
Chapter 2: Welcome to Remnant!

As of now the droid pilots have calculated a big field with a small village near by.

2. B2 droid pilot: General, we detect life forms in that village what should we do?

General Grievous: Wipe then out, I want a base in order to see what we are dealing with here.

3. B1 droid pilot: Roger, Roger

What the people see

People in that village panicked of seeing a huge building looking thing crashing on the ground(at least what they think of when the ship landed)

Several minutes later, a weird ship flew out and landed right next to the bigger ship and a door opened and weird robots start marching out with strange guns.

Around 5,000 B1 droids and 1,000 Super droids marched to the village and killed most of the people who lived there except one person who was badly injured and lost his right arm.

The man walked up a hill and fell next to a tree, and he saw the people getting shot and he could hear the people he knew cry in agony.

While this happened a pack of grimm wolfs smelled and heard people in pain and rush towards the sounds. One of then saw a man next to a tree and ripped his neck open and then ate his dead body.

The pack see the carnage and they howl at the night sky and they sprint straight to the village.

I hope you enjoy reading so far I will keep updating but it will take some time to make this story so, do be patient.