yan Duo's family all likes to drink mung bean soup, but they don't like to eat mung beans very much. Yan Duo and Yan Jianjun like to eat sweets, but Gu Liping doesn't like to eat sweets. Every time she cooks mung bean soup, Gu Liping adds sugar to suit the tastes of her father and daughter. After finishing the soup, the remaining mung beans are usually divided between the couple.

 Probably because he was used to it, but for some reason, not only Gu Liping himself, but no one in the whole family thought that he could take out a bowl and add sugar. It was only a few years later that he learned this trick on a health program.

 The health program in that issue actually said: Mung bean soup that has been boiled for ten minutes is the best way to relieve summer heat.

 Yan Jianjun, who was washing his face, laughed and said, "Your daughter treats you better than she treats me. I have nothing to say."

 Gu Liping snorted without saying whether she was happy or not, and then said to Yan Duo: "The factory has issued cold drink tickets. Tell your dad what flavor you want to eat. A box of popsicles and a box of ice cream. I heard that this year Don't you like it if it tastes like honey bean milk?"

 Yan Jianjun rubbed a handful of cold water with a towel, wiped away the sweat, and said, "Duoduo will move with his father later. He can't carry it back alone."

 Just as Yan Duo was about to agree, he heard Gu Liping say: "It's too sunny outside."

 "Duoduo can't stay at home all the time. It's time to do some activities. It's already past six o'clock, and the sun has set after dinner." Yan Jianjun's words had a tone that was unquestionable.

 Gu Liping stopped talking and became silent. The atmosphere in the house suddenly became cold.

 "By the way, you don't like to add sugar to your mung bean soup! Haven't I heard you say that?" Yan Jianjun asked in surprise.

 Gu Li replied calmly: "You can add sugar or not, as long as you like it."


 ...here we go again.

 Yan Duo felt a little speechless.

 The depressing atmosphere, the indifferent mother, and the father who found it strange but never asked about it were repeated countless times in Yan Duo's memory.

 My father is more authoritative at home, while my mother is weak and has no independent opinions. As long as my father decides something, my mother will not say a word. Even if she disagrees in her heart, she will rarely bring it up.

 My mother's temper was suppressed for too long, which was one of the main reasons for their subsequent divorce.

 During the meal, the atmosphere gradually became lively again. The main reason was that the couple was so enthusiastic about the braised fish made by Yan Duo.

 Yan Duo knew they were acting so exaggerated on purpose, so he shouted in cooperation: "Save some for me!"

 After dinner, Gu Liping still refused to let Yan Duo wash the dishes. Instead, he helped Yan Duo find two large net bags and secretly said to Yan Duo: "When you go to get cold drinks later, don't put them on your shoulders. Unpack the boxes." Carry it home in a net bag to avoid frostbite on your skin."

 Then he added: "Don't even ask your dad to carry it."

 The cold drink tickets were redeemed at a certain cold drink wholesale store. It was very close to Yan Duo's home. It took less than ten minutes to walk. If you walked faster, the cold drink would be home without melting at all.

 Yan Duo nodded repeatedly.

 The temperature of cold drinks is more than ten degrees below zero right after they are taken out of the freezer. It is definitely harmful to the skin. Yan Duo also firmly disagrees with the behavior of his father who often puts a towel on his shoulders and carries it home.

 Yuanyuan's father greeted him at the door, and Yan Duo immediately followed him with his net bag in hand.

 After leaving the house, my father asked quietly: "What did your mother tell you? How is she feeling?"

 Yan Duo said: "My mother told me to watch you and not to carry the cold drink box on my shoulders. She told you to carry it in a net bag to avoid frostbite on your skin."


 Although there was no expression on his father's face, Yan Duo obviously felt that his father was in a much better mood.

 It turns out he doesn't care at all.

 Mensao! Yan Duo complained. In fact, the relationship between the two was quite good, and there was great hope in preventing their divorce. Yan Duo suddenly felt happy and jumped up and down while walking.

 Until I heard my dad shouting from behind: "You've gone too far!"

 Only then did I realize that the crowded shop I just passed by was the cold drink wholesale department.

 More than ten years have passed and I have even forgotten the route.

 In fact, Yan Duo is losing weight, and cold drinks are not attractive to her at all.

 While waiting for his father to queue up, Yan Duo boredly used the "Appraisal Technique" to read the names of passers-by. At this time, there should be 50 energy points left. Anyway, it will return to full value the next day. It would be a waste to keep it. Yan Duo decided to brush up his proficiency in the "Appraisal Technique".

 They are all colleagues of my father, and they all live nearby. If you look around, you will see many familiar names.

 Yan Duo accidentally saw a person named Jia Hua, who happened to be a man. She was thinking to herself that it was quite suitable. A man is just a fake flower. The person named "Jia Feng" next to the "fake flower" looks even more familiar, as if he is a primary school classmate!

 Everyone loved nicknames when he was a student. Jia Feng was often told at school: "So you are pretending to be crazy, not really crazy."

 If he gets angry, someone will say: It's over, it's crazy, you might as well change your surname to Zhen.

 There is actually a person named Zhen in the class, named Zhen Ruo...

 It's quite pitiful to think about it. This state will last at least until college. College students are tired of playing such a boring game of nicknames.

 No wonder Jia Feng never started with "What's my dad's name" when he wrote "My Dad" before? The Chinese teacher even praised me once, saying that everyone's beginnings were too samey and that we should learn from Jia Feng.

 He probably felt quite uncomfortable when he heard these words.

 After waiting for a while, Yan Duo saw his father come out carrying two boxes, talking to others as he walked.

 Yan Duo also knew the person who spoke, he was Jiao Yang's father.

 Jiao Yang's father turned around, and sure enough, Jiao Yang, who was following him, waved to Yan Duo from a distance: "Yan Duo——"

 She ran over and patted Yan Duo on the shoulder: "Don't forget Monday."

 After that, she leaned close to Yan Duo's ear and whispered: "I called Zhao Qi here too." Then she ran away with a mysterious smile.

 Zhao Qi? Who is it? What does it have to do with her?