
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

botbw112 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

The Unlikely Friendship

"Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and imagine a door closing," Themis instructed his daughter, Ayira, as they stood in the privacy of their chambers. 

The princess followed her father's guidance, her small frame focusing intently on the task at hand.

Deep breath.

Close your eyes.

The door closes.

"That's right, my princess!" Themis exclaimed eagerly, his heart swelling with pride as he watched Ayira effortlessly conceal her aura on her first attempt.

Scooping her up into his arms, he raised her high into the air, eliciting giggles of delight from the young princess. But while Themis reveled in their moment of triumph, Priest Damayanti, observing from a distance, couldn't help but feel a sense of dismay creeping over him.

"Are you going with her Royal Highness?" Damayanti inquired, his voice tinged with concern as he approached the king.

Themis nodded, his mind already set on his plans to accompany Princess Ayira on her journey to Yorath. But Damayanti, ever the cautious advisor, urged him to reconsider.

"Then let me send five mages to accompany you," the priest suggested, his brow furrowing with worry.

But Themis remained steadfast in his decision. "No need; I already have Alec," he replied with a dismissive wave of his hand, his attention focused solely on his daughter.

"Alec is not enough; what about three mages?" Damayanti persisted, his concern deepening.

But the king, seemingly oblivious to the priest's concerns, simply pinched Ayira's cheek affectionately, his voice dripping with adoration as he baby-talked to his 8-year-old daughter. Ignoring Damayanti's growing frustration, he remained resolute in his decision.

"Your Highness!" the priest exclaimed, his frustration evident in his tone.

"I said we were fine. Alec will accompany me. Only Alec," Themis replied firmly, his gaze finally acknowledging the priest's distress.

With a resigned sigh, Damayanti acquiesced, his expression reflecting his disappointment as he sank down onto one of the couches in his office. But before he could gather his thoughts, Themis's voice broke through his reverie, pulling him back to the present.

"Damayanti, change our hair color!" the king commanded, his blue eyes sparkling with excitement.

With another weary sigh, Damayanti complied, using his magic to darken the king and princess's golden locks to a deep shade of black.

"Now we're good," Themis remarked, hoisting Ayira onto his arm.

"Let's go," he said cheerfully, his tone brimming with enthusiasm as he led the way out of the room, leaving Damayanti to ponder the king's stubbornness and the mysteries of their upcoming journey.

"To where, Father?" Ayira inquired, her curiosity piqued by her father's enigmatic smile.

"Somewhere," he replied cryptically, his smile widening as he held his daughter close.

After two days of journeying with Alec, the trusted mage by their side, King Themis and Princess Ayira finally arrived in the picturesque town of Yorath. The air was filled with the sweet melodies of birdsong, and the landscape was dotted with vibrant scenery that captured the young princess's imagination.

As they made their way through the town, Ayira's curious gaze flitted from one sight to another, her eyes alight with wonder as her father carried her in his arms. But their leisurely stroll came to a halt when they encountered a red-haired child standing in their path, his expression a mix of shock and awe as he clutched tree branches in his small hands.

"Y-your Highness," the boy stammered hesitantly, his eyes widening as they settled on the princess nestled in the king's arms. Sensing the boy's uncertainty, Themis gently lowered Ayira to the ground, allowing her to stand beside him.

"This is Ayira, my daughter," the king explained with a warm smile, introducing his daughter to the curious child before them.

"Hello," Ayira called out cheerfully, waving her hand in greeting, her eyes sparkling with innocence.

The red-haired boy, named Zagan, greeted her shyly, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the attention of royalty.

"Are you visiting our house, your highness?" Zagan inquired, his eyes wide with curiosity as he addressed the king respectfully.

"I've told you to drop the formalities," Themis chided gently, his hand coming to rest on Zagan's cheek in a gesture of warmth and familiarity. "And what's your name again? I forgot to ask last time we met," he added with a chuckle.

"Zagan," the boy replied softly, a hint of pride in his voice as the king praised his name.

"What a strong name," Themis remarked approvingly before gesturing for Zagan to accompany them to his house.

"Here, hold my daughter's hand, Zagan," the king instructed kindly, his hand resting on the boy's back as they walked together. Meanwhile, Alec approached Zagan to relieve him of the branches he had been carrying, a silent indication of the king's favor towards the young boy.

As Alec handed the branches to Zagan, it was evident to him that the king held a genuine fondness for the red-haired child.

