
• Wits About You

The drive got quieter once they arrived at the town of Darkmount. Jared was no longer prattling, but was rather focused on the scroll in his hand.

Daria had her hands folded as she stared out the window, Alex had fallen asleep, Sapphire was still nervously looking at her feet while Timmy read a spellbook.

Spheris on the other hand, was silently peering into the scroll in Jared's hands, trying to gather as much information as he could about this mission.

The town itself had a foreboding air, on its streets were tightly-packed buildings that leaned against one another as though sharing whispered secrets.

The stonework was dark, the cobblestones slick with moisture, and every place seemed extremely gothic. Even in the daylight, a sense of twilight pervaded the town.

Jared lifted his head and looked through the window at the town. "Darkmount. Gotta love the place."