
The Reimagining of the Bow Hero

Satoshi Sera, a prodigious law student, is summoned to the tumultuous world of Shield Hero. Brace yourself as he establishes democracy in a northern country and introduces modern industrialization and sweeping reforms! With catastrophic waves striking, gargantuan beasts awakening, and dangerous foes emerging, the only way for the small countries to survive is to unite. And who better to lead this new Confederation than the Bow Hero! (The Rising of the Shield Hero Fanfiction, Replacing the Bow Hero)

Alexanderctn · アニメ·コミックス
56 Chs

Chapter 32 - Meeting Fitoria

Chapter 32 – Meeting Fitoria

Author's Note: This chapter was written with help from Misato.

"What brings you here today?" I asked, confused at the sight I had just seen.

I thought Indigo was the peak of what a filolial could be. I didn't expect one to be the size of Godzilla!

"That's quite a fine filolial you've raised there." She mentioned offhandedly.

I looked at Indigo. He was nervously ruffling his feathers. I'd never seen him like this, ever.

In fact, I was surprised he hadn't said anything yet. He's just been sitting in one place ever since we met Fitoria.

"Hey, are you doing ok?"

"Satoshi? May I speak with you in private?"

I started looking closer at him. This was concerning. There was definitely something going on. He even had a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Yeah, of course. Come over here."

I lightly grabbed Indigo by the shoulder and led him behind a large tree.

"So, what's wrong?"

I looked behind me. Fitoria was still standing there, confused why we weren't talking to her. Rishia and my other party members were chattering, trying to figure out what was going on.

For me, Indigo's safety was more important than anything. He was like a brother to me.

He struggled to meet my eyes. He had transformed back to human form and was nervously fidgeting with his halberd.

"So, like…" Indigo blushed lightly, obviously quite flustered. "So, like… how do you tell somebody you like them?"

That question hit me like a train. I'd never had such experience before. I spent all my time studying STEM subjects and law, not wasting my time at parties with the rest of the high schoolers and college students.

I was putting all the pieces together. Suddenly, the realization struck me. Indigo was developing feelings for someone, most likely Fitoria.

"Oh! Umm, uh… how do I explain this…"

Indigo cocked his head sideways. He was diligently listening.

"Indigo, I want you to listen carefully, ok?"

"Yes, Satoshi."

Confident that Indigo was listening, I began to give him my grand advice.

"You go up to the girl you like, and you give her the most meaningful confession you can give. I'm sure you can win her heart with that."

Indigo nodded his head as he listened carefully.

I pulled Indigo closer and whispered in his ear, as quietly as I possibly could.

"Is it Fitoria?"

Indigo shyly nodded. This definitely wasn't like his normal self.

"Do you think she's hot?"

Indigo smiled and blushed a little harder.

"Very beautiful, actually."

I nodded and started walking out of the forest with Indigo. I decided to give him a little confidence boost before joining Fitoria and the others.

Before we got there, I gave him one last word of advice.

"Remember, Indigo, with your looks I'm sure you can get any girl you want. You go out there and win her heart, you got that?

Indigo's eyes gained a new look of confident determination as he nodded. "Thank you, Satoshi, for the advice."

I nodded as well, satisfied that I resolved Indigo's situation. I then approached my party members and began discussing what had just happened.

I suddenly snapped my head around and saw Indigo getting close to Fitoria.

"So, can we begin our conversation?" Fitoria inquired.

Indigo puffed out his chest and placed his arm on Fitoria's shoulder. The latter jolted back in confusion.

"Hey baby girl, I got to tell you something. I like ya, and I want ya. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way… Choice is yours."

"What have I done…" I thought, as Indigo was being way too flirtatious.

Suddenly, Fitoria kicked Indigo as hard as she could. The love-struck filolial flew through the air as he screamed: "Fitoriaaaa! I love you!"

Our entire party face palmed. Even Rishia sighed.

I quickly sprinted into the distance, following the sound of "Fitoriaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" that Indigo was screaming as he flew through the air. Soon enough, I found him.

Indigo was lying in a ditch, disoriented and covered in mud.

I helped him up. He was still mumbling "Fitoria" as he got up to his feet and began grooming his wings.

Fitoria had also arrived, followed closely by the other members of my party.

I apologized to Fitoria for the trouble that Indigo had caused, which she brushed off disconcertedly.

"Now then, Bow Hero and friends, may I ask you to introduce yourselves?"

After all the trouble and embarrassment Indigo had caused her, it was only fair that we give her our names.

"I'm Satoshi Sera. I am the President of Arcium, Count of Port Sera, and as you already know I am the Bow Hero."

