
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

msso_o · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Birth of Saint Lucius

As Lady Eshe, Alaunos' devoted wife, began to experience the pangs of labor, chaos erupted within the Tower of Ariadne, where they resided.

"Lady Eshe has given birth to a Saint!" The cry echoed through the halls as the physicians of the tower beheld the newborn with awe and jubilation.

Rushing into the room, the priest's face lit up with astonishment and excitement at the miraculous sight before him.

"A Saint is born!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining with wonder.

The infant, bathed in mana and surrounded by a turquoise and white aura, was immediately hailed as a saint. Such dual-colored auras were a rare phenomenon, reserved only for holy saints like the late Hygeia Agafya and others before him.

Recognizing the divine hand at work, the priest understood that the child had been bestowed with the power to extend lives and even resurrect the dead.

"He's a beautiful boy, Lady Eshe," the physician remarked as she gently placed the child into his mother's arms.

With his father's gray hair and his mother's honey-colored eyes, the child possessed a striking appearance.

Approaching Lady Eshe, the priest offered to heal her tired body, his smile warm and kind.

"A child as lovely as this deserves a name as beautiful," he suggested.

The gaze of both physician and priest turned expectantly to Lady Eshe, awaiting the revelation of the saint's name.

"Lucius," she announced with a grin, caressing her son lovingly. "Lucius is the name of my precious son."

At the sound of the chosen name, joy overflowed in the hearts of all present, celebrating the arrival of the saint named Lucius.

As the news of Lucius's birth spread throughout the Tower of Ariadne, the people erupted in astonishment and joy. For over a decade since the passing of the revered Holy Saint Hygeia Agafya, the tower had been without a saint, making Lucius's arrival a cause for celebration unlike any other.

"Blessings and glory to the Tower of Ariadne!" echoed the jubilant voices of the tower's inhabitants, welcoming their new Holy Saint with open arms.

Amidst the festivities, the kingdom of Basilia was thrown into chaos upon learning of the disappearance of the Royal Families, who were eagerly awaited to welcome a princess into the world.

Among the concerned populace was a man named Christos, who wasted no time in hurrying to the palace to investigate the unsettling situation. Stepping through the royal gates, he was met with a scene of horror— the palace lay in disarray, blood staining the halls, and the knights lay lifeless upon the ground.

"What in the world..." Christos muttered, his shock palpable.

"Your grace, about His Majesty, the king-"

Before he could process the grim scene before him, a man at his side began to speak, but Christos quickly silenced him with a gesture as his gaze scanning the area.

They looked at the duke, worried but wary.

The Duke, known for his ruthless nature despite being King Themis' cousin and longtime friend, stood forlornly outside the palace walls. 

"Your Grace," a concerned woman, likely his servant, addressed him tentatively.

As she moved to offer comfort, her hand poised to touch his shoulder, she recoiled in shock as the duke, Christos, erupted into unsettling laughter.

"The throne will be mine!" he declared with a chilling certainty, devoid of any hint of sadness or remorse.

His servant and the onlooker, Guy, exchanged horrified glances, realizing the true depths of his ambition. It was clear to them that once Christos ascended the throne, his rule would be marked by destruction and immorality.

As news of Christos's intentions spread, Damayanti and Themis were filled with alarm. They knew all too well the kind of man Christos was, and the thought of him wielding power sent shivers down their spines.

"Your Highness, you must return to the palace," Damayanti urged, her concern evident in her voice.

"I cannot," Themis replied firmly, his mind consumed with worry for the safety of the princess. He knew that if he reclaimed the throne, it would only attract Casimir's attention, putting his daughter in grave danger.

Faced with a difficult decision, Themis weighed his options carefully.

"Then what shall we do, Your Highness?" Damayanti asked, caught off guard by his response.

"Let him," Themis declared coldly, his eyes steely as he left the room, leaving Damayanti bewildered yet understanding of the king's reasoning.

For Themis, the safety of his daughter outweighed all else. If he seized the throne, she would be in constant peril. But if he allowed Christos to ascend, chaos would descend upon the kingdom, endangering his people.

It was a choice that tore at the king's heart, forced to decide between the life of his daughter and the stability of his realm.