
The Red Ravens

How dark the corners are, how many shadow can hide within them, how many monsters can hide between those shadows! Adam shall once again jump within those shadows, either forced or by his own will, in his quest given by The Night Raven.

catalin2766 · アクション
3 Chs


Now I was good enough for a couple of minutes at least. My bones fixed and I can move normally but I'm unarmed, not good against that thing.

As I watch her ready to counter her attack she changes showing more of her true form. Her skin starts to melt of and reveals underneath a gray skin with almost pure white chitin plates and she reveals two more thing, another blade on her hand and a bladed tail.

Three weapons against none, not good. She jumps and tries to cut my head of but I dodge to left and grab a stand where my bags were standing, better then nothing I suppose.

She uses the wall for momentum and jumps with the bladed tail in front. I go underneath her and try to jab her between those plates, miss, fuck. Luckly it's not that easy to stop your momentum in midair so she slams in the wall.

"Darker and darker the night shall fall and the day shall shine brighter than ever." I chant and I manage to repeat it three times before that...creature jumps me again, more than enough.

From the tip of my fingers blood starts pouring and transforms into black smoke, engulfing the whole room in it.

I search for the door and run in out. Sadly, I don't have a lighter to get the full effect of this ability but so be it, I got some time.

I run like crazy to find Ibus, I can already feel how the blade disconnects from my broken bones, I don't have much time.

I can hear some women screaming and I follow that sound thru the hospital. I go down two floors and find my grandpa fighting three of those "sisters".

His clothes were mostly destroyed and his muscle could really be seen. At a little over five feet, he looked dangerous. His muscle were throbbing and dozens of scars decorated them.

He took two of his daggers out and cut around his shoulder blades. A fast chant and feather flew from his back and I just saw him flying like a bullet cutting one of those bitches throat. She fell and stopped moving.

As he landed another one managed to slash at his leg so I decided to enter the fight as well.

I started to whisper a chant "Grand must be the garden of the lords" and as the two sisters looked at me the body of the dead sister was ruptured and black flowers appeared from her blood. From the flowers small insects appeared, locust by the thousands started to eat their blood.

"Boy what are you doing here?! How can you move?" My grandpa screamed thru the sound of locusts.

"I ran away from another one of these bitches and came here. I thought I could help you!" I shout back and I feel dizzy already, the smoke and the locust are tiring as hell.

I watch as Ibus profits the opportunity ending those two. As she cuts the final one my legs give up and I fall down and spit small iron chunks.

"You idiot! You used the blade to patch your wounds, didn't you?" Grandpa told me while he picked me up. "Do you have any idea how much this will screw with your recovery?"

"Not that I don't appreciate but the last one just came!" I point out up the stairs, realizing I might have damaged my other hand.

The fake nurse jumps and after seeing the other three I now realize she is must better than those.

"Ibus you son of a diseased dog! You killed my little sisters! How dare you pity creature!?

This time she didn't jump instead she ejected one of her blades toward us. Grandpa protects me using his forearm, getting impaled.

"I really don't appreciate your worlds, especially from a lesser creature like you!" Grandpa shouts as he pulls the blade out of his forearm. "You lesser marilith are always annoying little assassins! By The Raven Master I call upon a treachery of his kind!"

Grandpa makes all the blood spilled in the room and the remaining blood inside the lesser marilith, apparently, to conjure in real sized ravens, a flock or a treachery as it is called.

The treachery flies at bullet speed towards that thing and she can't do a thing. A tornado of ravens conjures and the building itself begins to get destroyed by the flock.

After a couple of seconds, the flock disappeared and nothing remained of her or of the staircase.

"Now I believe we should take you to a safer place." He stands up for just a second and then collapsed besides me.

"Uh grandpa? Grandpa?! Say something!" He didn't move at all. His face became paler and paler.

What is happening?! He wasn't hat badly hurt...unless...poison, it must be poison!

Oh, Gods what should I do! Who in their right mind would come here after all that noise? Maybe the police or something but how do I tell them he was poisoned! They would never believe this kind of shit.

I try to stand up and feel my whole body breaking bit by bit. I need to take him away, I need to get him to the family, they can help him.

I conjure my strength and try to lift him up but it's a no for me. My left is broken, the bone is probably shattered and my right elbow might be dislocated. I will regret this but whatever!

