
The Reason Why Father Brought Home A Monster

Transmigrated, tortured and betrayed… all of it… she did not know her purpose other than an experiment to a mage. She lost all hope for humans and beasts. There was no hope or trust towards anyone. Her heart shattered and let down. Yet… why does she feel the need to be with these beast and people? “Come here, sweetie. We are your family. We won’t ever hurt you.” A female’s soft voice spoke out to her. “Yes, you are our precious daughter.” A male voice then spoke out. “Don’t be a brat is all I ask.” Another voice but it was a young child. ‘Ugh, why can’t they just leave me be and let me relax this lifetime?’ She said to herself.

MAnonymus18 · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Chapter 17

Uther smirked, "I've heard long ago from Father that you were a failed experiment. Are you perhaps… Subject Seven?" Uther did not need an answer; he could see the little girl's expression turn more hateful. "Looking at you now… It was true. Hahaha!!!" Uther laughed to see how this little girl failed their father's experiment. When he heard from his father that the vile he used was very rare to find since no other existed anymore. It meant that she was likely still one of the favorites in his father's eyes. "Father must have been so mad. He must have locked you up in the dark basement, tortured you, and fed you rats." Uther said everything that Laonn had exactly done to everyone, including Seven.

"Experiments? What are you saying?" Sachin looked serious and angry, seeing how this true monster would likely lose his head. Binding Uther with his magical chains. Behind his serious-looking lion face, he was enraged inside to find out that the little girl he had such suspicion for was treated awfully. His hands were rolling into a fist, trying his best to get more answers than to charge at him immediately.

"HAHAHA!!! Father is creating a new generation! He is creating a world where there will be gods! A world that will no longer hold just mere humans and beasts in one spot! Don't you understand? It would mean no more violence or war between human and beast." Uther laughed, enjoying their expressions, which were far too satisfying. "You are all too late! Father will surely be able to finish, and I will be one of the gods who stand by his side! My little failed sister will surely be fed to my younger siblings so we can grow stronger! The more we feast upon failure, the stronger we will get. They may have failed, but it does not mean that the vile is truly gone. It still lingers in one's flesh and blood." Uther knew that he was getting this little girl increasingly angered by his words.

"AAAHHH!!!!" Seven could no longer take it, charging forth as Uther easily broke the chains while attacking Seven. It seemed like he obtained more strength and power to resist magic through the experiment. Shattered the old wooden table and some wooden flooring within the old house that Uther lived in. Seven dodged all his legs that had come at her, seeing that they were real spider limbs that could pierce through her body. "Laonn is no father of mine!!! I have no father like him!!!" Shouting out for the first time, she would not shout out those words so openly if it affected her that badly. Feeling the anger surge through each of her attacks towards Uther.

Uther was unaware that Seven had never spoken a single word. "You keep rejecting father. Rejecting him is why you failed. If you obeyed father, then he would surely be proud that his experiment had succeeded." Uther struck one of his spider legs down as Seven unexpectedly caught his spider leg close to her throat. Her strength was matched to Uther. "It seems as though you are not a failure, rath-"

A flash of lightning hit Uther, making him fly off of the little girl—making him tumble outside as he broke the wall of the old house. Seven got back up on her feet and looked to see that Sachin had cast a thunderbolt spell. "You are actually willing to face death! Did you want to die that badly?!" Sachin could not believe that a little girl like her would think about taking on a monster like Uther head-on. Being grabbed by the back of her dress, Sachin looked at the little girl who was going head-on against death. 'This is so stupid!' He held her closer to him, making her hug him. As if he was the only thing she needed to rely on during that time.

'I'm not weak!' Seven did not like to be protected; protection would only harm others when she did not ask for it. She never asked for protection from anyone.

"Archmage!!!" Ernest tried to call upon chains, but Uther had suddenly spat out a web from his mouth. A young mage like him would not be strong enough against Uther. Ernest had not expected the next thing, but he had flown to be stuck on the wall, struggling to get out of the web that had to bind him down. "Tch! What the hell!? Is this web???" Knowing that they needed more help, he had signaled for more mages to come and assist them in this battle, shooting a mage's orb into the sky to signal them.

Sachin tried to put the chains on, but they were easily broken once more as if it was nothing to Uther. "Do not think that such spells and chains can entrap me! I am like a god! I am undefeatable! Unlike you mere simple beasts!!!" Uther came at Sachin, knowing fully well that he was the reason why Laonn was kicked out from the Mage's Tower. "You are the reason why father was kicked out! You are the reason that he left me all alone! Father will come out and take this world into his own hands! He will be the most well-respected being in this world! No one will be able to stop him!!!" Seeing the next few spider limbs approaching them both. Uther chased after them into the alleyways of the slums. The loud thudding of his spider limbs rapidly increased to catch them on the run. "Come back here!!! If I get rid of you, the father will surely appreciate me!!! He will be sure never to leave my side!!!" Going to the top of the rooftop, both looked to Uther, who would not let them go in the slightest bit.

'Damn it! What are we going to do?! We need to find his weakness!' Seven knew they needed to find a way to get rid of Uther, who had mutated into a spider. 'Wait!' Thinking back, Uther did not have a single fire insight inside his home. It only took her further back to the time when she was alive in her first lifetime. The recollection of the web weak against fire and the most common elements of hot and cold. 'It's either ice or fire!' Seven looked around from above, seeing a fire in an alleyway. She forcefully slipped and hopped out of Sachin's arms—taking action on her own.

"Hey!!!!!" Sachin was just about to grab her again, but Uther came in to try and attack him. Smashing his spider limb into the weak and moldy walls of the alleyway. Seven had landed on the ground with no complications as if she had started to accept the vial that Laonn had given her. Going towards the fire, she saw it was still intense, with coal burning. She was looking around to see if she could use anything at all to have the fire burn bigger and then shoot it at her target.

'Use those wood planks and break them with the fire burning onto them, then throw them with your hands. Make the wood edges as sharp as you can,' Daise said. 'The fire will not harm you. I promise you, ' she added.

Following what Daise told her, she broke the wooden planks in half and lit them with fire before throwing them—letting them fly toward Uther. Seeing that it caught him by surprise, it had pierced through his shoulder with the fire burning him. 'Got him!' Seeing how she had managed to hit Uther without putting much effort but strength.

Uther wailed in pain before forcefully removing the burning stake of wood from his shoulder. "Y-You dare hurt your older brother!!!" Uther saw a smile on the little girl's face, which enraged him. He rushed down towards Seven, who did not think he would be quicker by his anger that rose. Giving her no time to run or hide; it all had happened too soon.

Even Sachin did not think that Uther would be so quick with the change of mood, but the spider's limb had stabbed into his white fur-coated body, which had him cough out blood. Seven saw this happen right before her, seeing that Sachin had protected her. His eyes were closed, her mind just thinking back and directly assuming that he died. Seeing the image of her dream come into mind, she thought of Sachin's tombstone with his name engraved on it. 'I have to keep my vow!!! Please! If I am a monster, then let me be able to help this family!' Feeling her mind slowly shatter, she felt something inside build-up that made her gradually become breathless.

A fire had erupted around all of them; Uther screamed to feel the fire that was burning around his body. "AAACCCKKKK!!!!" Uther looked to see Seven's glowing red crimson eyes that held no sanity insight. He gasped, seeing a bunch of glowing red tails behind her fox-like ears, a pair of sharp antlers, and large bat-like wings that extended longer than four feet, and her limbs were more of a beast feature other than human with claws far sharper than before. There was no sign of a human form or shape anymore; she was a fully mutated quadruped creature.