
Chapter 8

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She didn’t understand. The boy never came back. That Salvatore boy. She wanted to know him better, to talk to him. The cold wind shuddered as she laughed. ‘Talk.’ Who was she kidding?

There was a soft click and she became silent. A man, head bent, busy looking at piles of paper in his hands, stepped in and closed the door. He went to a computer set up in the corner of the room and began working.

She huffed. He wasn’t Salvatore but he was enough for now. She’d take anyone until…she didn’t know. Until the end of time?

First was the door. It wouldn’t do if her victim escaped or someone else sneaked inside while she worked. She didn’t mind taking two at once but she needed to concentrate. She loved meeting new people. The more the merrier. She wanted to welcome them as soon as she could but since many of them wouldn’t come willingly, she had to put them into a deep sleep. Then she’d show them her place. 3