

A tube-shaped cream appeared out of thin air in Yan Duo's hand, and it came with a page of Chinese instructions.

 How to use: Take a mung bean-sized amount of cream and apply it evenly on the belly button every day. No need to diet. Note: If conditions permit, please drink plenty of water for better results. Please do not overeat. It is recommended to increase the frequency of cleaning your body and trimming your hair. If you need to order, contact information: **(&;¥%#&.... Note: This product is suitable for all carbon-based organisms.

 Trim hair? What's the meaning? Yan Duo said he didn't fully understand it, although the literal meaning was easy to understand.

 But these are not important. What is important is that she understood the last sentence.

 "Although I'm not good at biology, I still have this bit of common sense." Yan Duo unscrewed the lid and squeezed a little cream onto his fingers, "Huh? It's a little too much... Well, don't waste it." Then he was careful. Apply to belly button.

 It's cool, nothing special, just forget it.

 Then he lay on the edge of the bed and fell asleep.

 I don't know how long it took, but Yan Duo felt that he woke up from hunger. When he opened his eyes, he found that it was already evening. The smell of food wafted from outside the house. Yan Duo suddenly felt very hungry.

 She didn't know when she had a blanket on her body. She lifted it off, stretched her body, and sat up. Apart from my stomach growling, I felt in good spirits. I looked at the game console and saw that the fatigue level had dropped to 38, and the satiety level was only a pitiful 17. The red light shone slightly on the numbers.

 Even the system knew it was time to eat. Yan Duo touched his belly and hurried to have dinner. Because I slept until dinner time, I was inevitably criticized by my parents.

 Yan Duo could only lower her head like an ostrich. Of course, she was a little hungry and had no time to pay attention to them.

 After eating a full meal, I felt refreshed. After washing the dishes, I went for a walk with my parents. I didn't forget to brush up on two skills along the way. Anyway, I couldn't use up all my energy today. If you don't whitewash it, don't wash it.

 At 9:30 in the evening, Yan Duo wanted to read for two more hours, but the feeling of exhaustion and hypoxia came back again, so he had to turn off the lights and go to bed. Before going to bed, Yan Duo still regretted that he had so much energy. Well worth the waste.

 I don't know how long I slept, but in the middle of the night——

 A black figure with a pair of green eyes staggered into the kitchen. As soon as he entered the kitchen, he immediately started rummaging through boxes and cabinets. The entire kitchen was rummaged through.

 It was Yan Duo who woke up from hunger in the middle of the night.

 Hungry, hungry, hungry - Yan Duo feels like a zombie now, his mind is basically occupied by the consciousness of hunger, and he has no other thoughts except looking for food.

 However, what makes her frustrated is that because she is trying to lose weight recently, except for half a box of cold drinks, there are no snacks at home. No matter how hungry he was, Yan Duo knew not to fill his stomach with cold drinks. Not only were they high in calories, they would also hurt his stomach.

 Really unable to find any food to satisfy her hunger, poor refugee Yan Duo squatted in the kitchen silently and finished chewing a cucumber.

 After eating the cucumber, I still felt it was not enough, so I washed a tomato and ate it.

 After finishing the tomatoes, I always felt that there was still something missing, so I couldn't help but heat up a glass of milk to drink.

 After drinking a glass of milk, Yan Duo barely felt that she had something in her stomach, and went back to the house to sleep in a daze.

 Early the next morning, Yan Jianjun got up to buy breakfast and heard the sound of running water in the bathroom. Yan Jianjun asked: "Duoduo, are you taking a shower?"

 I only heard a "hmm" sound in the bathroom, and no one spoke anymore.

 Yan Jianjun was a little confused, so he went out alone without asking any more questions.

 But Yan Duo in the bathroom is actually not calm...

 She had rubbed herself hard three times and seemed to have shed a layer of skin, but she still felt that she was not clean enough.

 Damn it, if this is the side effect of that slimming cream, can she use it again in the future?

 Early in the morning, Yan Duo woke up from hunger again. In addition to being hungry, she also felt itchy and sticky on her body, and when she scratched her finger, she found that her fingernails had grown longer. When I was taking a shower in the bathroom, I noticed that my hair seemed to be a little longer.

 It was only at this moment that Yan Duo finally understood what the instruction manual meant, saying not to overeat and to clean the body more frequently and trim hair more frequently.

 After scrubbing him three more times, Yan Duo walked out of the bathroom with weak steps.

 Gu Liping, who had just gotten up, was startled when he saw her pale face and weak movements, and quickly asked: "What happened? Are you sick?"

 Yan Duo shook his head lazily: "It's okay, I'm just hungry."

 The porridge was already cooked on the stove. Gu Liping hurriedly filled a bowl and brought it to Yan Duo. She still felt uneasy and touched her forehead while asking, "Is everything okay? I see you don't look good."

 "It's okay."

 Yan Duo quickly proved with facts that she was indeed fine.

 After eating two bowls of porridge, my face immediately turned from green to red, and my complexion instantly improved a lot.

 Then Gu Liping and Yan Jianjun, who came back from buying breakfast, watched in stunned silence as Yan Duo ate one bun, one shaomai, and one or two steamed dumplings in one go. Finally, he glanced at the table with lingering interest for a while before reluctantly putting down his chopsticks.

 This is...the time to gain weight again!

 It wasn't until he saw his weird-looking parents going to work that Yan Duo breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his room to start dazing.

 It is true that she applied a little more slimming cream yesterday...well, twice as much, but such a strong response was unexpected. Especially the one about not overeating is impossible! In this way, it is appropriate to gain weight instead of losing weight.

 Fortunately, her parents didn't notice that her hair had grown a little longer just now.


 Yan Duo let out a long sigh and decided to try it one last time that night, but this time he would be careful not to get the wrong dose.

 Yan Duo, who felt a little heavy-minded, opened the game to complete quests and shops. Of course, the first step was to go to the church to pray.

 Today's NPC expressions are slightly different from yesterday's. Yan Duo can't tell what the difference is, but they seem to be a little more friendly. The dialogue has also changed. What the church NPC "Priest Ogg" said today is: "Are you praying again? Various gods will bless devout children. I think so..."

 ...Actually, Yan Duo always felt that the serious-looking Ogg was the funniest one.

 After praying, he got an attribute with a cold resistance value of +10. Yan Duo couldn't help but complain about the unknown god a million times. It would be nice to give him a heat resistance value. Why should he be cold resistant in the summer?

 And the store still didn't produce anything good.

 1. Delicious steamed buns: Delicious steamed buns can greatly increase satiety. They have no special functions. Price: 10 gold coins.

 2. 300 pieces of strong-scented paper towels: no instructions for use, price: 25 gold coins.

 3. Sapphire Toothpick (Thomas Signature Collection Edition): No instructions for use, price: 12,000 gold coins.

 Seeing the two products below, Yan Duo felt that even if the delicious steamed buns reappeared, it would not make her feel more embarrassed, especially the scented tissues. Yan Duo always felt that scented tissues would make her feel cheap.

 However, the mission page gave her a surprise. When she clicked on the mission page, there was a prompt at the bottom that there were rewards available for the special mission Yan Duo completed yesterday.

 With a click of his finger, a white light flashed on the table, and a white and delicate stone basin appeared out of thin air. If you look closely, you will see that there is a hole in the center of the stone basin, which is actually a flower pot.

 System: You have received the "Nutritional Flower Pot" as a random reward from a special mission.