
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

botbw112 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

The King's Lament

As dawn broke, the monarch stirred from his troubled slumber, aided by the devoted priest who had kept vigil throughout the night, tending to the weary king's needs.

Themis awoke with a start, his heart pounding with fear as he scanned his surroundings, his mind consumed with worry for his beloved mother.

"Where is Her Majesty?" he demanded, his voice tinged with anxiety, his eyes searching desperately for any sign of her presence.

Beside him, the concerned priest, Damayanti, watched with furrowed brows, his own worry etched upon his features.

"Your Highness, what has happened? Why are you wandering last night with the princess" Damayanti inquired, his voice laced with concern.

But the king's mind was elsewhere, his thoughts consumed by the looming threat that had haunted his dreams.

"He's here," Themis uttered, his voice heavy with dread.

"Casimir has returned. He seeks vengeance against Hygeia, and he means to take it out on the princess," the king explained, his tone filled with anguish as he revealed the sinister plot that had brought him to this desperate hour.

Damayanti was rendered baffled by what he had heard. Remembering how Casimir traumatized the king by killing his father in front of his Highness. Damayanti was still perplexed as to why the vicious Casimir had not killed the young Themis.

"Dillon, Alaunos..." the king halted, covering his face with his palm. Stopping himself from crying in front of the priest.

Making the priest become concerned and heartbroken as he watches His Highness in pain and anguish. After all, he was the one who raised Themis after Casimir murdered the former King Keres.

Themis, a mere eight years of age that day, ventured into the dimly lit corridors of Ariadne's tower in the dead of night, his small frame trembling as he sought out the comforting presence of Damayanti, the trusted priest. 

"My wife, Her Majesty, was fighting alongside Dillon and Alaunos for the sake of my life, and...." The king paused, struggling not to cry.

"And the Princess," he added as tears poured down his cheeks.

As Themis's tears gradually subsided, Damayanti remained by his side, a comforting presence in the midst of his grief. Sitting beside the grieving king, the priest gently placed a hand on his shoulder, offering silent support as memories of past sorrows flooded his mind.

Once Themis had regained a measure of composure, Damayanti leaned in, his voice gentle yet firm as he broached the topic that weighed heavily upon them both.

"Your Highness," he began, his tone tinged with concern.

"we must know where the battle took place. If the four are still engaged in combat, we must hasten to their aid. And if... if it has come to pass that one side has emerged victorious, we must retrieve the fallen and tend to the wounded." he said as he awaited the king's response.

"They fought in the old ruins beyond the eastern outskirts of the city," Themis revealed, his words carrying the weight of a grim truth.

The priest excused himself, summoning 5 of the magicians and instructing them to locate and recover the bodies of Queen Dera, Dillon, and Alaunos.

"I want to see my child," the king muttered out of nowhere with sadness in his tone. The priest carries out the king's request.

"She's as beautiful as Her Majesty," the priest murmured, attempting to console the stressed-out king.

"She did look like her mother," he added, cracking a smile. You will feel the king's anguish through the tone of his voice.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, interrupting their conversation, a mage burst into the chamber, his expression fraught with concern and urgency. As his eyes fell upon the priest engaged in conversation with the king, a look of realization dawned upon him, and he swiftly dropped to his knees, bowing low before his sovereign.

"Your Highness, please forgive my intrusion," the mage implored, his voice trembling with a mix of anxiety and reverence.

"I did not mean to interrupt your audience with the revered priest. My apologies for any disrespect shown."

Though taken aback by the sudden interruption, the king regarded the mage with a measured gaze, his expression a blend of curiosity and understanding.

"Raised your head. Speak freely, " he said, his tone gentle yet authoritative.

As the mage rose to his feet, his troubled expression deepened, betraying the gravity of the news he bore.

"N-No body was found, Your Highness," replied the mage, leaving the king and priest taken aback.

"There are some traces of blood, but we did not see Her Majesty, neither the knight nor Master Alaunos," the mage continued, his words only serving to deepen the sense of unease that hung in the air.

Damayanti exchanged a worried glance with the king, whose expression mirrored his own distress and frustration.

"We will continue to look for them; please excuse me, Your Highness," the mage said, his frustration palpable as he took his leave.

With a heavy heart, the king gestured for the mage to depart, his thoughts consumed by worry for the missing members of his court.

Alone once more, Themis and Damayanti shared a solemn moment, the weight of the situation pressing heavily upon them both.

"I knew this was going to happen," the priest said, his voice tinged with remorse.

"I shouldn't have let her fight," the king replied, his tone filled with self-blame and anguish.

At that moment, the king's heart was heavy with regret, sorrow, and the gnawing fear of what the future might hold without his beloved queen by his side.

a decade prior.

The joyful laughter of four children echoed through the gardens of Basilia Palace, filling the air with a sense of innocence and mirth.

"Priest Damayanti!" called out a young boy, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he dashed towards the priest. With his golden hair and pure blue eyes, he was a picture of youthful exuberance, but it was his radiant smile that truly captivated the heart of Priest Damayanti.

The priest returned the smile warmly. "What is it, Your Highness?" he inquired gently.

"Can I marry Her Grace, Dera?" the young Themis asked eagerly, his eyes shining with anticipation as he awaited the priest's response.

