
• Town Border

"Like I said; Active Demons are right nutters, the worst sort of pain in the arse you'll ever deal with, right on your cheeks. They can't stick to a host for long, so they keep leaping in and out of them just to stay alive.

"Now, what you're gonna do is use this device, called a Prison Sphere. When you manage to pry a Demon out of its host and there's no new one for it to jump into, you jab the tip of the Prison Sphere. It'll unleash a pullin' energy that'll suck the Demon right in and keep it trapped inside."

The members of Jared Quinterbell's Brigade each looked at the metal ancient looking ball in their hands, glowing with an arcane energy.

Spheris attempted to speak, but Jared interjected right away.

"Now I know what you're thinking. What's stopping the Demon from possessing you as well?"

Spheris frowned. That was exactly what he was thinking.