
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

msso_o · Fantasy
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52 Chs

The Greed

Two years later.

As Princess Ayira celebrated her tenth birthday, her wish was simple yet heartfelt - another visit to her friend Zagan. Since their initial introduction by her father, King Themis, the two had formed a close bond, but recent chaos in the palace and town had kept them apart for six long months.

Determined to grant his daughter's wish, King Themis, accompanied by Alec, set out with Ayira on a journey from Absalom to Yorath. However, upon arriving at Zagan's home, they were met with a devastating sight - the house lay in ruins, consumed by fire.

"Father," Ayira murmured mournfully, her heart heavy with concern for her friend.

"Alec," Themis responded, his voice tinged with urgency as he instructed the mage to search for any signs of survivors amidst the wreckage.

"Is Zagan dead?" Ayira's tear-filled eyes pleaded for reassurance. Themis knelt beside her, gently cupping her cheeks as he met her gaze.

"Zagan will be fine; he's not dead," the king declared, his words a comforting balm for the princess's wounded heart.

Moments later, Alec returned with news that brought a glimmer of hope. "Your Highness, I don't see any remains or bodies in the rubble; I believe the child survived with his family," he reported, prompting a sigh of relief from Themis.

"See, Zagan will be fine," he affirmed, casting a comforting glance at his daughter as they prepared to depart.

As they made their way back to the carriage, a bird alighted on Themis's shoulder, carrying a message tied around its neck. Intrigued, the king untied the paper and began to read.


Unto His Majesty, the King of Basilia.

The priest asked me to convey this message.

Commoners from the village of Yorath begin to appear in front of Ariadne's tower, which is concerning since they begin to ask for his highness' presence. 

We hope for your safe return, Your Majesty. 

Yours sincerely, 

Adam, disciple of the tower of Ariadne. 


"How do they know my whereabouts?" Themis muttered under his breath, his brow furrowing with concern.

The situation was dire. If news spread that he had been hiding at the Tower of Ariadne, it could endanger not only his own safety but also that of Princess Ayira. The people's disappointment in his decision to allow Christos to sit on the throne could escalate into dangerous unrest. Moreover, the princess's safety remained at risk, as Damayanti and Themis were still unaware of Casimir's whereabouts.

As the cries of the Yorath commoners reached his ears, Themis's heart sank. Their pleas for help painted a grim picture of the atrocities committed by Christos. The new king's ruthless actions, including burning homes and executing dissenters, threatened the lives and livelihoods of innocent people.

"Bring King Themis!"

"We're all gonna die, where is the King!"

"Help us, King Themis! Christos is burning our house down!"

"King Themis!"

The desperate voices of the commoners echoed through the air, pleading for salvation from the tyranny of Christos. His greed and heartlessness knew no bounds, as he resorted to violence and cruelty to maintain his grip on power.

"Dance for me," Christos demanded, his gaze fixed on the trembling girl standing before him.

"Dance!" he bellowed, his frustration evident as he clenched his jaw and cracked his neck in irritation. Tears welled up in the girl's eyes, further fueling Christos's anger.

With a swift motion, he rose from his seat and delivered a brutal slap to the girl's face, sending her crashing to the ground. He seized her by the chin, forcing her to meet his gaze.

"When I say dance, you dance!" he roared, striking her once more before retreating to the safety of his couch, where the girl remained, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Dance!" he screamed, his fury escalating as the girl refused to comply, remaining rooted to the spot.

Frustrated by her defiance, Christos berated her for wasting her beauty. With a menacing glint in his eye, he reached for the sword at his side, its blade stained with fresh blood from his previous victim.

"K-kill me," the girl stammered, her voice trembling with fear.

Christos regarded her with a mixture of surprise and admiration, then knelt before her, gripping her face to meet his gaze.

"Do you want to live?" he asked, his tone unexpectedly mournful. The girl nodded fervently through her tears, her hope rekindled by his apparent change of heart.

With a nod, Christos granted her mercy. "Go, live," he said, offering a fleeting smile as the girl scrambled to her feet and made a desperate dash for the door.

But just as she reached safety, Christos's true intentions were revealed as he plunged his sword into her back, causing her to collapse in a pool of blood.

He laughed cruelly as her life ebbed away, relishing in her final moments of agony.

"Do you think I'll let you live?" he taunted, yanking her hair back to force her gaze upon him.

With a look of defiance, the girl met his eyes one last time before succumbing to death's embrace.

Dispassionately, Christos surveyed the scene before him, the lifeless body of his victim serving as a grim reminder of his unchecked power.

"Next!" he commanded, his thirst for cruelty unquenched as he awaited the arrival of his next victim to satisfy his twisted desires.

His frustration mounting, Christos clenched his fists in irritation as he awaited the arrival of someone in his chamber. As no one entered, he rose from his seat with annoyance, ready to vent his frustrations elsewhere. However, his plans were halted as an unfamiliar figure stepped into the dimly lit room.

"Who are you?!" Christos demanded, his alarm evident in his voice.

"You're going about it all wrong, your Highness," the man replied, his voice low and commanding, sending a shiver down Christos's spine.

Approaching the king with purpose, the man brandished an unsheathed blade, compelling Christos to remain seated.

"Do you truly believe Themis cared for his people? He allowed you to seize the throne with ease, knowing full well the kind of ruler you would become," the man continued, his words hitting Christos like a revelation.

"He practically handed it to you, as if daring you to prove yourself. To show him just how easily he can reclaim what rightfully belongs to him," he added, taking a seat on the nearby coffee table, his gaze piercing into Christos's contemplative expression.

"If you wish to dismantle Themis's power, strike at the heart of what he holds most dear," the man whispered, his words sending a chill down Christos's spine.

Fascinated by the man's insight, Christos burst into laughter, his amusement evident.

"I like you; what's your name?" he asked eagerly.

"Casimir," came the reply.

Left alone in the dim chamber, Christos felt a newfound sense of fulfillment and excitement. A smile graced his lips as he pondered the man's words, realizing the true weakness of his adversary, Themis.

As they arrived at the Ariadne tower, Alec suggested they enter from the back to avoid detection by the commoners. King Themis and Princess Ayira followed Alec's lead, sneaking into the tower unnoticed.

Inside, Damayanti hurried towards them, visibly concerned.

"How did they find out you're here, Your Highness?" he asked urgently.

"I have no idea," Themis replied, perplexed by the situation.

"Could it be the red hair child who spread the news?" Alec interjected, voicing his suspicions about the red-haired boy.

"No, it couldn't be. Zagan wouldn't do such a thing," Themis murmured, exchanging a glance with Alec.

Deciding to discuss the matter further, Themis instructed one of the mages to escort Princess Ayira to her chamber while the three of them convened in Damayanti's office.

As they sat down, Damayanti wasted no time in informing Themis about the dire situation in Yorath.

"Half of Yorath has been burned down. Christos plans to seize control of the town and enslave its people," he reported gravely.

"Have you noticed a young boy with red hair outside the tower?" inquired the concerned king. Damayanti shook his head, indicating he hadn't noticed anyone matching that description.

Feeling a sense of urgency, Themis motioned for Alec to go outside and search for Zagan among the crowd.

As he considers who might spread the word about his whereabouts. However, he was confident that the small child, Zagan, had nothing to do with anything

"I already put Mages in front of the tower to ensure safety in case Casimir came," Damayanti stated.