
The Rejected Moon Godness Daughter Selena

Kenkat · 若者
8 Chs

Chapter 6


This is my first book hope you guys like it.

Leave comments please nothing bad.

This is a book contains strong launages sorry for the inconvenience that it may cause.



Selena's P. O. V

Getting up to the alarm clock. I went to take a bath bush my teeth and my hair.

After finishing my routine I went to the pack house to get breakfast started.

After getting everything ready I set the table and leave before they could reach down. I went to laundry room and get started on the laundry.

Getting the whites in the machine and start it I sit and read a book.

Didn't know the time fly so fast but the time I look it's dinner time. After finishing getting the laundry off the line I went and put them in the laundry room and went to the kitchen.

I was getting my ingredients to do the cooking when I felt eyes on me again this time I look around not seeing any one I went but to my cooking.

Still feeling like some ones watching me I look through the kitchen window and I m still met with on one. Brushing it off I focus on what I am doing.

By 6 I have everything ready. Thanking the Godness I didn't get any bettings today.

I hardly see anyone come to think of it.

Will guess everyone's busy with the planning of the party coming up.

The last party Andrew had it was two in one he and my brother Alex celebrated their birthdays together.

Even tho they were not born on the same day they kept it together anyway that's how close they are.

I went to get my other work done and by the time I was finish it was dinner time.

"where's that bitch" I heard the Alpha said yep Andrew said it.

I rose to my feet and bow my head answering

"yes Alpha"?

He came into the laundry room seeing my position he said what needed to be said.

"I don't want to see you at the house tomorrow we have important guess coming over and I don't want them to see your ugly face. Do You Understand" he growled in his Alpha voice.

"Yes Alpha I understand" I reply.

"Good. Now get this fucking place clean up and get the fuck out!". He yeld and walk away.

Feeling hurt by him saying those words I did nothing but get to cleaning the kitchen and the dinning room, after I am finish I went to the laundry room get the laundry out of the machine and pin them out.

Finishing my work I decided to go take a bath and go to the library. Its been awhile I have been there but its good to get out every once in a while.

Reaching the library I went inside and hear a ding of the bell that attach to the door. Sending a signel to the bookkeeper that someone had entered.

I went to her "Good afternoon ma'ma, I would like to take out a book today" I said.

"Sure what's your name" She asked.

"Selena Whyte" I said.

"OK I see where u have taking out any so that means you have no return date, so your free to take as many but please return it back on the date you are given to return it back on" she said.

"Sure no problem" I said to her and went to get it started.

I love to read and before you asked yes my parents though me how to read.

They did love me when I was small so the teach me alot at that time.

Now they don't care so I am glad they did at the time.

Walking through the row of book loving the collection that I see I took out a romance novel. Picking it out I went to check it out at the front desk where the bookkeeper is.

"Here you go have a good read and see you again" she said and handed me the book with the card and date in the little pocket inside the book.

"Thanks" I reply with a small smile and went on my way.