"Of course, Your Highness, you can marry whomever you desire," replied Priest Damayanti with a chuckle, amused by the boy's innocence and enthusiasm.

"Really?" exclaimed Themis, his excitement bubbling over.

The priest nodded, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

With a joyful skip in his step, Themis hurried back to where Her Grace, Dera, was playing, eager to share the good news.

"Dillon! Priest Damayanti said I can marry your sister, Dera!" announced Themis, his voice filled with excitement.

"Really?" exclaimed little Dillon, his eyes widening in delight at the prospect.

But Dera, her arms folded stubbornly across her chest, offered a different response. "But I don't want to," she declared, her pout evident.

"But I do!" protested Themis, his enthusiasm undimmed.

"I'll be the king, and I'll give you everything!" he added, trying to persuade her.

But Dera remained resolute, turning her head away in defiance.

As Themis's protestations turned to tears, the mood shifted, and the three children were suddenly confronted with the sight of their usually cheerful prince in distress.

"Sister!" Dillon's voice was filled with concern as he observed his Highness's sudden tears.

"Y-your Highness," young Alaunos looked equally worried as he reached out to comfort the prince.

"S-sister," Dillon's voice trembled, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Do you love his Highness more than me?" Dera's heartbroken voice cut through the air.

"I love you both, but you're being so mean," Dillon's voice wavered as he struggled to contain his emotions.

"Your Grace, Dera—" Alaunos began, but Dera interrupted him, knowing that both Alaunos and her younger brother Dillon would always support their Highness.

"I know," Dera responded softly, acknowledging their unwavering loyalty to their prince.

"You are both annoying!" she declared in an irritable tone, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Such a crybaby, fine! I will marry you," she murmured, turning away from the prince to hide her flushed face.

Themis's face lit up with joy at Dera's response, while both Alaunos and little Dillon beamed with happiness.

"Really!" exclaimed Themis, his excitement palpable.

Dera simply nodded shyly in response, avoiding eye contact with the prince, knowing that his face would be beaming with happiness.

"We will live in this palace with Dillon and Alaunos; we will play together, eat together, and never leave your side, Your Grace, Dera!" Themis declared with a wide grin.

Alaunos smiled, admiring the prince's enthusiasm, while Dillon's joy was evident in his eyes. Little Dera felt shy under their combined gaze.

"You will never leave my side?" Dera asked in wonder.

"Of course!" Themis cheerfully responded.

"We will always be together," Dillon reassured her.

"Promise me that the four of us will be together; I don't want to be alone," Dera pleaded, her voice tinged with sadness.

Seeing his sister's sadness, Dillon came up with a plan to cheer her up.

"The three of us will protect the future queen!" he declared proudly, standing tall.

"We will not let anyone harm my queen!" Themis declared, joining Dillon in his vow.

Dillon and Themis turned to Alaunos, their eyes filled with expectation, waiting for his promise to Dera.

The young Alaunos stood up hesitantly, feeling the weight of the moment as the three pairs of eyes were fixed on him, waiting for his response.

"I-I..." he faltered, feeling a surge of pressure. He glanced at his Highness and Dillon, who were both smiling encouragingly, waiting for his words.

Summoning his courage, young Alaunos smiled and boldly stated, "I will study hard and become the greatest mage in Basalia!"

Dera giggled at his response, pleased to hear their lighthearted remarks. The tension lifted, and the four children shared a moment of laughter.

We will always be together but i was left alone...

 [ End of flashback ]

Damayanti joined the search effort, dispatching twenty of his skilled magicians to scour the land for Queen Dillon and Alaunos, yet they remained elusive.

The monarch, devastated by the news, refused to accept the grim reality that he had lost not only his beloved queen but also his closest companions. Intent on venturing out alone to find Her Majesty, Damayanti's resolve was met with opposition.

"Are you truly considering risking your life like this?" questioned the priest, his disappointment evident.

Frustrated, the monarch struggled against the priest's restraining grasp.

"Release me! I command you to let me go!" he demanded, his anger palpable. But the priest remained resolute, unwilling to let the king endanger himself.

As the king persisted, the priest reluctantly instructed his magicians to intervene magically.

"We must prevent His Highness from risking his life further," he urged.

Infuriated by the interference, the king threatened retribution.

"This is treachery! Anyone who dares to lay a hand on me will face severe punishment!" he exclaimed defiantly.

The tension thickened as the magicians hesitated under the weight of the king's wrathful gaze, but Priest Damayanti remained steadfast.

"Damayanti!" the monarch's voice thundered with anger, directed at the unwavering priest before him.

Without flinching, Damayanti responded, his resolve unwavering.

"Fine," he acquiesced, his decision already made. With a signal, he instructed the magician to release the king.

"Go, leave your child alone," Damayanti remarked with dismay, his disappointment evident as he began to walk away, commanding his mages to stand down.

Left alone, the weight of his actions bore down on the monarch, and he collapsed to his knees, tears streaming down his face.

Once again, he had forgotten about Ayira, his princess, left behind in his desperate pursuit.

"I am sorry," he whispered, his voice choked with regret. He berated himself for his selfishness, for abandoning his child in his single-minded quest.

"I failed as a father," he admitted, his remorse palpable.

"I apologize," he repeated, acknowledging his mistake.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, the weight of his words heavy with remorse.