I bite my sleeve and wrap it tighter around my hand and I put back my elbow. I feel as if my whole hand shatters and hammers beat my whole body to a pulp but I resist.

I take that old idiot from under his armpits and start to drag him along. I feel how my stiches break, I feel those broken ribs shattering a little more. How many were broken? I can't remember but I believe that number has doubled after this.

My vision starts to blur after I get down a floor, he's so small but so heavy! I still have two floors to go down. I hear stone cracking and pieces fall, the upper floor starts to crumble, that damn idiot and his over the top abilities.

I push myself and start running. Every step feels like a shockwave inside me, my scars open like a shower now. Blood flows down my stomach and I can barely see anymore.

Another floor down, just one and I'm out! Just a bit more, pieces of the upper floor fall, becoming bigger and bigger by the second.

I feet start to give up and I fall on my knees, on the stairs, and fall down along with Ibus. Well, at the very least I managed to reach the ground floor.

I see a squad of police officers and some fire fighters. I manage to only whisper a faint "Help." before I fall in a deep slumber.

I don't know how much I slept but this time it wasn't the same, I had horrid nightmares. Walls covered in blood, seven bodies made a pile in this dimly lit room, my grandfather slowly walking towards them ready to join them. I was tied to the walls and I couldn't even scream. My grandfather was decapitated and then he fell, after that the whole scene repeated.

This happened over and over again, every time he died another way, stabbed in the heart, shot in the back...drinking poison. This happened until my ties broke and I started to walk towards the pile with a long deep red sword in hand.

Reaching the pile a lifted the sword and I was ready to stab myself. I couldn't stop it, every move was guided by invisible hands. The sword pierced my stomach and a slap woke me up.

I jump and look around while I feel pain where my stomach is, a shallow cut started to bleed. I was in a bed, this time it was a normal bed but certain medical devices were connected to me.

In front of me a tall blond man sat in front of me rubbing his hand. He probably slapped me. He looked angry and ready to slap me again.

"Wh...where am I?"

"Where are you? You half witted imbecile how do you managed to not sense it? How do you not manage to remember?! You're at the family's manor!" He shouted in a weird accent.

"Oh! So this is the manor. Wait! Who the fuck are you and why do you call me an imbecile!"

"I'm your uncle Klaus! I came here from Germany just so I can treat you and that idiotic old dwarf!" He took a deep breath and calmed a little. "Your duo of morons has managed to give me an unholy amount of work!

Not only did that dwarf became poisoned and almost died like a fucking idiot but..."

"Grandpa is alive!?"

"Ya, now shut it! You were even worse than him! Both of your arms are fucked, the elbow of your right arm is still in horrible shape, your forearm was destroyed, nine broken ribs, nine you idiot!

I'm surprised you weren't also poisoned! You were really lucky I could come back here in such a short time! I'm the only one in this god forsaken family able to perform the necessary spells to heal you two faster!"

"Ok I get it! You saved us! You don't need to scream about it so much!" How much can he talk about this my god! "Most importantly, how bad is grandpa?"

"Meh, good enough. He needs to rest at least another week. You on the other hand, all of your wounds were simple to repair so you might be able to get and meet The Gray Raven in a couple of days."

I forgot about him. I will really meet a man who lived for over two hundred years?

"You look shocked Salazar. Are you scared? You don't want to meet that old fart? Or maybe you don't want to become one of us?" He smirks clearly knowing my hate for this job.

"No! I don't want to! I don't want to risk myself like this again!"

"Ha! Like you can choose! If you aren't with us then you can go out and wait for the next troll or marilith to hunt you down! You're weak Salazar, you stayed for months depressed and lamenting your own fate and look at you! Broken and weak, you can't defend yourself and you certainly can't defend other humans like this!"

I hated for what he told me but he was right in a sense, I became weak. Wait a moment, the hospital!

"Did anything else happened to the hospital? Was anybody hurt?"


I look dumfounded. That's all? I look at him for a minute or so. He looks weird at me at one point and asks:

"Oh, you want me to explain what happened?"


"Well the hospital had to rebuild the staircase, no patients were harmed by your fights. Some of the police was hand in hand with us so we managed to get rid of any unwanted attention and we erased some people's memory. Now shut up and go back to sleep and don't get attacked by other dream walkers!"

"Wait what? I was attacked?"

"Yes, now back to sleep!"