

Previously: When Rias turned around to look at him, he caught a fairway look in her eyes momentarily before it was back to her confident gaze. If Lucas didn't have his hybrid reflexes he would have missed it.

"Why, we're going to settle it just like any other high school schooler. Nothing says competitive sport in school than some friendly sports."

Lucas smiled slightly at the prospect of playing sports again. Since he was half supernatural he always had the advantage of growing up against other humans. Now that he was fully into a world full of supernaturals, he wondered what that was going to be like. He couldn't help but get excited.


On second thought, Lucas had no idea what he sighed up for when he thought putting Devils into high school sports was a good idea. The sun was shining the next day and Lucas was situated around the tennis courts like many of his fellow students, watching the craziness that was competitive Devil tennis. He was feeling thankful that everyone was outside the fences protecting the courts as the tennis ball flying back and forth between Rias and Akeno and Sona and Tsubaki put the skills of professionals to shame.

Lucas was standing next to both Koneko and Kiba, watching the determined face of Rias glare good-naturally towards Sona. She was wearing a pink one-piece suit that fell to her thighs in a flowing puff. Akeno stood behind her in a matching gold skirt and pale yellow top that complemented her typical orange bow very nicely. Both were bent in ready positions to receive the incoming serve from Sona and Tsubaki.

"They look excited," Kiba noted calmy. Koneko nodded her head and pulled out a piece of chocolate to nibble on during the match.

Lucas nodded before looking down the row of students. Not too far from where he was standing with Kiba and Koneko, he could hear the voices of Issei and his friends looking at the devil with unabashed lust. Motohama had his glasses pressed tightly against the cages as if he was trying to take a picture of the women for later. Matsuda wasn't any better as she was pressed up against the cages, perversely with his lower half practically trying to rip the fence down.

"Come on Rias!" The voice of Issei shouted out loud. He balled his fist up, pumping it into the air widely.

On the other side of the fences, Lucas saw the body of Saji, standing on some kind of platform, waving a flag with a picture of Sona's unsmiling face on it and shouting words of encouragement of his own.

"Let's go, Sona! Show them why they shouldn't mess with us!"

As the voices of the rest of the students quieted down to watch the match, Lucas saw the game begin between the two Kings and Queens. Lucas had seen and played tennis before but watching these devils was like nothing else.

Sona began with a hard serve, directly right at Akeno, who responded with a loud yell of her own. The yell was loud and shrieking but it was worth it, as the force behind the ball returned across the court with added heat. Tsubaki made a lunging attempt at it with her racket, only to barely make contact with it and send it flying out of play.

Both Akeno and Rias jumped up excitedly for taking the first points of the match and every guy watching was mesmerized by the bouncing balls on their chests.

Sona was dressed in a purple skirt that matched hr framed glass. Her black-haired had a few bobby pins tying the loose strands out of her face. Tsubaki was wearing a teal version of her King's outfit to match her teal frames. The two then prepared themselves for the oncoming serve from Rias. The Sitri devils looked pissed off at the previous play, but when Rias wound up for the next serve, they put calm faces back on and swung their rackets as hard as they could.

That's how the beginning of the match went, completely normal as was agreed on. There were seemingly factions being formed by the spectators as every time one of the girls did any kind of action with the ball, the onlookers screamed and shouted their names with passion.

That's how it should have stayed, but as the game went on, things started to take a huge ass turn in the wrong direction. At which point Lucas wanted to do nothing more than leave and go take a nap somewhere and pretend that none of this ever happened.

"Umm... Is it just me, or is this getting a bit out of control?" Koneko said out loud.

"Take this!" Rias shouted as she did a pirouette spin after making contact with the ball. The ball flew across the court right towards Sona's face, only for the opposing devil to bring her racket up just in time to barely avoid the strike. It fell harmlessly on the court, though Lucas could see a strange glint in Sona's eyes and felt her magic flare for a brief moment.

"I see how it is," Sona said. "Well then, let's see how you handle a special attack, SONA SITRI STYLE!" As the ball was thrown in the air, the devil brought her racket down on it was such force that Lucas swore wind blew in the other direction momentarily. That wasn't what made Lucas facepalm though, no. That was because covering the ball was dark blue magic.

"Oh, really now?!" Rias rhetorically asked heatedly. "Fine! Let's see how you handle the Gremory Counter-Strike!"

As the blue tennis ball approached Rias, Lucas saw his King wind up her racket with a hint of magic flowing into the racket, giving it a slightly reddish hue. Rias brought her racket forward to make contact with the ball when suddenly the ball hit the ground and bounced in a completely different direction not physically possible. Still, Rias was already mid-swing when the ball bounced away, so she followed through with a grunting sound and some of her magic bleed out into the ground. Where the ball hit, the gound had a small indent from the impact, but when Rias' magic hit the ground, a small crack split the surface.

"What in the name of Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo are they doing!" Lucas growled to his nearby devils. Kiba and Koneko both looked at him with some concern for what was happening but didn't seem to know what to do about it. Issei and his two friends took out cameras from somewhere and began taking pictures of the girl's underwear as their skirts flew up from the resulting swings.

Lucas growled at his and vowed to destroy those things before he took a deep breath and walked forward, gently pushing the spectators aside, making his way to the entrance to the court. Honestly, there was a reason he hide his ears and tails around humans. Humanity as a whole wasn't ready to learn about the supernatural world, and there were four devils in front of them showing off their magic in front of people who all had cell phone cameras.

