
Thinking expansion skills

In order to complete the last task, Yan Duo bought the passion jelly. The buns were amazing, but the shelf life was too short!

 After completing the three tasks, Yan Duo is already level 4 (65/80), has 234 money, upper limit of vitality: 140, and upper limit of energy: 190.

 The system prompts the player to reach level 5 and will open map four: Ice Spring Secret Realm. It is estimated that it will be almost done tomorrow.

 Yan Duo remembered that there was a random item reward that could be collected in task one, so he opened the task list and saw that task one was indeed shining, indicating that there was a reward that had not yet been collected.

 Clicking to receive it, my palms immediately sank, and there was one more thing.

 System: You have received a one-week trial pack of Fanny Brand Breast Enlargement Cream. How to use: Just apply it evenly without massaging. It can naturally produce the effect of lifting muscles and making breasts plump. If you need to order, contact information: ;**(&;¥%#...&a;#!@

 Depend on! Another garbled code...

 Yan Duo was so embarrassed that he quickly threw the breast enhancement cream into the drawer, thinking that this was actually product placement from another world!

 A little excited today, Yan Duo didn't want to take a nap, so he simply took out his high school textbooks and exercises to brush up on his proficiency.

 In the morning, Yan Duo would refresh his concentration several times whenever he had time, and now he has upgraded once.

 After 15 minutes, the system prompts that the concentration skill has been upgraded to level 3.

 Concentration lv.3: Put yourself in a "focused" state, lasting 20 minutes and consuming 10 points of energy. There are 10 levels of skills in total. The requirement for the next level is: use the skill 40 times. Current progress: 0/40

 Calculated in this way, it will take more than 13 hours to upgrade to the next level, but the energy value can only be used 19 times a day, which is really cheating.

 But Yan Duo was still very excited. You must know that after reaching level three of concentration, the next skill in the skill tree will be activated.

 Yan Duo has been waiting for the next skill for a long time.

 Opening the skill tree, the next level skill ball slowly lit up in front of her eyes.

 System: You have learned a new professional skill: thinking expansion

 Thinking expansion (passive skill) lv.1: Passively develops the user's brain and improves the user's thinking ability. The maximum development limit for each level is 5 points. There are a total of 5 levels of skills. The next level requires: 10 hours of focused thinking. Current progress: 0/10

 Learning the next skill requires professional title level 2.

 Note: For this skill, according to human standards on earth, 1 point of thinking ability is converted into 1 point of IQ.

 Yan Duo was stunned that he actually had the ability to directly improve his IQ.

 Although there are only 5 points at level 1, what about level 5? That's 25 points.

 Yan Duo knew very well that his IQ was only at the average level in the world. If he added 25 points, even if he could not catch up with Einstein, he would at least be above average.

 For the first time, Yan Duo really hoped that this skill could be upgraded quickly.

 After studying for another hour, the progress of thinking expansion skills became 1/10. Yan Duo quit his concentration state and went out to pour water to drink. Before the water could enter his mouth, the landline at home rang.

 Yan Duo picked up the phone: "Hello, who are you looking for?"

 A very strange female voice rang on the other end of the phone: "It's Duoduo, is your father at home?"

 This person spoke in a very familiar tone, but Yan Duo couldn't remember who it was and didn't answer for a long time. The person on the other end of the phone misunderstood and quickly explained: "That's right, your Haiyang brother has finished the exam and wants to discuss with your father about filling out the application form. We haven't had a meal together for a long time, so I plan to invite you to join us." , I couldn't get through to your dad's cell phone just now, so I called the landline."

 Only then did Yan Duo remember that the other party was his father's ex-wife Wu Shujun. It was indeed not long after the college entrance examination. As candidates' parents, it was appropriate for them to sit together and discuss how to fill out their application. However, Yan Duo remembered that his half-brother was very opinionated, and his relationship with his father was at best a close one. He should have made up his mind about volunteering, Yan Duo I can't figure out what they need to discuss.

 Or maybe it was just to celebrate Yan Haiyang's good grades and remind his father that it was time to pay.

 But she would not say these words. Thinking that Wu Shujun might misunderstand that she was angry, she quickly explained: "Oh, it's aunt, I didn't hear it just now. I will ask my dad to call you back when he comes back. Haiyang Have my brother's scores come down? He must have done well in the exam. His grades have always been good. Dad often tells me to learn from him!"

 This was indeed something Yan Jianjun often said before his rebirth, and it was also something Yan Duote didn't like to hear.

 Yan Duo remembered that Yan Haiyang's college entrance examination results were really good, and later he was admitted to the provincial key Beiqiao University. Today's Yan Duo is no longer the middle school girl she used to be, and she will naturally not say sarcastic words at this time.

 Yan Haiyang's grades were indeed excellent, and Wu Shujun had always been proud of it. Hearing such words from Yan Duo was a great compliment. Wu Shujun's tone suddenly became lighter: "Haha, the grades haven't come down yet. Your brother has been so worried that he couldn't sleep these days. When the results come back, I'll tell him to be the first to tell you."

 Too modest, but you can tell that Wu Shujun is really in a good mood. She is the kind of person who knows how to behave. On normal days, she would definitely explain something like "Duoduo's grades are also good, not worse than your brother Haiyang". Today I forgot to say the polite words that I often talk about. It can be seen that I was very happy after the evaluation results came out.

 ******I am the dividing line of perspective conversion******

 After hanging up the phone, Wu Shujun on the other end of the phone was indeed grinning from ear to ear. Her son's estimated score came out, which was more than thirty points higher than initially expected. If the official score hadn't been released yet, she would have given it up a long time ago. All the relatives and friends who should be notified were called.

 The son on the side was playing on the computer, and when he heard the sound of hanging up the phone, he asked casually: "Is everything agreed?"

 "Your dad is not at home, it was Yan Duo who answered the phone."

 Yan Haiyang said impatiently: "I said just tell him when the application is filled out. It's not too troublesome to make it so complicated."

 Wu Shujun pushed her hair behind her ears, snorted and said: "I have taught my son so well, but you are not allowed to show off. For such a big thing as your exam, what else did he do besides calling and asking several times? This time I want him to bleed no matter what."

 Yan Haiyang shook his head. He was too lazy to get involved in such boring things.

 "It's this girl Yan Duo." Thinking of the phone call just now, Wu Shujun said doubtfully, "Why are you so polite all of a sudden? In the past, I always used to be thorny in my words, but today I use the same kind of polite words."

 "Oh." Yan Haiyang concentrated on playing the game and answered her absentmindedly, "Maybe he has grown up."

 "Well, time flies so fast." Wu Shujun reluctantly accepted the answer.