As Zagan nervously glanced at Princess Ayira, Alec couldn't help but notice the boy's handsome demeanor, silently acknowledging his highness's good judgment. Meanwhile, Ayira sensed her father moving farther ahead and took Zagan's hand, leading him towards his home, with Alec keeping a watchful eye on them.

"I'm tired!" Ayira exclaimed to her father, her small voice filled with exhaustion as she clung tightly to Zagan's hand.

Themis halted his steps and turned back to wait for the two, concern evident in his gaze as he observed his weary daughter.

"Do you want me to carry you?" he offered kindly, noticing Ayira's fatigue.

The princess nodded eagerly, and with a gentle smile, Themis lifted her into his arms, her fatigue easing as she settled against her father's strong frame. Meanwhile, Zagan looked on with ease, feeling a sense of comfort in their presence.

Arriving at Zagan's front home, they found his mother and uncles absent.

"Where is your mother?" Themis inquired, placing Ayira down.

"Town," Zagan responded, approaching the magician who stood outside the home, standing still. He then asked for the tree branches, which Alec handed over as Zagan began to arrange the branches on the tables in preparation for the upcoming winter.

"Your mom is busy," Themis remarked softly, his heart going out to the young boy left alone.

"Are you always left alone?" he asked gently, watching as him nodded and continued with his task.

Meanwhile, Ayira, curious as ever, tugged at her father's garments and whispered, "Father, who is he?" Themis, delighted by his daughter's interest, knelt down in front of her with a teasing smile.

"Do you like him?" he teased in a hushed tone, causing Ayira to flush with embarrassment as she denied it. Rising with a satisfied smile, Themis couldn't help but feel content at his daughter's shyness, a sign of her growing awareness.

As the afternoon wore on, Themis found himself captivated by the sight of the two children playing and laughing together. Yet, amidst the joy, a pang of longing tugged at his heart, reminding him of his absent loved ones – Alaunos, Dillon, and his beloved queen, Dera.

Watching Ayira and Zagan tease each other only served to intensify his longing for the days when Dera would playfully tease him, filling their home with warmth and laughter.

"Zagan is so playful; he reminds me of her highness," Themis remarked, settling into one of the patio chairs with a wistful smile. Alec, standing nearby, nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the children playing in the distance.

"Watching them reminds me of Your Highness and Her Majesty," Alec murmured softly, his eyes reflecting a hint of nostalgia. Themis met Alec's gaze with a sense of satisfaction.

"Right! I thought I was the only one who noticed it," Themis replied, a chuckle escaping his lips. Alec cracked a smile in response, sharing in his highness's amusement.

"Her royal highness becomes a mini you, your highness," Alec added, prompting another round of laughter from both men.

"Both are cry babies," Alec teased, earning a playful glare from Themis.

"I didn't cry that much when I was a child," Themis protested, but the twinkle in his eye betrayed his amusement.

Their banter was interrupted by Ayira's distressed cries as she ran towards them, with Zagan in hot pursuit, a beetle in his hand. Alec and Themis exchanged worried glances, but Zagan's laughter indicated that it was all in good fun.

"It's a pet!" Zagan exclaimed, his laughter infectious as he teased Ayira with the beetle.

"Father!" Ayira cried out as she sought refuge in her father's arms, her sobs echoing in the air. Alec's concern deepened at the sight, but Themis seemed unperturbed by Zagan's antics.

"It's fine, Ayira. Don't cry," Themis reassured her, gently wiping away her tears. As he glanced at the smiling Zagan, an idea seemed to strike him.

He gestured for Zagan to approach, and the boy eagerly complied. However, when Themis pinched his cheeks playfully, Zagan yelped in pain, his cheeks turning red from the sudden pinch.

"I didn't pinch that hard," Themis remarked with a smirk, causing Zagan to pout in response. But before the boy could protest further, Themis enveloped him in a warm hug, tousling his hair affectionately.

As Themis held the young boy close, a wave of fondness washed over him. In Zagan, he saw glimpses of his beloved wife, the queen – her playful spirit and boundless affection shining through in the spirited young boy before him. And in that moment, surrounded by laughter and love, Themis couldn't help but feel grateful for the precious memories they were creating together.

"His Highness is here," says someone in the distance as they observe the king having a good time with two children on his arm.

"Don't come close, it isn't the right time," the other one remarked.