Rias was winding up to serve the ball back to Sona when Lucas ripped open the fence and stalked inside, sending a glare at the now abashed Akeno and a curious Rias. He grabbed the hands of Akeno roughly as he passed her on his way to Rias, hearing her let out a soft yelp before she giggled quietly. Lucas gently, but firmly, placed Akeno side by side with Rias before sending a glare both their ways.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He whispered-yelled so nobody could hear them. Outside the courts, the grumbling of the male students was beginning to take place, led none other than by Issei and his two friends. "The two of you are beginning to use your powers where any humans might see them. Sona's last strike was glowing blue for fucks' sake."

Lucas was now wagging his finger at both Rias and Akeno as if scolding a pair of children, and while Rias had the decency to look away, Akeno merely attempted to by bringing her hands up to cover her mouth and hiding her giggles. Lucas looked at the sadistic devil and saw she was truly enjoying the demeaning.

"Sucks to stuck, Issei!" Saji suddenly shouted towards the Pawn. "It seems Rias needs the help of her boyfriend because she's afraid of Sona's superior skills!"

Lucas sent a glare that showed his wolf side towards the Sitri Pawn and felt satisfaction when his face paled slightly and shut up.

Issei said some nonsense back, but Lucas wasn't paying attention to the pervert. Sona and Tsubaki walked up next to Lucas warily before smiling at Rias, somewhat smugly. She looked like she just won the match, though, when Lucas turned his attention on her she stepped back slightly from his glare.

"And don't think you two are getting out this either," He continued with his whisper-yelling. "Look at what you did!" He pointed down at the ground at their feet. The indent and crack were visible.

Sona looked sheepish for a moment before wiping her face of emotions. Her earlier smugness had vanished, and it seemed his words might reach them.

"I admit," Soan began quietly, "that maybe we were getting too worked up."

"You think?!" Lucas said, pointing at their tennis rackets.

As one, the girls all looked down at their rackets and saw what he was pointing out. The wires holding the rackets together were fraying, and some had already come completely undone. All it would take was one more hard hit of the ball and the rackets would be utterly destroyed.

"Perhaps, we should play something else?" Tsubaki suggested, looking towards her King. Both Rias and Sona eyed each other for a quick moment before nodding their heads in agreement.

Akeno kept her eyes downcast, but her giggling never ceased.

"If you want to use your magic, I suggest something that doesn't attract the ENTIRE STUDENT BODY!" He said the last few words loud enough for the first row of people to hear, as it seemed like the entire school was now standing outside the court.

The girls agreed with him and as one he watched them leave, much to the dismay of all the onlookers. A lot of "Awws" and "Boos" and even a few "Fuck You Lucas'" were heard around the fence.

Lucas made his way off the court and back to Koneko and Kiba. Over the top of the hill, he saw Sona and Rias huddled together, discussing what the next game going to be.

"That took some serious ball," The monotone voice of Koneko said, looking up with a blank look, but he could see the small amount of admiration in them. That earned her a few strokes on the top of her head, which she enjoyed if the closing of her eyes were anything to go by.

"Yeah, man!" Kina added, smiling at him. "You probably saved the school a lot of hassle. Good job." The King gave Lucas a dazzling smile that seemed to attract every girl in the school and a pat on the back.

Lucas just smiled and nodded at the blonde. That was when Issei lumbered his way over to them. His pervert friends were no longer with him.

"What the hell man!" Issei said, clearly upset by no longer watching the girls' skirts blow up with the wind. "Why'd you stop the match?! We could have had a few more upskirt photos, or maybe the girls would fall and rip their panties in the process, or maybe Rias could have come behind Akeno and grabbed her bouncing tennis balls before Sona and Tsubaki did the same, or..." Issei's mouth trailed off into more and more depraved and completely unlikely scenarios and a small amount of droll came out of his mouth. His eyes glassed over as if imaging each dirty and naughty thought played out before his eyes. Koneko let out a snort at his rambling, Asia, who had come over patiently listened to him while her eyes lowly bulged with each passing fantasy. Kiba smiled at his friend, indulging his comments while Lucas just rolled his eyes.

After listening to a few more minutes of Issei losing himself in his fantasies, Rias walked over and got everyone's attention. Lucas looked toward Koneko and moved his eyes towards the pervert. The little white-haired girl seemed to understand and gave Issei an elbow in the stomach, causing him to grunt and stop daydreaming.

"Alright guys," Rias began while Akeno walked behind her. "Lucas was right, we got caught up a bit in the tennis match in front of the humans. Our emotions got the best of us, so we decided that we are going to hold a full peerage game instead. That way everyone can get involved." She smiled widely at that and Lucas found himself returning it, ready to get involved in some action himself.

"So, what are we playing?" Kiba asked their King.

Akeno smirked before speaking, "We're going to play one of my favorite games... Dodgeball!" She shouted gleefully.

Lucas chuckled darkly. He always loved that game. Everyone looked at him weirdly, but Akeno giggled right all with him. It seemed she found someone to destroy things with.

"Dodgeball?" Issei asked skeptically. He was wary about something but tried to hide it behind a smile as Asia glanced at him. Lucas slapped his shoulders and smiled darkly at the pervert, making him gulp in fear.

"Don't worry, all you have to do is remember the 5 D's."

"5 D's?" The Pawn asked. Luas could see his mind make a connection between the 5 D's and women's breasts

Lucas smiled, remembering one of his favorite movies, "Yup. All you have to do is 'Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge."

Issei stopped in his tracks at that, but Lucas gave him a laughing smile before walking down the stairs towards the school gym with the rest of the peerage in two.