
The Rejected Moon Godness Daughter Selena

Kenkat · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 5


This is my first book hope you guys like it.

Leave comments please nothing bad.

This is a book contains strong launages sorry for the inconvenience that it may cause.



Selena's P. O. V

Present time.

Sitting on the grass remembering those time was the best.

Looking up to the stars at the sky, I keep thinking when my life will be better and if I would fine my mate and would he love me.

"He will love us selena" Angel my wofl said. I smile hoping she is right.

"I hope so Angel, I hope so" I I replayed.

Getting up and brushing off myself I went back to the pack house knowing I have to wash the dishes.

Reaching inside I was met with slap across my face.

"Bitch where have you been! We finish eating long fucking time ago!" my dad yelled. Holding my head down

"I am sorry Bata Whyte won't happen again" I said in a oh so small voice, if he didn't have a wolf I think he wouldn't hear me.

"You make me sick just by looking at you I don't even know why we raise you in the first place" he spat.

Those words keep playing in my head the whole time I was busy in the kitchen.

My dad heated me. Ever since mom died I have been getting bad treatment.

Avoiding everyone I finish the dishes and clean the dining room and went to my small house out the back.

Before I could get there I was met with no other but the pack slut Abby Smith.

She is the thirds daughter and yes you guessed it the Alphas girlfriend.

Through she's sleeping with Andrew she thinks she's better than anyone.

Stepping side ways just to get out of her way but guess what that didn't work either.

"look if it isn't the little bitch of the pack" she said while making up her face.

Saying nothing I tried to walk away.

"Aww the little slut can't talk" she said in the most sicking voice ever.

My wolf growl inside my head she hate her as much as I did. Still saying nothing but trying to get away from her.

She held her hands out.

"Wait you forgot to do something and I need it done now" she said.

Looking at her with a confused look on my face wondering what I could have possible done to her now.

"Your forgetting I am the Luna of this pack, and I know you will treat me with respect".

I scoff thinking she thinks to highly of herself.

She thinks through she is sleeping with Andrew she the Luna.

"one more thing, it's my mate and your future Alpha Andrew's birthday Saturday. We don't want to see your face their or else it won't be pretty, but we don't need your felthy pasent there" she said flip her hair and walk away while laughing.

I shoke my head and sighed thinking to myself as lease I get a day.

Reaching inside my room I went to the bath room brush my teeth, took a bathe and put on a shirt and went to bed.