Fitoria nodded.


I then pointed to the rest of my party members, who kindly waved at her.

"I'm Rishia!"

"I'm Eda!"

"I'm Welst!"

"I'm Rojeel!"

"I-I'm Indigo, my love."

Fitoria turned away as Indigo introduced herself. She was probably pissed at him for rudely hitting on her.

After an awkward silence, Fitoria pointed to her carriage.

"Please board my carriage. I shall transport us to a different location."

After some hesitation, we decided to board Fitoria's carriage. I held Indigo back as he tried to approach Fitoria. If this was Arcium, he'd definitely get a restraining order.

Fitoria shouted something. The scenery around us instantly changed, and we were transported to some ruins in a forest, clearly different than the one that we were just in.

What happened? That giant bird really had some tricks up her sleeve.

"No way!" Welst exclaimed. "Is this the holy land of legend?"

"Yes." Fitoria answered. "This is the land that the original heroes defended."

"Anyways, why did you want to talk to us?"

"I came here because I'd been given a report that a new king candidate had appeared."

"You mean Indigo?"

Fitoria nodded, though not very enthusiastically.

"I've noticed that Naofumi also has a filolial queen. Did you also know about that?"

Fitoria nodded again.

"Okay, then. Now that everything has been cleared up, I demand a deal with the filolial you raised. If he is strong enough, I will offer him a cowlick, which would make him my successor along with Filo."

What? Filo had defeated this massive bird? How?

However, this did offer Indigo a good opportunity to prove himself. If he could impress Fitoria, that would increase his chances with her.

"Indigo! You've got this! This is your only chance to prove yourself to her!"

Fitoria was flustered. Indigo hesitated, but then agreed.

"I'll do it! For Fitoriaaaaa!"

Fitoria sighed.

Indigo didn't move.

"You attack first. It would only be gentlemanly to do so anyways."

What was he thinking? This might get him killed.

Or not. Maybe he was trying to learn Fitoria's attack patterns to better counter her. Who knows?

In the blink of an eye, Fitoria phased through the air and appeared behind Indigo, the latter flinching slightly before being karate-chopped to the ground.

Indigo raised his halberd. He knew the severity of the situation.

"But how!" Rojeel sputtered. "Indigo's the fastest creature I've ever seen!"

Indigo spat out some blood.

"I won't lose. I still got a lot of fight left in me."

"Good." Fitoria said offhandedly.

Indigo blindly charged at Fitoria, waving his halberd in all kinds of strange ways. Then, he leapt at Fitoria, who easily brushed him off.


A knife flew by Fitoria's face, cutting off a few strands of hair.

I finally realized his strategy.

Indigo tried to distract Fitoria with the wild charge, while throwing the knife at her while she was focused on stopping the headlong attack.

Smart bird.

Fitoria was quite shocked that Indigo actually hit her. The latter was breathing profusely, desperately trying to catch his breath.

"So, baby, have I proved myself?"

A Zweite Tornado to the face was her answer.

"Alright, I'm going to have to use my ultimate strategy. Tornado Jets!"

Indigo cast a Zweite Tornado spell at a slanted angle towards the ground, and leaped forwards in Fitoria's direction. The blast from the wind and his jump power propelled him faster than anything I've seen before. Indigo was spinning his halberd like a propeller plane, further adding to his speed.

"Lightning Halberd!"

Indigo struck at Fitoria so many times that I could not even see his movements. The halberd appeared to be staying in one place.

Fitoria parried this speedy attack, but not scoff-free. Her clothing had some tatters on it, and he even managed to scratch her body three times.

Indigo was even worse. His magical clothes were completely torn, and his torso was completely exposed.

"Did I do well?"

Fitoria nodded. She pulled out a crown and set it on Indigo's head. He looked so happy he could almost cry.

"This is your reward for passing my test. This indicates that you will be in line to become the next great King of the Filolials, along with Filo."

Suddenly, a cowlick popped up in Indigo's head.

"If my baby gave it to me, I'll keep it forever!"

Fitoria also placed a cowlick on my bow.

Filolial Series Forcibly Unlocked!

I checked the tree, and many filolial bonuses were unlocked. There was also an ability that allowed Indigo to fight better while mounted by a person.

All the filolials bowed before Indigo. They hoisted him up and began parading him around.

"Wow there, ladies! You're all cute, but my heart belongs only to my Fitoria!"

Fitoria ignored this comment.

"Bow Hero. There is something that I would like to discuss with you."

"Very well."

And so, with the rest of my party and the filolials celebrating Indigo's success, I headed with Fitoria to some nearby ruins.

Chapter 33 out soon!